Tuesday, August 17, 2021

MSNBC's Nicolle Wallace On President Biden's Afghan Speech: '95% Of The American People Will Agree With Everything Biden Just Said'


WNU Editor: Her remarks are at the 22:17 mark in the above video. My question is .... is she right?


Anonymous said...

You misunderstood

They're not ignorant

They are - not- news

They'r not journalists

They hide behind press credentials, and all the protection that comes with it, to spread state party narratives.

She knows 95%don't even agree on that drinking water is good for you.

She knows she's lying

That's her job

And it's your job, as an informed citizen, to not buy her lies and her company's lies, but punish them for keeping you misinformed

Switch channels
Don't give them any attention and they'll go away into irrelevance

YOU(wnu) keep them relevant.

Anonymous said...

1/6 to 2/6 will almost always disagree because they are Republicans or Democrats and someone from the other side did something. It is my rule of thumb on polls and I probably cribbed it from others. So an American president will not get above 67% very often or for very long. So there is that.

People on the Left and the Right want to get out of Afghanistan, but for different reasons. So while Nicole might be right about getting out, she is wrong, if she thinks how does not matter in American public opinion.

Anonymous said...

Harsh bro. Grow up.

the professor said...

the professor notes this about American intelligence failure:

There May Well Have Been an Intelligence Failure in Afghanistan

Anonymous said...

"Taliban Leader Obama/Biden Released from GITMO in Swap for Deserter Bergdahl Just Resurfaced"

"Meanwhile, Obama’s own intelligence team warned him that four of the five jihadis he traded for Bergdahl were almost certain to return to the jihad. He ignored this. "

Like in 2014 this is much more of a political failure not an intelligence failure.

This is Obama's 3rd term and the chickens are coming home .. to roost.

And no Fred, I will not go to extragoodshit to see whatever article you linked. Name the article and link directly or fuck off. I am not giving a porn peddler like you any web traffic.

Extragoodshit is about the most original thing you have come up with and for you it is the height of wittiness. It encapsulates in a nutshell why you have never come up with a book of poems. The phrase extra good shit is as witty as you can get or ever will be.

Sad, those tax dollars should have been sent on a more worthy person.

Anonymous said...

Michael Morell, the former acting and deputy director of the CIA wrote on Twitter: “What is happening in Afghanistan is not the result of an intelligence failure. It is the result of numerous policy failures by multiple administrations.

Trump campaigned on getting out of Afghanistan. The military and The Swamp was against him

Obama campaigned for getting out of Afghanistan, gave victory a 1/2 assed try and the ROAD. He subsequently declared victory in 2014 and did not bring our boys home and broke his campaign promise.

Clausewitz said you must know your enemies center of gravity and attack it. The center of gravity of the Afghan war was Pakistan. The political butt kissing ass licking generals refuse to be public about it, since they did not want to embarrass their political paymasters.

This was 1st and foremost a political failure. 2nd it was aa military failure by generals. Permeating all this is that it is a societal failure for not calling out Islam for what it is.

Dave Goldstein said...

Full of it

Anonymous said...

follow history!
Trump said he wanted us out. The military said Not so fast. Trump did nothing. Biden got us out.
Now if you doubt what I am saying, do a search

Anonymous said...

@131 actually what happened:
Trump wanted out and told the Pentagon
The Pentagon, in insubordination, did not follow his orders, but instead rotated troops there (pulling out 10k then putting 10k back in)
Now that's insubordination and no one hit punished for it. Why? You tell me

Anonymous said...

"Wallace described herself as a "self-loathing former Republican" in March 2021."


Wallace worked on "The View"

Wallace is a weak person. Her advice is tinged by this weakness.

Then there is this. Nicolle's Delphi method is not working.

Biden’s Failure Explodes as Nearly 70% Disapprove of His Handling of Afghanistan: Poll

Anonymous said...

1:31 is Frederick Lapides or someone pretending to be him. If he were actually a Chinese agent whose job was to raise shit in various bulletin boards or other websites, it would be believable.

You never, ever talk poorly of a national level or other prominent Democrat without this dude coming out of the wood work to either raise a tu quoque arguments, or some Republicans did some bad things some time in the past, or some other dumb argument.

There is something wrong with the guy.

Take Hannity, he has descried himself as a conservative not as a Republican. It has been that way for several years and well before Trump was a candidate. Other people have done the same thing.

But not Fred. He will never leave the Democrat Party even if it leaves him, which it has.

Something is wrong with that guy.