Thursday, August 19, 2021

UK Defence Secretary Admits That 'Some People Will Not Get Back' As Britain Tries To Evacuate Afghan Allies From Kabul


WNU Editor: At least the Brits are trying .... Pentagon pressed on why British paratroopers leaving Kabul airport to rescue citizens but Americans aren't (FOX News). More here .... Afghanistan: Pentagon rebuffs question on why UK are doing more to rescue citizens than US (The Independent).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That guy who made the bomb thread from his pickup truck for sure was the most American thing I've seen in a long time ^_^ MmuuurriiccAAAA


But in all seriousness, he apparently just lost someone in his family, and on top switched mental medication. I cab feel for him, and his complaints about this absolutely corrupt government seem valid, who here would defend the government?

Congress has lower approval ratings than herpes and parking tickets. I mean these people are not just corrupt, we are used to that, but they broke the economy after we bailed out the bankers and special interest groups and now they clearly want to start this Great Reset, it's so apparent what's going on.

I'm rooting for that truck guy, they'll make an example out of him... maybe they shouldn't... that out of control government is in violation of article 3 or 4 (the housing one) of the constitution, with regards to the CDC housing mandate, and is constantly trying to destroy articles 1 and 2.. the Democrats have this name for a reason. They're demons ..doomed demons.. and they know it