Friday, August 27, 2021

US Space Force Unveils New Recruitment Video 'Guardians wanted!' US Space Force unveils new recruitment video 

The video says the space-focused military branch is already planning for the 22nd century. 

The U.S. Space Force is seeking more recruits to address some of the forthcoming military challenges of spaceflight. 

A new recruitment video on YouTube notes that "space is hard" while citing growing challenges, such as foreign actors potentially moving into cislunar space and a growing presence of international companies operating satellites in near-Earth orbit. 

"It's time for another giant leap," the recruitment video says in part, citing an off-quoted line that civilian NASA astronaut Neil Armstrong delivered after stepping onto the surface of the moon for the first time in 1969.  

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WNU Editor: I expected a better ad.


Anonymous said...

I liked it.

B.Poster said...

Historically the US military has been very, very good at destroying things which frankly is what a military is supposed to do. Based upon the prior track record I would expect Space Force to become very, very good at destroying things if they are not already even though we are having to play catch to the major powers who have a head start on us. Historically the US military has not been good at marketing. The ad is better than I expected. I suspect they are going to have get much better at marketing in the coming months and years if they are going to recruit and maintain capable personnel. Of course good marketing without major changes in approach by the leadership class won't help us much. Improving the marketing is a step in the right direction though.

Adam said...
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