Monday, August 16, 2021

President Biden Defends Leaving Afghanistan During Remarks At The White House. Then Immediately Departs To Camp David To Continue His Vacation

Biden spoke for about 18 minutes in the East Room of the White House and then left without taking questions. It marked the first time he had spoken publicly about Afghanistan in six days  

Daily Mail: 'The buck stops with me,' says Biden but then proceeds to blame Afghan fiasco on Trump and locaIs who failed to fight the Taliban - before ducking questions and fleeing for Camp David 

* President Joe Biden cut his trip to Camp David short and returned to the White House Monday to deliver remarks on Afghanistan 

* He defended his decision to bring home U.S. troops despite the Taliban's rapid capture of Kabul 

* But he admitted that the rapid collapse unfolded much faster than anyone expected 

* 'So what's happened? Afghanistan's political leaders gave up and fled the country,' he said 

* But critics said it was not the decision to leave, but the manner of the abrupt departure that caused chaos 

* Biden was originally supposed to stay at Camp David until Wednesday as part of an August vacation 

* The trip triggered criticism that the commander was out of sight as Afghanistan crumbled into chaos 

* He returned to the presidential retreat immediately after delivering his speech 

President Joe Biden delivered a speech of quiet fury at the White House on Monday, defending his decision to bring home U.S. troops before blaming Afghan leaders for their failure to prevent the country collapsing. 

 'I stand squarely behind my decision,' Biden said. 'After 20 years I've learned the hard way. That there was never a good time to withdraw U.S. forces.' 

It was the first time the president had spoken publicly about the unfolding crisis in six days. 

He was forced to return from Camp David amid hostile headlines about his absence from Washington while Americans were being rescued from Kabul airport. 

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: OMG!!!! President Biden is going back to Camp David to continue his vacation!!! The world is watching what he is doing. The optics and message that he is sending is beyond horrible.What is happening in Afghanistan will have global implications that will be with us for a long time. But going back to Camp David to be with family and friends is the priority.

It was also something to see how the press reacted when President Biden quickly finished his address and rushed out of the room without taking any questions. The bedlam and frustration that ensued was something to see and hear.

More News On President Biden Defending His Decision To Leave Afghanistan During Remarks At The White House  

Biden says he stands ‘squarely behind’ Afghanistan decision -- AP 

'I stand squarely behind my decision': Biden holds firm on Afghanistan drawdown -- Politico  

Biden defends exit, blames Afghanistan leaders for chaos -- The Hill  

Biden: 'I Do Not Regret My Decision' To Withdraw From Afghanistan -- NPR 

'I stand squarely behind my decision': Biden defends handling of Afghanistan as Taliban seizes Kabul -- USA Today  

Biden says "buck stops with me" and defends Afghanistan withdrawal -- CBS  

Biden defends Afghanistan policy amid mounting criticism of withdrawal -- NBC  

Biden says US will evacuate thousands of Americans from Afghanistan -- The Hill


Anonymous said...

Well Biden and Co. are doing.........

Anonymous said...

But he is clean and articulate and has sharp crease in his slacks. And did you see how he masterfully strode out of the room. Pure leadership baby. Pure leadership.

Anonymous said...

It's a coup

They don't care about Afghanistan

They're busy targeting Americans who speak out against the lockdown

They're that close to be lynched by people who've had it.

And WNU did you know that the press secretary now is on holiday? Her email automated response says she'll be back 22nd August

if you accept this illegitimate government then of course you reap hell

Destroyed economy+communism
Outlawing of religion
And they'll come for your guns too, gun ownership thankfully is up, but they'll find a way, they must.. and as eighth covid they'll use half the brainwashed population to force you into submission

Anonymous said...

I almost got a tingle!

Anonymous said...

One idea to get rid of some of the guns is by ushering in buy back programs, now that inflation will make us all poor thanks to the lockdowns THEY promoted against all science

They're robbing you blind
It'll start slowly, inflation 5-10%
But by next year you'll notice it and by 2023 you'll be so desperate you'll do anything they want, completely forgetting it was them who did this to you, not China, they're working together

They want China to take over

They want the great reset

China guaranteed them untouchables status, just like a CCP member

Forget their crimes, their murder, their theft.. that's nothing compared to what's coming in the next couple years

Unless we round them all up.
I'm for that... we would live free of them

Just think of the wars they started to destroy your own economy and give democracy a bad name

You couldn't be that incompetent. They do it on purpose.

Nixon took the dollar off the gold standard in 1971, August 15, exactly 50 years ago

It's a plan decades in making to destroy the USA and usher in the great reset under a communist style dictatorship in which YOU own nothing, are not allowed to speak freely, and they, together with the CCP will own everything

No more freedom
No more free travel
No more unapproved holidays or marriages or children

It's all over if you go along with the lockdowns and don't rid earth of these monsters.

