Wednesday, August 11, 2021

U.S. State Department Drawing Up Plans To Accelerate The Withdrawal Of Staff From The Embassy In Kabul

CNN: Drawdown of US embassy in Kabul is under discussion, sources say, as Taliban makes rapid gains in Afghanistan 

CNN — There are active discussions about a further drawdown of the US embassy in Kabul among State Department officials, according to two sources familiar with the discussions, as the Taliban continues to gain ground in Afghanistan. 

Those gains – which have occurred much more rapidly than many US officials expected – have made the situation more urgent and sped up the conversations that have been happening for some time now, one source said. 

US officials are no longer talking about six months as the likely timeline for the government of Afghanistan to collapse; they now believe it could happen much more quickly, the two sources said. 

The US military began withdrawing from the country earlier this year and has completed more than 95% of the US troop withdrawal, which will be completed by late August.  

Read more .... 

Update: State Department says it is evaluating security of U.S. Embassy in Kabul on daily basis (Reuters) 

WNU Editor: The US State Department sees the writing on the wall. I would not be surprised if the embassy is evacuated by the end of the year.


Anonymous said...

My educated guess is they'll declare an emergency soon

If we resist they'll target communications and either take down the internet per kill switch, or through staged hack attacks (see operation hack attack)

There's only one way out:

Immediately form neighbourhood watches and team with the local police

Immediately take back local governments, start with those areas where they still refuse vote audits and handing over logs till this day

Go to the places where you saw pool watches being harassed and denied access just because they were white or Hispanic. THEY did it. THEY will pay for it.

Immediately March towards Washington

Get radios

Store food

Get ammunition

And make your peace with God, they're going ALL IN and so must we or we WILL be enslaved under this new system

God speed

Protect the constitution and remember those who tried to weaken it over the years

No more waiting. If Biden goes for an announcement or they launch operation hack attack you must see it for what it is

It's global
It's here too

In Europe
In France
In the UK

It's a global plan and we must resist this

Anonymous said...

What is there to fear now that reason has prevailed?

"Just irrationality itself."

All is well. Biden is in charge.

Anonymous said...

Biden will save us lol

The guy who is so compromised due to his son and his own wrong doings.. that guy is ushering in three great reset on behalf of the people who really run the show

And you and I know they're not asking us about our feelings on this.. they're enslaving us fully in this new system and they're pitting us against each other

They're purposefully creating genocide, in which large swaths of populations kill each other based on lies and fears they created and propagated

So far, "only" around 35 people have been killed through state backed terror groups like Antifa.. but just wait until the next elections or midterms in all countries that are locked down

They'll tell you you can't vote in person or will use the mail in ballots scam again.. you will never get out of this until you resist this tyranny and remove all the people from power who are pushing the great reset against the will of the population

Trudeau in Canada
Johnson in the UK
Biden in the US

I want them trialled for conspiracy against humanity and then legally hung in public by the neck so everyone can see that tyrants are no longer welcome.

And we will do the same with the Davos group, bill gates and all these pedophile satan worshippers

Anonymous said...

Senator Rand Paul urges people to resist the tyranny they're bestowing upon us

Guys, this is it.

They'll throw everything at us, climate change, viruses, hack attack, racism, sexism, vaccinated against unvaccinated

All with the goal to divide us, so they can lead us like sheep into this new system


We will resist
We will identify them
We will uncover their hidden agenda
We will uncover their conspiracy against humanity

And then, on freedom day, we will publicly hang all those who tried to destroy the west and usher in this totalitarian nightmare.

And finally we will live freely and remember this glorious day, when the shackles came off and we realise it was THEM all along who caused countless wars on earth, endless misery

They are real demons and for the first time ever in human history we are close to get rid of them and the power structures like CNN that hold them in place and keep people divided and asleep