Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Tweets Of The Day


Anonymous said...

Do NOT trust CNN
They have lied to you and me on thousands of occasions, from wars to elections to political decisions, to drugs, everything

CNN protrayed half the country as racists!
CNN's anchors proclaim that white people are the biggest threat to the world
CNN's Ted Turner (founder of CNN) was an anti-humanist who even had an "doomsday/end of the world video" he wanted to be broadcasted at the end of the World
CNN is full of drug addicts, pervets and sexual deviants..Don Lemon, Cooper gay as fuck, drug users, pimps, Richard Quest, meth user was found with a rope around his neck (he is white lol the only people who actually have ropes around their necks lol) and a dildo up his ass and he was found in central park by cops and still kept his CNN gig for several more years
CNN lies about kavanaugh, let that lie spread, called him a gang rapist in front of his children
CNN lied about those catholic school boys and called them racists for wearing a red hat
CNN lied about the Iraq war
CNN lied about previous vaccines


It is NOT a vaccine

Vaccines give you immunity

These mRNA shots are NOT vaccines, they are highly experimental drugs with no -longterm safety profile, as the leaked pfizer document confirmed..

WHY do you think governments around the World were made to swear to secrecy in those country contracts? Why did Israel and Pfizer agree to 30(!!!) years secrecy about their contracts?? Why does Israel, the highest vaccinated country on Earth see the most deaths after vaccination?


Here, Ted Turner (founder of CNN)'s end of world video:

Anonymous said...

Here the leaked Pfizer country contract


1. GOVERNMENTS(!) wave their rights of sovereignty
2. GOVERNMENTS(!) assume full responsibility for the products, not Pfizer
3. PFIZER gets to decide if their brand was harmed or if they lost any business (by any measure they decide)
4. GOVERNMENTS (we, the people!) have to pay for any damages occuring to Pfizer (not the other way around..if you die, not only will pfizer not care, BUT the governments around the World agreed to take trillions of liability ANND(!!!!) now have severe motivation to deny any harm caused by the vaccines!!!
5. GOVS (we) even have to pay for Pfizers lawyers, they can pick
6. PFIZER has no liability AND they will even get paid if they don't deliver the vaccines, if the vaccines kill everyone and even if the vaccines don't do anything

It's the worst contract ever

7. GOVERNMENTS AND PFIZER AGREE TO UP TO 30 YEARS SECRECY!!!! An entire generation.. ask yourself why.. why would they want to wait an entire generation until anything will be released?

THEIR GOAL IS TO VACCINATE EVERYONE SO WE DO NOT HAVE A LARGE ENOUGH CONTROL GROUP OF THE UNVACCINATED to then not be able to demonstrate that the unvaccinated with natural immunity did much better

They are monsters, murderers, thugs and thieves and they silence everyone about it while they take your money and your rights and likely kill your ass

Anonymous said...

"The alleged document stated that the purchaser acknowledges the long-term effects and efficacy of the vaccine are not currently known and that there may be adverse effects of the vaccine that are not currently known. So even if the vaccine leads to some problems, the purchaser cannot sue the company, what a noble act!"



Anonymous said...

I trust God and my immune system that has protected humans for millions of years
You go trust CNN which lies and divides us on a daily basis
CNN's main income is from pharma ads and ads from China, you do realize that, yes?
Good luck either way, I wish you no harm and hope the vaccine protects you. BUT if you develop long term illnesses, please do speak out, do not be silenced.

Anonymous said...

8:24 (Mr. Xerox) did something besides copy and paste. It is apparent, why the guy never sold any poetry or wrote a book on grammar.

Anonymous said...

1215, what?

Anonymous said...

correction 8:44 not 8:24

Anonymous said...

Asshole now complains that I have not written a book of poetry? Wanker: I am not a poet. That is why do not write books of poetry. You are a fast food burger flipper. I do not expect you to fly jet fighters.
now bring you butt home to mommy and tell her what a tough day you had and watch tv.
Yours, your favorite target, the target that the Stalker usually addresses because his of his shitty ego that requires putting down people to attempt to elevate his limp dick ego

Anonymous said...

Curious. You write a book about the nuts and bolts of building a poem. Is write the right word? You write the book of how, but never actually go beyond theory.

It would be liker a person writing a book on how to be a design engineer, but you never ever designed anything much less wrestled with problems on the factory floor of implementing design and seeing them to fruition.

I think many, many other people see it the same way.