Wednesday, August 25, 2021

President Biden Says 'You'll Be The First Person I Call' To NBC Reporter Who Asked What He'll Do if US Citizens And Afghan Allies Are Still On The Ground After August 31


Daily Mail: Is this the time for wisecracks, Joe? Snarky President says 'you'll be the first person I call' to NBC reporter who asked what he'll do if US citizens and Afghan allies are still on the ground after August 31 

* President Joe Biden joked with an NBC reporter about the evacuation in Afghanistan as thousands, including many Americans, struggle to leave 

* Biden was asked by NBC's Peter Alexander what he would do if Americans are still in Afghanistan after the August 31st deadline to withdraw U.S. troops 

* 'You'll be the first person I call,' Biden joked in response 

* Up to 1,500 Americans are waiting to be evacuated as are Afghan allies 

* Biden made his remarks at cybersecurity summit featuring several prominent business executives 

* Biden is enlisting the private sector to help his administration combat malicious online attacks after several companies feel victim to scams 

* Representatives from the tech, financial, energy, education and insurance sectors will be at the event 

* Big names include: JPMorgan Chase's Jamie Dimon, Apple's Tim Cook, Google 's Sundar Pichai, Amazon's Andy Jassy and Microsoft's Satya Nadella 

President Joe Biden on Wednesday joked with an NBC reporter about the evacuation in Afghanistan as thousands, including many Americans, struggle to get out of the war-torn country as the Taliban takes over. 

Biden, after he made remarks at cybersecurity summit featuring several prominent business executives, was asked by NBC's Peter Alexander what he would do if Americans are still in Afghanistan after the August 31st deadline to withdraw U.S. troops. '

You'll be the first person I call,' Biden joked in response.  

Read more .... 

WNU Editor: I am not sure that this is what families who have loved ones stranded in Afghanistan want to hear right now.


Anonymous said...

The administration advised Americans to leave back in the spring. At what point do they take some responsibility for their failure to heed warnings.

President Biden got us out of a debacle. You have my vote in 2024!

B.Poster said...

Anon (6:19PM),

You do raise a valid point about this being a debacle. The ultimate outcome to this was known or should have been known to anyone paying attention by late 2002. When in a hole, the best thing to do is STOP DIGGING!! I do recall warnings to get out back in the spring. Also, I have contacts who served in the military and as military contractors in Afghanistan and they have informed me that they have been working for many months to get people who helped them and us out of Afghanistan. Since the situation was well known for quite some time, yes, anyone still there does bear a certain degree of responsibility. Nonetheless our personnel are working tirelessly to get people out and will continue to do so past 8/31 if necessary even though it won't be seen or talked about on the news.

As to having anyone's vote, Afghanistan is unlikely to be the deciding factor. Assuming we can ensure electoral integrity the deciding factors will be the economy which is very soft right now, inflation which is getting worse right now, and the border crisis where essentially hordes of illegal immigrants are being allowed to cross in what has the appearances of a de factor invasion. The border situation is magnified by the pandemic. As no one seems to be actively vetting, testing, or quarantining these people this situation has the makings of the ultimate super spreader event far exceeding the George Floyd protests.

In addition to the other factors, we have a pandemic that is raging and is currently far worse than it was at any time during Trump's term in office. Having failed miserably with lockdowns which were the brain child of Democrats Fauci and company we're low on options here. After all of the resources thrown at this we have the following 2 basic options. 1.) Take a dangerous vaccine that hasn't been properly tested and was rushed through the FDA approval process. Furthermore in many cases this dangerous vaccine is being forced on people at the risk of loss of jobs meaning loss of ability to feed their families and it is Democrat governors and leaders who are pushing this dangerous vaccine to the point of hysteria. Republican leaders are generally taking a more nuanced and circumspect approach. On top of this, the vaccine offers no iron clad guarantee of not getting the disease. 2.) Don't take the vaccine and risk catching a very dangerous disease that may be a greater risk than had you taken a dangerous vaccine.

Essentially Democrats own all of this. Assuming we can ensure electoral integrity in my considered opinion things currently look bleak for Democrats. Assuming things continue on the current trajectory and honest elections can be ensured I believe it vastly more likely than not that the Democrats will lose badly in 2022.

There is a long time between now and then and anything can happen. The Democrats can still turn this around.

Anonymous said...

Wow, 5 whole paragraphs filling up the whole page. Some nasty bugger was trying to suck up all the oxygen in the room. You'd be better of writing Mein Kampf 2.0, the international socialist version. It is more your speed.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

B. Poster this administration is a ship with no one at the steering wheel

Anonymous said...

B Poster Russian troll

B.Poster said...

Obviously I'm not socialist or Russian which should be obvious with my post. My post stayed on topic with the editor's post and I didn't insult anyone so I don't think I'm trolling.

While my post is long, detailed analysis generally cannot be summed up in talking points. If you believe there to be a flaw in my analysis, please point out and time permitting we can discuss. Insults and slander are counterproductive and add nothing to the discussion.

As to the notion that there's no one at the steering wheel, the logistics in getting stragglers out seems rather impressive. I do think the Europeans are a bit miffed because we didn't bow before them as we usually do.

Anonymous said...

. The ultimate outcome to this was known or should have been known to anyone paying attention by late 2002.

You are a lying cur.

B.Poster said...

"You are a lying cur." Axtually no. I know people who have served in Afghanistan both directly on the military and ad military contracts. They've repeatedly pointed out to me the nature of the Afghan government. The ultimate outcome of this has been known for a long time to anyone willing to pay attention and view the situation objectively. While I realized it in late 2002, I did not want to admit it.

It does appear that the redeployment and the evacuation of certain personnel has been mismanaged to a large degree. I believe this is largely due to decision makers being unable to evaluate the situation objectively.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, you know. They speak Russian.

B.Poster said...

Actually these are Americans. Some of them were/are in the US Army and were deployed to Afghanistan. Others worked as military contractors after retiring from the US Army.

While many of them did deal directly with Afghan tribal leaders and government officials, none of them speak Russian. Interpreters were utilized when working with Afghan officials and tribal leaders. While I'm sure they did pick up on aspects of Afghan language and culture, as far as I know none of them ever had any contact with Russians and definitely do not speak Russian.

Very respectfully I am happy to have a serious discussion about this or other topics but at this point you do not seem to me to be a serious person. I stand by original analysis. The ultimate outcome to this has been inevitable for quite some time. Without a radical change on the mission parameters it wouldn't have mattered how long we stayed. The end result is unchanged. When on a hole, STOP DIGGING!!

Anonymous said...

The game on the left

Blame Republicans
Blame trump
Blame God(even they don't believe)
Blame climate change
Blame global warming
Blame global cooling
Blame everything and everyone but never ever blame them, the satanic know nothing, always wrong left

Anonymous said...

And don't forget, if they need to make a sacrifice they'll sacrifice you, or Derek chauvin, or they'll sacrifice due process, or they'll sacrifice social cohesion, integration, the law, justice.

It doesn't matter to the left.
They want power. They want more and they want to keep it, so you'll never convict them off their crimes as they'll own the law.

They'll sacrifice you.
It doesn't matter to the left.

They're not people.
They're demonically possessed and have given their soul to the devil long ago.

Anonymous said...

russian troll still at it