Their stated goal, is the end of nation states, religion and individual rights.


They're doing it.
It's their stated plans, by the Davos group, Rockefeller etc

Unknown said...

The Democrats are ducking & diving. No one will really take responsibility for this Afghan cluster f@*k. This may just be the begining of some very interesting times. Iran & possibly China will start to take liberties. They have 3 1/2, 4 years to complete tasks before a capable person becomes the president of the USA. Keep the faith 🙉

Anonymous said...

Wikipedia hacked, showing NAZI symbols on the pages of Trudeau, Biden, Harris

I wouldn't call it hacked, just a correct representation of what their globalist plans are about, absolute similarity to what Nazis wanted

1. No religion other than the state party
2. No dissent to what the state party says
3. No questions about elections, the Reichtagsbrand or the 6 January "insurrection" and why now five (!!) Capitol hill police got suicides after they wanted to share their stories of the event
4. No more human dignity, bill of rights, constitution or any of that racist nonsense

Look, they're globalists. They lock you down to take your money and then usher in a new system in which you're even more a slave then now

Where are the good people in the military that can see what's happening? Will you allow this to go any further!???

You swore an oath to protect your nations against enemies foreign AND within

Just saying..
In a few months, there will be no more holding back of the population that's waking up. They will kill you if you stand in their way of freedom.

Be on the right side...

Anonymous said...

The speech was designed to change the subject…the issue isn’t getting out of Afghanistan, it was the incompetent execution of that goal. Closing Baghram was the mistake.

Andrew Jackson said...


Anonymous said...

congress goes on on vacation. that is ok.

Afghanistan Is Your Fault - The Atlantic

recall that Trump boasted about pulling out
(I posted his boasting tv piece elsewhere today on this site)

Anonymous said... discussing the new laws in the US that'll make it a act of terrorism if you question lockdowns or the election

You know.. the hallmarks of a democracy is when you threaten people who ask questions and want debate with life long imprisonment and indefinite detention without seeing a judge.. that's the patriot act you all cheered for after 9/11 now being used to enslave you in your own country. Good luck, America... the next couple years will get nasty, and I mean NASTY

And keep in mind.. while they defund the police and label you racist or terrorist, there will be millions(!) of undocumented aliens and gang members who still want money.. you will have no police, the leftist Marxist politicians who talked you into this BLM bullshit, they're increasing their spend on private security.. just so you know

Anonymous said...

Oh and for those who think it's all coincidence

There was a massive ammunition buy by the US homeland security. What did they buy?

1 billion rounds of ammunition

Guess why and who'll be the target :D

Guess why the fences in Washington that'll soon come up again..

Ohhh so difficult to put it all together lol

Anonymous said...

Jac said...

I don't know where we are going, but it will not be pretty.

Anonymous said...

Jac how are you feeling after the shot and which state do you live?

Jeffsmith said...

Well it's all over in Afghanistan but the fat lady singing anyway why not dang it.😂💵🕺

Jac said...

Anon 7:09

After my 2 shots I'm not feeling far. I'm living in Alabama, why?

Anonymous said...

Jac, you just mentioned the shots in passing a few days ago, didn't know when you got them, just wanted to check in on you.

Alabama .. good.. stay away from big cities...

According to some sources, the next stage will be operation hack attack, but "dark winter"is coming first.. stay away from people if you got the vaccine... and if you need to go to a hospital, do NOT let them put you in an emergency room after tgey tested you positive for covid (which they will and the test always gives positive result)

Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine are your best bet. Do not rely on CNN or snopes to tell you the truth.. it's too political at this point

Anonymous said...

Relax.. he didn't give private info and I didn't ask for details, just wanted to know the state as he and I talked here earlier about his vaccination and I was worried (I personally will not take the shot).

And getting out of big cities is my real recommendation to everyone at the moment

Dave Goldstein said...

Jeff Dunhams Walter in real life. He is a puppet.

Anonymous said...

"I'm going to be working for you. I'm not going to have time to go play golf". - Trump

Yet Trump racked up more golf time than Obama by a huge margin.

And even then - what Biden has done, in a single moment, dwarfs all of that.

Anonymous said...

And Biden was one of the original proponents of the war.. trump wasn't even in politics back then.. Biden was in Washington for 40+years as senator, VP and now illegitimate president overseeing the planned fall of America

Anonymous said...

Work gets done on the golf course. Maybe not every time, but often enough.

Anonymous said...

"And some of Trump's rounds, like when he plays with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, mix leisure with official business." - CNN

For his next trick 10:36 is going to eat his own turd. With ketchup of course, he is cultured after all.

Anonymous said...

Latest Alex Jones show
About 1hr30min in, they're taking calls from veterans giving their thoughts on the Afghanistan withdrawal

Really interesting

kidd said...

Kill the keg

kidd said...

5 dollar cups