Don Surber: They seem to want Joe to go
Maybe the swamp rats in Washington do not see Afghanistan as an existential threat to Biden.
After all, they misjudged the speed in which the Taliban would move to fill the vacuum created by Biden's sudden withdrawal of U.S. forces.
Why would they not misjudge the gravity of the situation now?
Still it does seem strange that few pundits or politicians are publicly defending him.
His party's leaders are sitting on the sidelines while Biden stumbles and fumbles his explanations for his decision to leave 38 million people in Afghanistan high and dry.
The Syracuse newspaper reported, "Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer said on Wednesday that it’s too soon to cast blame over President Joe Biden’s withdrawal plan in Afghanistan.
Read more ....
WNU Editor: There is a lot of support to withdraw from Afghanistan. But aside from his staff and a few commentators on this blog (trolls?), I have seen no support in the media, Washington's political class, the military and intel community, and America's allies abroad, on how this withdrawal was implemented.
And with the disaster that has unfolded in the past few weeks, President Biden's allies have made themselves scarce. Even vice-President Harris is on the other side of the planet .... Kamala Harris says U.S. focus on Afghan evacuations, pledges open South China Sea (Reuters).
Good question
Even better question: where are all these millions and millions that voted for a senile corrupt politician that couldn't pull a crowd, barely gave interviews and hid in his basement...
THAT question will not go away, no matter that they now declare that people who ask questions about the election are "terrorists" now
What happened to all these Democrsts that during the Trump administration claimed he was a Russian asset and that the previous election was dubious and therefore it was OK to derail his presidency? This went on for years.. they gave each other Pulitzer prizes for misinformation and outright lies. They depicted a decapitated Trump and cheered it on.
Yeah, right
They're tyrants and I'll not shut up about it
Dems are cowards pure and simple.
This disaster will get worse and worse with the potential of dwarfing the loss of life on 9/11. In fact does anyone think the Taliban will let the opportunity to celebrate 9/11 in Kabul pass without killing Americans?
Schumer, Pelosi, Senate Dems ought to be working with the GOP to craft a plan right now to deal with the coming tragic events. There is no avoiding blood letting. The question is will the US decide to bite the bullet and dominate the scale of violence?
The American public and
Trump supported the withdrawal of this endless war.
Do you mean the swamp rats that trump ended up swimming with ?or are we going to talk about trump's bank account in CHINA ??
One: For 20 years, politicians, elites and D.C. military leaders lied to us about Afghanistan.
Two: What happened last week was inevitable, and anyone saying differently is still lying to you.
I know because I was there. Twice. On special operations task forces. I learned Pashto as a U.S. Marine captain and spoke to everyone I could there: everyday people, elites, allies and yes, even the Taliban.
The truth is that the Afghan National Security Forces was a jobs program for Afghans, propped up by U.S. taxpayer dollars — a military jobs program populated by nonmilitary people or “paper” forces (that didn’t really exist) and a bevy of elites grabbing what they could when they could.
You probably didn’t know that. That’s the point.
And it wasn’t just in Afghanistan. They also lied about Iraq.
I led a team of Marines training Iraqi security forces to defend their country. When I arrived I received a “stoplight” chart on their supposed capabilities in dozens of missions and responsibilities. Green meant they were good. Yellow was needed improvement; red said they couldn’t do it at all.
I was delighted to see how far along they were on paper — until I actually began working with them. I attempted to adjust the charts to reflect reality and was quickly shut down. The ratings could not go down. That was the deal. It was the kind of lie that kept the war going.
So when people ask me if we made the right call getting out of Afghanistan in 2021, I answer truthfully: Absolutely not. The right call was getting out in 2002. 2003. Every year we didn’t get out was another year the Taliban used to refine their skills and tactics against us — the best fighting force in the world. After two decades, $2 trillion and nearly 2,500 American lives lost, 2021 was way too late to make the right call.
You’d think when it all came crumbling down around them, they’d accept the truth. Think again.
War-hungry hawks are suggesting our soldiers weren’t in harm’s way. Well, when I was there, two incredible Marines in my unit were killed.
Elitist hacks are even blaming the American people for what happened this week. The same American people that they spent years lying to about Afghanistan. Are you kidding me?
We deserve better. Instead of politicians spending $6.4 trillion to “nation build” in the Middle East, we should start nation building right here at home.
I can’t believe that would be a controversial proposal, but already in Washington, we see some of the same architects of these Middle Eastern disasters balking at the idea of investing a fraction of that amount to build up our own country.
The lies about Afghanistan matter not just because of the money spent or the lives lost, but because they are representative of a systematic dishonesty that is destroying our country from the inside out.
"NEVER TRUMPER ! is a troll" - O6 Obvious
Holy crap somebody is speaking the truth. Nicely said without getting into the Democrats vs Republican crap.🤯👍
"as a U.S. Marine captain " Do not know. there are at least 4 to 8 trolls on here
"The truth is that the Afghan National Security Forces was a jobs program for Afghans, propped up by U.S. taxpayer dollars "
Goldman, a very bright guy, agrees.
