Thursday, August 19, 2021

Taliban Are Now Targeting And Executing Journalists And Their Families

Photojournalist Danish Siddiqui was killed on July 16, 2021  

DW: Relative of DW journalist killed by the Taliban 

Journalists and their families are in grave danger in Afghanistan. The Taliban have no compunction about carrying out targeted killings as the case of a DW journalist shows. 

Taliban fighters hunting a DW journalist have shot dead one member of his family and seriously injured another. The Taliban were conducting a house-to-house search to try and find the journalist, who now works in Germany. 

 Other relatives were able to escape at the last moment and are now on the run. DW's director general, Peter Limbourg, has issued a strong condemnation and called on the German government to take action.  

Read more ....  

Update: Relative of journalist working for German broadcaster killed by Taliban (The Hill)  

WNU Editor:If they do not get out of Afghanistan these journalists and their families are doomed.


Jac said...

What are we expecting from terrorist?

Anonymous said...

There's several Americans held captive against human rights and US laws in prison, denied access to a judge and being tortured right now, for the audacity to question the election.

That's going on right now and the Democrats are the ones allowing the torture and human rights violations.

Until we resolve this, we cannot point fingers and be taken seriously.

Same with deplatforming and silencing swaths of Republicans and conservatives. Facebook, YouTube, Twitter conspired to suppress information ahead of the election, favouring one party.. again, the Democrats. So we can't even lecture on free speech anymore while many universities in the west ban and deny speech to anyone they don't seem fit. Again, it's at leftist universities.

And allies cannot rely on us, thanks again to the Democrats.

So everything from human rights free speech and credibility is being undermined