Monday, August 9, 2021

Pentagon Says All Active Duty Soldiers Must Be Vaccinated By Sept. 15

Defense Sec. Lloyd Austin, above, said he would mandate Covid-19 jabs for service members sooner than Sept. 15 if a vaccine was fully approved by the FDA before then  

Daily Mail: BREAKING NEWS: Pentagon will require ALL members of the U.S. military to get the COVID vaccine by September 15 

* The date could be moved up if the vaccine is fully approved by the FDA sooner 

 * Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin said in a memo to troops he would not hesitate to 'act sooner' if he felt the need to do so 

* The FDA is expected to fully approve the Pfizer vaccine early next month 

The Pentagon will require the nation's troops to get a Covid-19 vaccine by Sept. 15. That date could be moved up if the shot is sooner given final approval by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) or infection rates continue to rise. 

 'I will seek the president's approval to make the vaccines mandatory no later than mid-September, or immediately upon' final approval by the FDA, Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin wrote in a memo to troops. 

'I will not hesitate to act sooner or recommend a different course to the President if l feel the need to do so.' He said the next few weeks would be spent preparing for the transition.  

Read more .... 

More News On The Pentagon Saying All Active Duty Soldiers Must Be Vaccinated By Sept. 15  

Pentagon to require COVID vaccine for all troops by Sept. 15 -- AP  

Pentagon to require mandatory COVID vaccines by mid-September -- ABC News  

Pentagon to require all service members to get Covid vaccine by mid-September -- CNBC  

Pentagon moves to mandate Covid-19 vaccine for active duty military members -- CNN  

Defense secretary to mandate COVID vaccine for US military by Sept. 15 -- FOX News  

Pentagon announces COVID-19 vaccines will be mandatory for troops by mid-September -- CBS


Anonymous said...

Resist tyranny, mo matter who is the tyrant.

We have human rights

If you need to drop out, start a go fund me. Good luck

Anonymous said...

Still working on the Postal. Service I guess...

Anonymous said...

BBC now stormed by protestors after the BBC didn't report on half a million protestors a couple weeks back.

State media, corporate media is lying to you. You must resist this new system in which they want to enslave us all.

Anonymous said...

YOU DO NOT have to get the shot! simply quit the service and look for a job as a civilian. If the military orders it, you do it or get court marshall and less than honorable discharge

Anonymous said...

...and of course, the misfits telling you to resist are not subject to military law or, if they are, do not use their name.

Anonymous said...

Misfits like to go all Lord Tennyson on people as if a poem is military law, moral, or a smart move. The real charge was questioned. The poem was written by a person, who was not there, never served, and lived comfortably MMC or UMC. The poet did get heat from other poets and so altered the poem. No peer review by vets, however. Trust a lit major of not accomplishment to know virtually nothing about the poem other than to parrot back a fragment of it as if it were law. You just cannot make that type congenital and learned idiocy up.

kidd said...

The cracks in ranked ss

Anonymous said...

I am not sure what you are muttering about. Have you served? If so, do you think you can do what you and not what the military declares? if you have not served, then you should read up. You do what you are commanded to do; if not, quit, or get court-martial. simple as that. Clear enough for you? I have two sons who have served and yes they did not it enough to remain when the term of service was up but they unlike you know what you can and can not decide to do while serving. Now that your babble and your waspish childishness and shove it

X said...

You can’t just quit the army it doesn’t work that way lmao you have no idea what you’re talking about you never served

Anonymous said...

site enough objections and they will discharge you, though not perhaps an honorable discharge

as for not know anything about such matters, I served in the American Army twice. and yes, honorable discharges and two times qualified for and used the G.I. Bill

Anonymous said...

If you can not quit the army, what will happen if you tell your commanding officer or sgt etc that you refuse to take the shot?

Anonymous said...

It was Feb. 5 1777, and General George Washington reported to Congress his unilateral decision to combat a smallpox outbreak that virtually coincided with the first shots of the American Revolution two years earlier. With the mortality rate approaching 16%, nearly 90% of all American Revolution War deaths resulted from smallpox. “Necessity not only authorizes but seems to require the measure,” Washington reflected in a letter to Dr. William Shippen Jr, then-director general of the Hospitals of the Continental Army, on Feb. 6. Washington ordered Shippen to launch the first mass inoculation of any military in history—a move that saved the army and undoubtedly helped ensure the survival of the United States. As the nation and the military today face another “invisible enemy” in COVID-19, President Biden should look to Washington’s precedent to maintain military readiness and national defense.

