Thursday, August 12, 2021

U.S. Coast Guard And National Guard Will Follow Department Of Defense In Mandating Vaccines

Photo from U.S. Coast Guard  

Federal News Network: Coast Guard, National Guard will follow DoD in mandating vaccines 

Both the Coast Guard and the National Guard are planning to follow the Defense Department in requiring service members to get vaccinated against the COVID-19 virus, impacting about half a million people. 

DoD announced on Monday that it would seek approval from the president to require vaccines for 1.4 million active duty troops by mid-September at the latest. 

President Joe Biden already said he will support the measure once it reaches his office. The Coast Guard is considered part of the Department of Homeland Security, but often follows suit with what the Pentagon orders. 

Read more ....  

WNU Eitor: Personnel can get an exemption, but there is a bureaucratic process that they must go through .... Pentagon: Service Members Can Request Exemptions From COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate (Zero Hedge/Epoch times).


Anonymous said...

Form groups and take your complaints to the upper chain through WRITTEN objections, rejecting any cost of treatment or burden if you should develop a long term illness, to be covered by a care giver of your choice

The pharma companies are legally protected throug the government and the government will tell you you gave up your rights, which is s lie, no one ever gives up human rights, they're INALIENABLE and a government contract is just to make the masses believe it ain't so

There's legal precedent underlining my case. Look for the Nuremberg codes, which are violated

It is yet another push to make human beings a commodity to satisfy special interest groups.

It is evil, it is violent to poke you with a needle with potentially deadly consequences against your will and must be rejected otherwise it's the end to individual sovereignty, a KEY PILLAR of western society. And if its gone, we will be one step closer to living in a totalitarian nightmare, they won't stop with this"vaccine"...

In short:

If you force a needle into me, I'll force a knife into you

Anonymous said...

Also injecting so many humans AND the military without having done the long term studies is not just insane, it is criminally incompetent and outright mad.

People who propose this madness shouldn't be in office. We should politely ask them to make room and let mentally sane people govern. We can be respectful to their opinion but at this point I think the left's mental disease shows and becomes dangerous to mankind. They're going too far and the latest studies on vaccine enhanced syndromes show it. People get sick from these vaccines already and that's not even considering the long term effect

You should reject the vaccine also as a backup plan. What happens if everyone gets sick in 2 years? Who will protect the nation? Who will care for the sick?

It's insane to risk all of humanity for a virus that's not even moving the average age of death by 0.1 years. You risk all of mankind, you weaken individual sovereignty, you traumatize people through coercion and forceful injections.

We need the military to take over, I think, our governments are no longer functional or sane.. don't take the cult drug

Anonymous said...

Finally, as we know that the vaccines only work for a short time, and as we know that even if you would forcefully vaccinate all humans at the same time after they hsd been hunted down by contract tracers and robots, even then you'd not ever eradicate the virus, because just like the flu virus covid19, if it even exists, lives in animals and has reservoirs for life and mutation there. Ok ok let's go further in this leftist occult totalitarian mindset and you hunted down and locked down all humans and all animals and at the sand time for example when the moon is full, because that's what it is, a cult so they'd want a full moon, and you plunge the needles in synchronicity even then it will not work because at every time with the hundreds of trillions of viral copies that are out there, at any given time the vaccine, any vaccine, will not work 100%

They're in a cult

The left is insane

They are totalitarian

They don't want scientific debate, they want some scientists to agree with them and then they'll be promoted no matter how dumb they are because... they are in a cult..

And they're risking the entire humanity to satisfy their demonic lust for "you do what I say"... just think where this ends if we let them stay in charge. They already have political prisoners and torture them.

You MUST resist this
Cite actual studies, actual scientists

Heck you can even state their own studies. THREE studies financed by the NIH showed that masks don't prevent the spread of respiratory viruses like covid, if it exists, and still Oregon demands masks.



They tell you earth ends in 12 years.
We cannot be governed by cult members
And they cannot make health decisions for us, particularly not on an individual level

Anonymous said...

