Tuesday, August 17, 2021

The Pentagon Has No Plans To Prevent US Military Equipment From Falling Into The Hands Of The Taliban By Destroying It

WNU Editor: When this B-52 strike was turned back this weekend it told me that the US military made the decision to leave the Taliban alone .... B-52 Bombers On Saturday Were Ordered At The Last Moment To Not Attack Afghanistan's Largest Air Force Base In Order To Destroy The Aircraft Based There .


Anonymous said...

They will starve them of spare parts. Won't work near as well as in the past, because the Chinese will step up. The greatest detriment to the equipment will be the Taliban economy and competing needs.

Hitting some of the equipment now will put the 10,000 at the airport in jeopardy.

Besides some time in the future an American president will need to look tough and will lob a few cruise missiles to wipe the Helicopters or ground attack aircraft that cost less than the cruise missiles.

That is of course of the Pakistanis does not play air defense for them.

Ron said...

Madeleine Albright: “we are the indispensable nation, we stand tall and we see further than other countries into the future.”

Anonymous said...

Madeleine Albright has only done one thing right. Enrich her family. She got money and in return, she gave bad advice. Obviously, not a fair trade.

fazman said...

Why they don't come with a detonation device built into motor than can be activated remotely is beyond me

Anonymous said...

Fazman.. think a few seconds, you'll figure it out

Anonymous said...

a lot is beyond you

Anonymous said...

Fazman would you drive a vehicle that was a bomb?

Anonymous said...

I would count on the Iranian or Chinese to save the Taliban's asses with minor technical help.
There will be expenses to keeping up the military equipment and can the Taliban keep up. The Taliban were already collecting taxes in provinces. It is not like there were not collecting taxes at all before. Will their increased tax collection cover the cost of operating the military equipment?

Mining concessions will help.

The Taliban captured a lot of pickups. If those pickups are armored, they are going to wear out very fast especially in that dust and on those roads. Do not know about the life of the armored cars. The Taliban will keep a number of them up and running, but they won't be in numbers to challenge their neighbors.

What is more worrisome is the money coming in from the drug trade and the "Charity" from the Gulf, the volunteers from around the world and their fervor. They did not have Milleys and Austins telling them how bad they are and putting them down.

Anonymous said...

I might have misread..fazman was referring to the engine.. ok...
But even then, the major problem of hacking your system exists@remotely detonated bomb in the motor

What I've heard they sometimes do is burn or otherwise destroy the vehicles before leaving. That's likely a better approach, but still a nightmare @costs and environment

Anonymous said...

Save lives not material things. Resupply our military is good for the military industrial complex

Anonymous said...

Lol yeah but if you run out of money, you won't be able to keep hospitals running.. happens in every country and the consequences are far more deadly

Anonymous said...

Does anyone here understand how a modern combustion engine works, since the 1980s or 1990s. Too many white collar people here.

Anonymous said...

I am willing to bet that Milley and Austin as smart as they are about something ... perhaps only social engineering ... do not know how a combustion engine works.