Thursday, August 19, 2021

President Biden Says No One Is Being Killed In Kabul


The SUN: CLUELESS JOE Biden sparks fury by saying ‘NO ONE is being killed in Kabul’ while knocking on wood despite stowaway & stampede deaths 

JOE Biden has sparked fury by saying that "no one is being killed in Afghanistan" despite stowaway deaths. 

It comes just one day after Afghan health officials said that one person was killed and six were wounded when the Taliban violently dispersed a protest and multiple died trying to flee the country. 

"No one's being killed right now — we got 1,200 out yesterday, a couple thousand today. And it’s increasing. We’re gonna get those people out," Biden said as he knocked on wood next to him. 

A 14-year-old girl was also trampled to death in a stampede at Kabul airport when she tried to reach an evacuated flight, the Mail Online reported. 

The president was interviewed by former White House Communications Director George Stephanopoulos on Wednesday. Calls have grown louder for the president to be impeached after the Taliban seized the Afghan capital Kabul on Sunday.

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: You have to wonder what news is the President watching. The transcript of the interview is here .... Full transcript of ABC News' George Stephanopoulos' interview with President Joe Biden (ABC News).


Anonymous said...

"No one's being killed right now " - Usurper Joe

That is your campaign commercial right there. Then you start listing names.

Anonymous said...

Biden and his wokester military tell trapped Americans in Afghanistan they're on their own

The Obama/Biden generals are super wokey.

they are super wakey!

Anonymous said...

they won. you lost
get over it

Anonymous said...

1010 it's getting boring

Others: I don't like Biden but I cannot help but feel for this guy. He's a corrupt swine and all that, BUT he's also a human and he's clearly not well and his administration is putting him out there to get grilled while he's not 100%there. It's borderline elderly abuse and not funny anymore.. it's... it's just wrong, it feels wrong to do this to someone who had a brain surgery and is clearly suffering from it and progressed age

Yes, he's responsible, BUT he's not the only one and he's not fully there, so miley, Austin etc should resign.. they're the ones overseeing it and have stabbed everyone into their backs, from Trump to Biden. Who in the military would trust such leadership?

Anonymous said...

pooooor Trump. Everyone ganged up on him.

The All-American Base World -

Anonymous said...


Andrew Jackson said...

Trump won.

Anonymous said...

Of course he won, only the programmed lemmings believe Biden who couldn't pull a crowd won

Let them. It's their country too and there's nothing we can do to convince them. They'll never look at the data.. they scream produce evidence, you then link it and they just don't care.. nothing we can do.. funny enough it's the same people who take the vaccine lol

Anonymous said...

who is the president? you comment nonstop about Biden so you know he is and will be the lawful president. prove otherwise

Anonymous said...

1030 yeah I know

I've called the Russia hoax
I've called the PCR test scam

He has called nothing, he believes in everything CNN and the NY times tells him. Let him. I've met people like him before.. they shout, they insult and throw fits.. it's typical leftist behaviour if you challenge them

Anonymous said...

See there he goes again "prove otherwise", not even understanding the difference between evidence and proof, and he's an English PhD Haha

Tells you everything about the worth of social science degrees and their pathological tendencies

And I've posted the evidence dozens of times on this blog. He doesn't care. It's his prerogative. And you can bet he didn't even understand what this means either. :))

Anonymous said...

Tom Dispatch is put out by a know nothing hippie from Berkeley, who joined the Committee of Concerned Asian Scholars. Tom will literally pass on at a very ripe age having learned nothing.

Anonymous said...

refute then what he says and stop being bitchy by name-calling: that is not a mature comment
Berkeley is the best public university in the nation. Who now is the know nothing.

Anonymous said...

You're the only one doing name calling, everyone on this blog knows your type, Fred..we have life experience too, you know? And pointing out your lack of logic and intellectual integrity is fair game

Anonymous said...

10:43 name-calling is a part of your DNA...I blame your parents for the mess.
and so more name-calling
again, Show that Tom is wrong. go ahead. Up to you now. Can you do this and NOT simply call names:=?
Come smarty pants know it all Mr wise one who does little but belittle....Just fucking do it!