Just more of the aftershocks of having a compromised President to Russia AND China.....this "jab" has no long term studies. People are having more side affects and deaths from this Vax than ALL OF THE OTHER VAC'S COMBINED. And we arent even a year into it. God only knows with it will be in 5 years.

Anonymous said...

Anon, why don't you get your own site?

Anonymous said...

Different anon

Watch at 17min mark.. lady gets vaccine, almost dies from it and will have long term life altering side effects AND insists it was good and wants others to take it too.

they are clinically insane, self harming and harming others and don't know what the scientific method is all about, they think it's a weight loss program or a diet.. they're insane

B.Poster said...

Huge red flags with regards to this vaccine.

1.) The leadership class is trying to force it upon us to the point of being shrill personally attacking anyone who asks reasonable questions. If it really were the best thing since warm bread as they try and convince us, such shrillness and personal attacks would be unnecessary as they could easily win the debate based upon its merits.

2.) They actively censor anyone who asks questions. They've obviously given up on any idea of winning the argument based upon merit. If they weren't actively censoring those who would dare question them, those questioning them might be dismissed as kooks. After all it should be easy to out shout them as they are very few and lack the organization or the resources of the leadership class. Clearly something appears to have the leadership class spooked. They seem desperate to force this vaccine on us. As Shakespeare said, "thou doest protest much."

3.) They claim the threat is dire but they are not only allowing but are actively encouraging hordes of unvetted and untested illegal immigrants to invade us. This is arguably the ultimate super spreader event. Perhaps this sis imply and unforced error but it does raise serious questions as to whether or not they actually mean what they say.

4.) While it is obvious, it can't be overstated that this vaccine has no long term studies attached to it. There's a good reason it only has "emergency" FDA approval. Forcing experimental drugs on people is unethical at best. I'm pretty sure Nazis were prosecuted for this sort of thing.

5.) It seems apparent that adverse reactions to the vaccine are being suppressed. I know of at least two people in their 20s who have permanent disabilities from the vaccine and a 19 year old whose status is unknown at this time. Others have documented this before they go censored. If this vaccine really is needed and these risks are worth it, suppressing this information is counterproductive. What are they up to? Based upon prior experience the leadership class is NOT concerned about our health.

I could go on but this is a pretty good summary of some red flags with regards to this vaccine. While I do NOT nor will I offer medical advice, there likely are some people that the benefits of taking this experimental vaccine outweigh the risks. It definitely should not be mandatory at this stage. Using someone for medical experiments against their will is a crime. At least it should be. I'm pretty sure some Nazis were prosecuted and convicted of this sort of thing.

Anonymous said...

Same with transgender people. I accept them, but I don't want to have a person with 20 fold suicide rate give me health advice, we literally have a health minister who's morbidly obese and a transgender/ transvestite. And the CDC is headed by a guy who wants to limit age of the general population to 75. And the left tells everyone not to have children because the world ends in 12 years, or 8 years or 6 years

We cannot be ruled or governed by mentally sick people.

Anonymous said...

Fully agreed @bposter
We have to insist on punishing platforms that silence scientists while, there's a deadly virus out there(it's actually the vaccines and criminal negligence in hospitals that kill people)

Real scientists agree being silenced by CNN, FOX and MSNBC while these corporations get their income from pharma corporations and Murdock famously even owns large pharma stocks. They're criminal. They didn't tell just not about hydroxychloroquine nor ivermectin, instead they told you these safe drugs with long safety profile and record of working "do not work". THEY'RE KILLING YOU THOUGH THESE LIES! tens of thousands could have been saved if covid is real

And the vaccines will cause vaccine enhanced syndrome really really severely in the winter time, if already in summer, when influenza viruses and other respiratory viruses like covid barely survive, they cause this you upflarr among the vaccinated and the media lies to you again.

At this point it must be blatantly clear that the corporate media has killed tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands of people due to their greed and corporate partisanship.

They're killing us.
CNN, MSNBC, NPR, WAPO, FOX, NYTIMES are insanely uniformed and directly responsible for the deaths of so many people, the military must intervene, they're killing children, think of this