Thursday, August 12, 2021

Top WHO Official Who Led The Probe In China Now Admits That Covid Patient Zero May Have Been A Wuhan Lab Worker Infected By A Bat

The world's first Covid-19 patient may have been infected by a bat while working for a Wuhan lab in China, Dr Peter Embarek has admitted  

Daily Mail: Covid Patient Zero may have been a Wuhan lab worker infected by a bat after all, WHO chief admits after originally ruling out virus escape theory 

* Dr Peter Embarek, who led the WHO probe in China, said the world's first Covid-19 patient may have been infected by a bat while working in a Wuhan lab 

* He had initially dismissed the notion that the virus escaped from lab as unlikely 

* Now Embarek has admitted that the lab leak theory could have happened 

The world's first Covid-19 patient may have been infected by a bat while working for a Wuhan lab in China, a World Health Organization chief has admitted. 

Dr Peter Embarek, who led the WHO probe into the origins of the coronavirus pandemic in China, made the shocking claim despite initially dismissing the notion that the virus escaped from a lab as extremely unlikely. 

Now, Embarek has admitted that the lab leak theory could have happened, suggesting that a Chinese researcher could have been infected by a bat while taking samples in connection with research at a Wuhan lab.  

Read more ....  

Update #1: WHO chief on Covid origins admits patient zero may have been infected by bat in Wuhan lab (Daily Express)  

Update #2: COVID BOMBSHELL Covid patient zero may have been infected by bat while working in Wuhan leak lab, admits WHO chief (The SUN)  

WNU Editor: This is 180 degrees opposite from what he was saying only a few months ago (see video below). Peter Embarek is also blaming the Chinese on why the lab leak theory was not investigated .... In new documentary, WHO scientist says Chinese officials pressured investigation to drop lab-leak hypothesis (Washington Post). 


Adam said...

Amazing how things have changed. Sadly I've lost all faith in the so called WHO.

RussInSoCal said...

This is not a ‘bat’ virus. This is a made-in-China bioweapon that leaked out of a dilapidated Chinese military lab. The only question that needs an answer is when will the Chinese pay the $10 trillion they owe to all the infected countries.

Anonymous said...

You can't trust anything the corporate media or WHO says. Their advice, fueled by corporate and personal greed, has killed countless people around the World.
This system is so broken and THEY broke it throug their greed and corruption.

Until they are arrested, do only follow the advice of close friends or family members. Do your own research ideally, look at the scores of vaccine side effects that have already been reported. Look at the hard study that shows that this is only the top of the iceberg, as only 1% of people know of these databases and report outcomes. Even before this knowledge these "vaccines" which do not work and have no long term safety record are already the deadliest and most injuring vaccines in 31 years recorded vaccine history of all vaccines combined. Measles- billions of shots, not even close to the death record of the covid19 "vaccines"
We are led by people who tell you the world ends in 12 years and who get a fit when you ask for data. They're clinically, diagnosably insane, mentally sick.

We knew this of the left, see the pew study from 2020 of the prevalence of mental disease on the left and we can see it just by looking at them or listening to their arguments and while they call us evil and backward we call them misguided.

But now their mental diseases and greed are causing mass death globally..

We must stop them

If you're on the left, you're mentally ill lol you shouldn't govern. You're allowed to vote but never govern;)

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

A layer cake of deniability or better said "inception"

Which country aside from north Korea is least trusted? China and perhaps the USA at this point

What's the most scary thing you can think of?a bioweapon released from China omg omg omg

What happened at the beginning of the "outbreak"? Actors dropping dead in streets, so fake even Hollywood wouldn't believe it

Then they used trucks and spray cannons to spray the streets. Right. If at this point you don't realise this is fake, please let me wake you up

1. Covid19 has never been isolated. No one seems to be able to prove it exists

2. Instead they simulated RNA fragments based on hearsay and computer algorithms

3. Then they used PCR tests, which the inventor of the PCR test, Dr. Mullis - a real scientist and Nobel prize winner - told us not to do because it would lead to only one thing and predictably so: false positives. Before he died, a year ahead of the "outbreak", Dr. Mullis who knew Fauci of the AIDS "epidemic", warned us of malpractice by Fauci and his lust for power. Please watch him in his own words. A real human a real scientist warning us of the nature of Fauci

4) scientist are being silenced while the party of death and gloom, which tells you not to have children, and that the world ends in 12 years or 8 or whatever they settle on next, demands you take a shot for which we have no long term safety profile but know already it causes abortions, cancer and even immediate death


Lol cutting this short

They're insane
They don't know science from fiction

Resist this evil and put them away for good

Anonymous said...

Well, I don't for sure but I think.....
Any doubt in the minds of so many why there is such distrust concerning this fiasco?

Andrew Jackson said...

All lies.The bayonet is the only way!

Anonymous said...

Russ has the data, the facdts! He knows: our intel does not
Listen to Russ and ignore reality