Thursday, August 19, 2021

Washington Post Says The Taliban Incite Less Violence On Social Media Than Former President Trump

In a story published Wednesday, (pictured) reporters Craig Timberg and Christiano Lima praised the Taliban's online tactics - including a regularly-updated Twitter feed, as showing 'such a high degree of skill.'  

Daily Mail: Washington Post is condemned for report hailing Taliban's 'sophisticated' use of social media while saying the terror group incites less violence than Donald Trump did 

* In Wednesday's article, reporters Craig Timberg and Christiano Lima wrote the Taliban's overall tactics 'show such a high degree of skill 

* It is believed at least one public relations firm is assisting the Taliban on how to amplify messages across social media 

* Timberg and Lima explained Twitter is among the only platform that permits the Taliban to uphold an active presence online 

* Facebook and Instagram have actively banned the terrorist group from promoting its message 

The Washington Post was condemned over a story calling the Taliban’s use of social media ‘strikingly sophisticated,’ while claiming that the group's internet presence did less to incite violence than Donald Trump did. 

 In a story published Wednesday, reporters Craig Timberg and Christiano Lima praised the Taliban's online tactics - including a regularly-updated Twitter feed, as showing 'such a high degree of skill,' that they believed a PR firm had been drafted in to help them get their extremist message across, just like regular politicians in democracies.  

Read more .... 

Update: Washington Post under fire for suggesting Taliban incite less violence than Trump (NYPost). 

WNU Editor: These people (the Washington Post) are nuts. It is through apps on social media that helped the Taliban conquer Afghanistan in the first place .... How A Facebook App Helped The Taliban Conquer Afghanistan? (August 19, 2021). 

The Washington Post article is here .... Today’s Taliban uses sophisticated social media practices that rarely violate the rules (MSN/Washington Post).


Unknown said...

I'll bet the staff at the Washington Post think Hitler had a wonderful hair do & that Oliver Hardy nicked his mustache. The mentally ill haven't just taken over the asylum, they've taken over the world. Frightening. Keep ducking 🙉🙈

Anonymous said...

Wnu it's a trash paper since Bezos bought it to push globalist agendas

He/ they call anyone who is against open borders, a strong nation, against globalism, racist

It's all about the great reset

Trump was against it

Biden is for it, that changed the vote count

It's not only wrong to do it this way, it's treasonous to the highest level. Betraying democracy AND the nation that made them rich.

Either globalists will rule over us all, CCP style , or we will hang them for their assault on us all. I don't see a path in between as their crimes are so great

Anonymous said...

(If what I suspect is true, of course)

Anonymous said...

Lol Google spam verification just showed me a grave yard stone, great :D
Was nice talking here..I guess I'm out

But still.. you gotta stand up unless you want to live as slaves

Anonymous said...

Since "we all know" MSM is fake, liars, worthless, then Do Not Read or Post anything from them. Thus no need to comment on anything they say

Anonymous said...

A 2017 draft assessment of formaldehyde that was suppressed by the Trump administration found that the chemical causes myeloid leukemia, according to several sources familiar with the document. The draft assessment concludes that 1 microgram of formaldehyde in a cubic meter of air increases the number of myeloid leukemia cases by roughly 3.5 in 100,000 people, more than three times the cancer risk in the assessment now in use. The EPA currently regulates formaldehyde using an outdated set of calculations, finalized in 1991, based on the risk of nasopharyngeal cancer. If the nasopharyngeal cancer and myeloid leukemia risks are combined, the cancer risk could be 4.5 times higher than the current value.

Although the suppressed assessment, produced by a division of the Environmental Protection Agency known as the Integrated Risk Information System, or IRIS, has grave implications for public health, Trump administration officials, including former EPA Administrator Andrew Wheeler, refused to allow the agency to release the assessment, several sources told The Intercept.

Anonymous said...

@328 I agree.. it elevates them and the link to them increases their standing in the already artificially increased position in the Google search results

But it's good to post the headline without linking to this trash paper

Daniel said...

Incite less violence? Ha, well, probably - they don't vaguely and deniably incite it, they commit it.

Anonymous said...

3:41 PM Another Fred or Fred copy and paste post.

"A 2017 draft assessment of formaldehyde that was suppressed by the Trump administration ...."

It is off topic and abusive of the comment thread as a whole.