Friday, August 20, 2021

Were Press Questions To President Biden Given To The White House For Prior Approval? President Biden Complains To NPR Reporter That His Question Was Not The Question That He Thought He Was Going To Be Given


WNU Editor: The exchange starts at 1:28:10 in the above video. 

It looks like NPR reporter Scott Detrow went off script when he asked President Biden on how can ....

.... Americans get to the airport with all the violence and chaos surrounding the airport, and is he (President Biden) saying unequivocally that any American that wants to get to the airport can get there and pass the security barrier to the planes where they want to go.  

President Biden's answer ....  

.... I thought the question was how can they get through to the airport outside the airport, and the answer is to the best of our knowledge the Taliban checkpoints there are letting through people showing American passports. 

Now that is a different question when they get into the rush of crowd of all the folks just outside the wall of the airport ....  


Please tell me that all of this was not staged. 


Some other observations. 

Watch Vice-President Harris during this Biden-NPR exchange. Even with a mask on you can tell that she is not amused with what this NPR reporter is doing. 

And just like that. After only asking three reporters for questions (AP, PBS, and NPR), the presser is over. 

As for his remarks on Afghanistan. It was painful to watch him continually slurring his words, stuttering, repeating himself, having his 5 second brain freezes, and rambling on and on with an answer that should have ended a minute ago .

Updates: I am not alone. Others are noticing what I noticed (see below).


Anonymous said...

Patriots left and right. End this. Please.

Anonymous said...

Look at that ghoulish thug Kamala when he goes off script... we are living through special times. Just who voted for this?

Jac said...

Things are going worse and worse. This President has not only Alzheimer but he is also stubborn.
What next now?

Anonymous said...

He's an angry man with a temper issue overseeing the largest embarrassment of the United States military, and has embezzled his family for a decade+ with multiple pay-to-play schemes. If the media would have had real integrity they'd not have suppressed and belittled this information ahead of the election. And now Hunter lost another laptop with embarrassing material.
He (Joe) showered inappropriately with his daughter, according to her own written diary, and she blames this experience for her current love life.

Biden is also the key author of the crack cocaine bill. THE guy. The actual mean person. I don't want to say racist, bad is a better description. HE is one of the key reasons why there was so much suffering in the black community through immensely long prison sentences, and the destruction of the FAMILY of black people. He and Fauci and Pelosi and Schiff are demons. Pure evil. I cannot even look in their eyes, it's just pure demonic. Like aliens or something inhumane. Nor natural. They have such a dark aura, whatever they are, my instincts tell me to stay as far away as possible. I have the same with photographs of Hitler.

Anonymous said...

If NYT and WaPo are on board with Biden, then Democrat drones are onboard. R-squared is .95 .

Anonymous said...

It's horrible. How come they cannot see what's going on? Just talk to your neighbours, really talk. Listen. Try to really understand. What they think of this all, including the election. Let them tell you what they've seen ahead of the election (eg the massive suppression polls again), during and after(belittling of witnesses, denying court hearings, beatings and intimidations)

This is not normal. It's your duty as a patriot to understand your fellow brother and not call them racist or bigoted. Listen. That's all it takes.

RussInSoCal said...

The Schachtel tweet is spot on.



Anonymous said...

Lol yup