Thursday, August 26, 2021

Tweets Of The Day


Anonymous said...

I think we're witnessing the planned collapse of the judeo Christian western world to usher in the great reset

Everything points to it

The attack on the nuclear family through BLM, backed by mega corporations

The world economic forum openly declares a neoMarxist future by 2030, and they say this is the only way forward, according to them and their wishes for the future in which you own nothing and are a slave with no privacy

The attacks on the courts by antifa

The critical race theory to promote racial war or at least tensions

The attack on the lower and middle class to make you dependent on the state

The CDC attacking the 3rd amendment and unconstitutionally putting edicts forward that that they have no business doing

The trillions missing through corruption(if you need a motive aside from wanting to rule us like untouchables)

The upcoming AI robotics automation wave that'll hit us

The destruction of your economy throug the lockdowns

The constant lies

The indoctrination of your children through schools and universities

The censorship and corporate fascist way how it's done

The attack on churches and the first and second amendment

The attack on meritocracy and everything our forefathers built. They want to replace it all and to replace it you must not want to fight for it or defend it. So you're programmed to accept the racism narrative.

The conditioning of you to call everyone who criticizes the current vaccines(not all vaccines) as anti-vaxxer

The cancel culture and attack mobs directed at anyone speaking out.. backed and allowed by your and my government

The attack on individual liberties, human rights and bodily autonomy. To be replaced with collective rights, equity and all that.

This is a plan decades in preparation and you better start fighting before it's too late. They'll kill you.

Anonymous said...

1. Early clinial data from Japan confirms that the spike protein that is being expressed throught he mRNA vaccines does not stay localized (in e.g. your shoulder where you receive the shot).. this is VERY troublemsome, as

2. They now have confirmed that the spike protein is cytotoxic

3. The accumulation for women happens around the uterus, that's why they experience menstrual cycle "changes" (at least)

The vaccines are extremely dangerous -- here, listen to Bret Weinstein and Dr. Malone, the inventor of the mRNA delivery technology

Jesus guys, the FDA must be stopped before your army and all doctors are forced to take this.
Do you not realize what happens?

Please what can I do? I swear on my soul I'm not a bot or Russian dude or FBI dude or whatever you think, just listen to the experts, they say the same thing!!


Note: The fewer shots you take the better your surival chances. You might not get sick at all. The reason why it is so different for everyone is because it is not a typical vaccine (measured in ml against your body weight, among other factors), these are mRNA code that programs your ribomsome to produce something and there are no thermodynamic equilibrium studies for this.. some people over-express (produce more) of the spike proteins, and others less..

Dr. Robert Malone, PhD - inventor of mRNA
Bret Weinstein, PhD

Anonymous said...

So there are two major scenarios being circulated here

one is the great reset

one is the great reset and a biological attack

I tend to believe - from all I have seen - that it is both.
And worse yet, I believe they work together.

The US did fund the Wuhan lab. Only a bit, ok, but also transferred a lot of knowledge in the first place.
Independent of where it exactly came from, look at what it is being used for.

To lock us down and give us "vaccines"

Now almost all of the leading scientists have come out by now with a varying degree of anger, frustration and pure panic. Some, in all fairness, do still defend the vaccines and that we should wait longer. Fine, if you want to continue this experiment - which is what it is, because they basically made the clinical phase 4 trial us - in short, they are testing the vaccine as they are rolling it out.

What they have not done:

1. A cytotoxicity study on the expressed spike protein - and we now see that it is toxic. FDA has yet to react, BUT instead went ahead and declared it's all good and passed the drug, but refuses to publish data until 2025, right after the election. Yeah right.

2. They have not done a thermodynamic uptake study. Contrary to normal vaccines (which are dissolved perfectly by robotics and then given to you in mililiters based on your body weight, gender and those type of basics, also if you belong to a certain risk group etc).. but these "vaccines" are mRNA molecules (code) that has not been studied about its thermodynamic degradation and uptake rate through the ribosomes. Therefore you see this huge variation in vaccine side effects.. some feel nothing and don't understand what the fuzz is about, others have a heart infarct 20min later, or die 3-6 hrs later, some lose limbs, some have their retina detached.. many women experience menstrual cycle changes; there are early reports of infertility risk

3. They have not done a localization of uptake study. So bascically when you get a shot, say in the shoulder, you feel it there, because it stays localized (which is what we want, we do not want it to go everywhere in your body, unchecked), and your antibodies+T-cells attack it there. That's the pain.. it's the fight that's going on. BUT, the mRNA codes would dissolve throughout your body if unchecked. So they developed a tethering protein to keep it tethered to your cell membranes (outside), which is where you want them. BUT, they didn't do the study on the integrity of the tether and its own thermodynamics and binding qualities in situ. So basically, we now see that for some of these shots (more studies need to be done for sure), you see the spike protein (which is what the mRNA codes for) being circulated throughout your body, unchecked.. that's why the blood clots

It's horrific to think the FDA would allow this. They must know, but life is life.. everything is about money and politics.

