Saturday, August 14, 2021

Tweets Of The Day


Anonymous said...

Best analysis on what's going on today with covid, the lockdowns etc

Anonymous said...

At this point it should be clear what the wars in the Middle East are about:

To displace large swaths of people and force immigration into Western countries, causing a displacement of the current, native populations over time, so when the great reset comes, there will be millions at the ready to kill you if you protest too much about the "new terms" under the "great reset"

But rest assured. YOU will own nothing, and you will love it, or else....

Either see it for what it is and join forces so we can end these treasonous corrupt, criminal human rights violating, genocidal monsters, OR WE WILL BE RULED BY THEM FOR CENTURIES while they enslave us using a medical tyranny grid, forced depopulation and AI to monitor us all, and robots on the streets to break your bones if you voted wrong or didn't work hard enough fixing robots.

Why would they open your borders?
Why import millions and millions?
Why cause wars overseas and then import more, who are ANGRY at white people, after our governments bombed them.
THEY did it, but YOU will be targeted, displaced, own nothing and be enslaved.
Because they want to get rid of you to never be accountable for their crimes