Wednesday, August 11, 2021

U.S. State Department Warns Taliban They Won't Be Recognized If They Gain Power Through Violence

U.S. special envoy for Afghanistan Reconciliation Zalmay Khalilzad (left) arrived in Doha, Qatar, on Tuesday for talks designed to pressure the Taliban into recommitting to a peace process that has stalled as fighters advance across the country  

Daily Mail: That will scare them! State Department warns Taliban they won't be recognized if they gain power through violence after capturing seven cities in rapid offensive 

* U.S. envoy Zalmay Khalilzad arrived in Doha, Qatar, on Tuesday 

* He will tell Taliban negotiators that a government that takes power through violence will not be recognized 

* Insurgents have made rapid advances since President Biden announced he was bringing home U.S. troops 

* They have captured seven key cities in the past week and their advance shows no sign of slowing 

* At the same time, the U.N. said it was receiving reports that fighters were targeting civilians in atrocities that may amount to war crimes 

A U.S. peace envoy arrived in the Middle East on Tuesday morning to deliver a warning to Taliban negotiators as their fighters press forward across Afghanistan: A Taliban government that takes power through violence will not be recognized. 

Zalmay Khalilzad, the U.S. Special Representative for Afghanistan Reconciliation, landed in Doha, Qatar, where the Taliban have a political office to tell them to commit to peace talks, which have stalled as insurgents captured city after city. 

President Joe Biden has ordered all U.S. troops out of Afghanistan by the end of August, sending the country lurching towards disintegration. His officials are intent on persuading Taliban leaders to return to talks, but their words have been ridiculed by regional experts who say Washington is out of touch.  

Read more ....  

Update #1: US vows to isolate Taliban if they take power by force (AP)   

Update #2: U.S. envoy warns Taliban of global cutoff if Afghanistan taken by force (Axios)  

WNU Editor: The Taliban are not listening nor do they care what threats the US State Department are issuing.


Anonymous said...

My educated guess is they'll declare an emergency soon

If we resist they'll target communications and either take down the internet per kill switch, or through staged hack attacks (see operation hack attack)

There's only one way out:

Immediately form neighbourhood watches and team with the local police

Immediately take back local governments, start with those areas where they still refuse vote audits and handing over logs till this day

Go to the places where you saw pool watches being harassed and denied access just because they were white or Hispanic. THEY did it. THEY will pay for it.

Immediately March towards Washington

Get radios

Store food

Get ammunition

And make your peace with God, they're going ALL IN and so must we or we WILL be enslaved under this new system

God speed

Protect the constitution and remember those who tried to weaken it over the years

No more waiting. If Biden goes for an announcement or they launch operation hack attack you must see it for what it is

It's global
It's here too

In Europe
In France
In the UK

It's a global plan and we must resist this

Anonymous said...

I always care, when a person with manicured nails and a well coiffed hair issues threats like Ned Price.

Anonymous said...

Of course you realize that the Taliban must apologize too!

Anonymous said...

Of 140+ people in a hospital in Australia, almost everyone is severely sick and ALL BUT ONE WERE FULLY VACCINATED

Start listening in at 42:10min

they silence the actual scientist speaking out and keep propagating the lie that it's the unvaccinated causing it

If Congress doesn't move by next week to arrest Fauci and Gates, we assume a fallen government that's been taken over

Anonymous said...

Wrong post, 10:36. You've bit off more than you can chew.

Anonymous said...

From what I can see, 10:36 is quite successful as a troll.

I have not viewed the rumble video and have no plans to. I am not particularly fond of Alex Jones, but lately he has pulled out of his nose dive as the the Left is going full blown nuts or saying the quiet part out loud. I might eventually see this or that Alex Jones video, but some one other than 10:36 would have to be recommending it.