Anonymous said...

From my perspective, and I'm not American nor have I served, I think if you don't want to take the shot, group up with others, there's strength in numbers.
I personally feel this is a human rights violation, particularly as the government, from my perspective and with due respect, is illegitimate and has participated in a coup against democracy and the will of its population.
It was obvious when they invented the Russia hoax and conspired with the corporate media to derail the agenda of an elected president. That's not a functioning democracy. It has the hallmarks of a coup and likely the vaccine is meant to identify people against this coup and who are individuals/ anti authoritarian.

I bet my ass we're living through a coup in which nation states merge with corporations more formally. That's why they did the coup. They wanted nationalist trump out. That's why the deep state worked with Pelosi and a few others to conduct the election coup.

That man, Biden, had no crowds. Zero.

You're being misled and so are we in our countries. It's a plan decades in the making.

Anonymous said...

the issue is a vaccination for our military. You either obey orders or you do not and there are consequences based on such choices. It is, after all, very simple and straightforward, no matter what position you have on other issues.

Anonymous said...

Dear Lit. Major of small accomplishment.

General Washington made the order during war time. This is peace time. There is a difference between peace and war.

The NIH has had nothing better to do since March 2020, bur study COVID. in 17 months they have not approved it. All those degrees and experience and they are too timorous to rubber stamp approval for the COVID vax.

"You do what you are commanded to do..." That is a patently false statement, but you believe it, because you have such a simple mind.

All I se here is 08% to 90% of the commenters are trolls. This must be very important for liberals or foreign trolls. As such fuck off and take your magazine or coworker to the bathroom.

Anonymous said...

George was c and c and he ordered it. period. does it matter if war or not¿ a Head of the military with approval from President can do that and you can show me otherwise if you know fucking much?

go serve and tell us how you refused a vaccine and remained untouched by regulations!
You just like to fuck with me. You do not have to follow a command. But you do have to be responsible for the consequences of your decision. now if you can prove otherwise, do so here and now.
Fact check: Workers fired over vaccination can be denied unemployment

yep. a company has the right to require it; you can refuse it up and find out

Anonymous said...

Biggest issue among many, especially in the Guard and Reserves is the legacy of the Anthrax vaccine and its consequences. 85% of those who took the vaccine ended up with some sort of bad reaction. Not properly tested, rushed, forced to take.....sound familiar? The anthrax vaccine is now a recognized VA disability.

BTW retired military here, I took so many shots prior to Central American and Middle east deployments that I am probably immune to anything! :)

And I took the Covid 19 vaccination shots.

Anonymous said...

Death rate among Covid infected military personnel 1 in 7600.

Anonymous said...

I already served and for far longer and in more wars than you.

I also took the anthrax shot. If you ever did anything more than fulminate, you would take to
heart what 7:38 wrote.

At least 3 people spar with you. You have been told as much several times and if you do not know this fact, then you are lair, senile or like the Russian fleet in "The Hunt For Record October". You are going so fast and are so loud, you can't hear shit. Several more people would take issue with your wrongheaded statements, but they have learned that you are as obtuse. I remember J... going off on you and your ways.

What I find it surprising you do not know the enlistment oath or the UCMJ. It makes me wonder if you are capable of diagramming the simplest sentence. The comprehension simply does not seem to be there.

"Death rate among Covid infected military personnel 1 in 7600."

I do not know of you posted the above stat, but did you do the math? I'm sorry I used that dirty four lettered word, "math".

198 people in the military people died?

1) That is within the really bad side effect of a vaccine.
2) I can find 198 obese people in the military or who otherwise do not make physical standards. Yes, they lie and cheat. People cover for them.

There have been Guard units where a 3rd or 1/2 the people could not pass the run. So they conduct the test at o'dark thirty so it is hard to tell how many laps they actually ran.

Anonymous said...

See Math***. 212,815 Covid cases in the US Military 28 deaths...I'll let you do the long division....

Anonymous said...

1.3 million service members as of 2018

If 1 in 7,600 service members died from COVID that is 171

Again it is easy to find that many obese people in the military.

Obesity is the prime risk factor for COVID.

Andrew Jackson said...

According to the Nuremberg commission,it is a war crime to force people to take medical experimentation or drugs.