Anonymous said...

And what's most pathetic is name dropping@Berkley

But if you cannot resist, know that my university is higher ranked than yours. What now?

All that matters to you is authority. CNN, Berkley, degrees.. but what if my degree is from a better university? Will your head explode or will you go directly to denying it?

Anonymous said...

Thomas M. Engelhardt of Tom dispatch is an unreconstructed war protester from the 1960s. It tells me everything I need to know about his fucked up, convoluted thought processes. He was wrong about Vietnam then and he is wrong now.

BTW I have a PhD in Macramé, so I can opine about all things just like Tom. It is not hard to figure out that Tom is blind man, who has a lot of unknown unknowns.

Anonymous said...

In fact Tom is so stupid he makes Ron Pillar look bright, which is quite an accomplishment.

Anonymous said...

again, prove what he said is wrong and skip the name-calling and tells me everything. you say nothing
I repeat show where he is wrong!!
you simply can not, will not.

Anonymous said...


From 2011 on, nearly a thousand combat outposts and a modest number of major bases have been closed in Afghanistan and Iraq, as well as in Somalia. Just a little over five years ago, David Vine estimated that there were around 800 major U.S. bases in more than 70 countries, colonies, or territories outside the continental United States. In 2021, our count suggests that the figure has fallen to approximately 750. Yet, lest you think that all is finally heading in the right direction, the number of places with such bases has actually increased in those same years.

Since the Pentagon has generally sought to conceal the presence of at least some of them, putting together such a list can be complicated indeed, starting with how one even defines such a “base.” We decided that the simplest way was to use the Pentagon’s own definition of a “base site,” even if its public counts of them are notoriously inaccurate. (I’m sure you won’t be surprised to learn that its figures are invariably too low, never too high.)

So, our list defined such a major base as any “specific geographic location that has individual land parcels or facilities assigned to it… that is, or was owned by, leased to, or otherwise under the jurisdiction of a Department of Defense Component on behalf of the United States.”

Using this definition helps to simplify what counts and what doesn’t, but it also leaves much out of the picture. Not included are significant numbers of small ports, repair complexes, warehouses, fueling stations, and surveillance facilities controlled by this country, not to speak of the nearly 50 bases the American government directly funds for the militaries of other countries. Most appear to be in Central America (and other parts of Latin America), places familiar indeed with the presence of the U.S. military, which has been involved in 175 years of military interventions in the region.

Still, according to our list, American military bases overseas are now scattered across 81 countries, colonies, or territories on every continent except Antarctica. And while their total numbers may be down, their reach has only continued to expand. Between 1989 and today, in fact, the military has more than doubled the number of places in which it has bases from 40 to 81.

Anonymous said...

11:42 / Fred. You are an idiot, but your idiocy is inspiration for the Babylon Bee and myself.

Anonymous said...

Lol 1215 so true, I usually just skip jo's comments.. he doesn't seem capable of learning.. he still believes in the Russia hoax to this day, it's almost cute.. like a little parrot he sits in his mental cage and just watches CNN and reads the NY times and then thinks he is informed and we all on this blog are stupid lol that's the pathology of the left

Anonymous said...

Jo's=fred's m.y phone sucks

Anonymous said...

I am thinking 11:42/Fred is right. Why do we need a drone base in Niger to keep tabs on Al Qaeda in Africa. We should reimagine engaging Al Qaeda. After they raid a village and kill the men and rape the women, we should send in a crisis response team compose do sociologists and psychologists to the Al Qaeda war encampment.

Just think if we sent a sociology major who has been around the block once or several times who is a font of wisdom. Maybe we could draft them?

Anonymous said...

Great idea. Let's use fred's endless wisdom, masterful language skills and his obvious bodily super strength and send him over there. He's at the pinnacle of his life, intellectually and physically, so he's going to kick ass over there and show dumb and weak Republicans how it's done, Democrat chair quarterback style

Anonymous said...

compose do

composed of

Anonymous said...

Let's stop calling fred names and refute what he says or posts!
that would be mature. That would be grown up

Anonymous said...

Fred defending himself using anon lol so cute


I love reading a good argument but that's more than I care to read. Ha