Good luck

Anonymous said...

Head of Pfizer now admits that vaccines may cause mutant strains!

And even NPR is now on board with what I SCREAMED for weeks on this blog

And it's not even new news.. it's old news that vaccines can do that:

They PROGRAMMED YOU to react like a pavlovian dog to shriek "vaccine skeptic".. don't your realize that they did this starting about 4 years ago? Why do you think ?? They planned the whole thing!

They lied to you from testing/detection to treatment.
Why do you think Dr. Mullis, the inventor of the PCR test that was used to whip you into believing into the outbreak was used in the first place? Why do you think he warned us of Fauci, that absolute demonic monster, who he knew from the AIDS epidemic? He did the same thing he did last time, he tricked us all!

Why do you think the ex VP of Pfizer came out in the most dramatic terms against this and warns of huge consequences to mankind?

Why do you think Dr. Francis Boyle, the human rights lawyer (Bosnia, palestine and informed the bioweapons law in the US and dealt with multiple vaccine scandals) is calling for Nuremeberg trials?

They wanted to enslave us, are still trying .. we must resist this

The World Economic forum talks about an "inevitable" future and acts as a hostile, terrorism like body indoctrinating our leadership that mankind just must live in a little shoe box and it's good that the leaders fly private jets, we just don't get it, we are dumb they think.

They want to create a neo feudalistic class and rule us through a medical passport and location grid (the geospatial intelligence group is the largest growing and least discussed in the USA)

Just please guys, I can't do all the lifting :) Some people here, please do your homework, and then speak out! Your children's future depends on this.

We are used to wars against a foreign invading enemy. This is 5th generational, information warfare and it is the elite, the rober barons, the bankers, who we bailed out so many times, big tech, state media.. they want to rule us, without anymore questions about our future, elections or if we can please have input on the great reset.

They are enslaving us all - our forefathers would be ashamed if you just sit there and not think for yourself and do a little bit of research that goes beyond the bought and paid for snopes and other fact checkers who are directly financed by big pharma, on record and even snopes' founder is ensnared in 1000s of plagiarism frauds. All on record.

Anonymous said...

I might add to the attack pattern

1. All property is bought up through BlackRock at 15%market price making it impossible to buy new property for most.. and they're funded ironically by you and mega corporations

2. The indoctrination of your military and the absolute outrageous purging of people who oppose BLM

3. The defunding of police to be replaced with federal police

4. The opening of your borders and calling them racist and calling anyone who is a nationalist racist

5. I could add perhaps 10 more points.. ng but if I can see it, and I think I'm right, my fear is you're being betrayed by your own "elected" leaders. The media collusion in all of this. How you're not allowed to name key operatives like George Soros.. nor even on fox news.. a former senator tried, they shut him down on air and he was like oh wow so we're not allowed to talk about him?

They'll force vaccinate your military and front line workers AND Tyson foods the largest meat producer in the world is force vaccinating everyone...

Just saying.. if this goes wrong, just know this: your"leaders" are in on it.

Why? They want to rule you with iron fist. That's what tyrants do. No more questions about Epstein or who was behind Qanon and why your government can't figure it out lol

They're it.

Enemies foreign and within.
It happens. All the time.

Anonymous said...

Another important attack pattern is the rollout of the Capitol police in all states, against the constitution

And why the Capitol police? Because unlike the FBI or CIA they do not have to answer freedom of information act requests.
They're the Stasi, or Gestapo.

If you don't see this...

How they weaponize the patriot act against your own people


This is it guys, we are under attack..

Just open your eyes, throw up, ok, but then discuss this and form plans.. even IF you're ok with the great reset, or even if you want not 2 but 50 vaccine shots, please discuss what I've said, look up the sources..I did most of the work, it's up to you now.

Good luck