Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Picture Of The Day

C-17 jet carrying 640 Afghan refugees that left Kabul on Sunday night as the Taliban claimed the city. The flight landed in Qatar. The refugees ran up the half-open ramp while US forces were preparing for take-off, according to an unnamed defense official cited by Defense One on Monday. At least one other C-17 has departed the area  

WNU Editor: The above picture came from this news story .... Overloaded but airborne: Incredible photo shows 640 Afghans inside a US C-17 cargo jet - designed to carry 150 - after they ran on before soldiers could close ramp and pilot decided to take off from Kabul and save them all (Daily Mail).

Another pic that says a thousand words (see below).


Anonymous said...

Instagram Posts Seal Fate Of Trump-Loving Bodybuilder Who Dragged Capitol Cop

Anonymous said...

9:16 is an off topic Fred Lapides post or someone pretending to be him.

So it is true. Democrats are world 1st, America last. 9:16 comment says nothing to the contrary.

Anonymous said...

Democrats are globalists. Explains everything they do to your country and others. If you keep them in office, THEY'LL gleefully help usher in the great reset

Anonymous said...

what is meant by Globalist?
we move back to WWI days and buy nothing made out of our nation and have the Pacific and the Atlantic to keep us from enemies?
In the 50s, the curse word was commies; now, for know-nothings, it is globalist.

Anonymous said...

two thoughts this morning. The first is, I hope they are bringing all those Afgannies to the US so we will have people willing to work. Fat assed, Pink haired, saggy britches Americans think work is walking to the mailbox to get their stimulus check or checking their phones to see what new amount the government put into their accounts.

The second is, I am not sure that the Taliban have the ability to run the country and infrastructure we left behind. Taking away someone's music or telling them to grow a beard is not the technical knowledge needed to keep a power plant running. Most techs are hiding or fleeing. I will check out this site, https://zoom.earth/ in about a week. You can go back in time to the night time and see how many lights were on before the collapse. I suspect that Afghanistan will be as dark as North Korea in the near future.


Anonymous said...

A globalist is someone, who would put all of Ohio out of work, so he could put that many people to work in China, and keep the difference.

Yes globalist can be a very dirty word and deservedly so.

It is harder to keep the Ohioans in work while finding work for the Chinese. You might have to learn something and be something other than a know nothing. Really, if you are knowledgeable it is not hard to keep both the Ohioans and Chinese productive and well off. You are just not going to be able to it as a socialist fuck.

Anonymous said...

The globalists are not the every day man or women saying "international trade is good"

Globalists, true globalists, want the end of nation states, and the end of religion among other things

The globalists of today want a new system, called the "great reset", it's basically a system that will further enslave you.. it'll be different than capitalism, but very similar, with the difference of no more free speech(not even if you're in the state or global party), complete adherence and adoption of politics/ party narratives in your daily life, no more travelling, bi more privacy unless you're at the top 0.1%.

Think CCP in China
That's what globalists want for them. Being untouchable, above the law, no accountability for any crimes, especially those committed prior to the great reset and of course no guilt in any crimes leading up to the great reset.. you know, like destroying the economy through lockdowns to then force the new totalitarian system onto us and brainwash people

Or as klaus Schwab (davos group member and part-architect of the great reset) said
"You will own nothing, and be happy about it"(... or else!)

Carbon credits
Global warming narrative
Viruses and forced vaccines

That's the globalists
They'r the ones who also are behind "men are toxic" and "whites are racist".. it's a plan to divide and conquer

Oh and outlawing of religion and marginalizing of Christians too.. that's their plan

Censorship and all that.. that's them.. through YouTube Facebook and the Chinese equivalents