Goldman: The Dr. Frankensteins of Foreign Policy
"Luttwak is right: The Afghan Army was a reality show with hired actors who stole the props. But it’s even worse than that..."
"— a military jobs program populated by nonmilitary people or “paper” forces (that didn’t really exist) and a bevy of elites grabbing what they could when they could."
Shades of Iraq in 2014 with their ghost payrolls
I do not totally agree with Goldman about the Sunni Awakening. There were a significant number of foreign fighters coming into Iraq. For example, there were many Libyans. They did not take orders for the local Sunni tribes. One theory is that Gadaffi let disgruntled activist out of jail and free to leave Libya in the hopes they would travel to Iraq and get killed. They would be out of his hair. It is either that or grow the prison population and risk having a dirty western NGO wag a figure at you based on their bogus stat of imprisonment rate. Anyway a lot of foreign jihadis treated the locals like dogs. Like taking over hospitals for their exclusive use. The local Iraqis were sick of and so joined the US because we had a common enemy. First 2 leaders of the Sunni Awakening were assassinated by Al Qaeda in short order. The 3rd one stepped up. It happened all in a matter of 6 months. That is guts. More guts than most Western leaders. I was impressed. So I do not totally agree with Goldman.
But Goldman is very smart with a much better than average track record. In my book Goldman is a must read.
Petraeus is or was very impressive. Was. Screw the Leftist agitators and what they said about him.
1) Worked for Obama. That is definitely smoke.
2) Infidelity in a war zone. Powerful men usually have mistresses. But we are talking during war time in country.
3) Pretty much what Goldman said.
2+ strikes?
Hey, thanks for your service
--- > the trillions(!) spent on "nation building".. how much do you think was lost to the corrupt (on the afghan and our side)? 30% is what I hear.. so of the trillions spent in the middle East - estimates of at least 6 trillion - about 2 trillion went to a combination of special interest groups, shadow projects, corrupt politicians and the military industrial complex.
We all know it's true. But I guess it's hard to really understand.
Sure, it's just corruption, no harm done, right?
What about the thousands of your soldiers, your brothers and sisters that got hurt over there, and killed? So these literal monsters can enrich themselves?? You know this is at the minimum mass murder and human rights violations, right?
And the same people now force lockdowns on you, destroying the economy and ushering in the great reset. The same people who likely committed the above crimes, and now outlaw the discussion of the election and even make it illegal to suspect 9/11 was an inside job (after all since then these wars happened and these massive crimes and corruption began or at least accelerated)
And people don't believe when I tell them the World Economic Forum pushes for Neo-Marxism, blended with capitalism, and a control grid similar to what they have in China. And you realize you are being spied on by an out of control system that is targeting anyone who wants nation states, strong borders or election integrity.
And you see Warren Buffet coming out hailing the Chinese model (which includes population control, forced sterilizations, organ harvesting etc)
And you see Trudeau admitting he loves the Chinese model
And you see leaders all at once talking about the great reset
And you see in your own news at home that they organ harvest babies now, that Fauci tortured animals with live maggots and other diseases for months
And you see that the vaccines are killing people left and right and that women experience menstrual cycle changes
And you hear the left talking about not having babies and that the World ends in 12 years (based on nothing but their cult)
And you know about the Thucydides trap and how the think tanks likely do what they think is right "for the greater good" and why they had to get rid of nationalist trump who grew the US gdp faster than anticipated, only prolonging this dangerous time when China takes over (and the thycidedes trap is at its most dangerous)
Instead you see the orchestrated collapse of the West
And your children are being indoctrinated in schools to hate white people, and think of class and gender (that is a core principle of Marxism to see everything by class and power struggles.. to divide you and rule you)
And your military is purged of anyone disagreeing with BLM, a neo-marxist group that has at its core principles the destruction of the family unit and education of children by the state...
And you sit there and say "russsiaaan boooot!" or "foreiiiign troll alert" lol
People are retarded. Literally retarded :D
Anyways, I know you will come around soon. The evidence is blatantly in your face.
Good luck guys, think of me when you realize I was right. And then tell the next one.
Good luck troll in your new gig
Keep trying
You realize they want a global government, that's what they are working towards
So is it implausible to suggest this criminal cabal who pushes the great reset down our throats are working together?
You see so many of our politicians and top business ceos/investment funds and pretty much everyone that got rich with the rise of China now promote their system..
They (our elected leaders and the Davos group/the World economic forum) tell us the 4th industrial revolution (AI and the unemployment it will bring with it) is inevitable and we will just have to accept this new future in which we live like slaves and have nothing, while THEY have everything
And they want you to believe it is inevitable.
They don't want you to resist.
They want the same control grid as they have in China, and they are working at high speed towards it.
They already monitor everything you say online, they already monitor all your texts and phone calls, they now scan your phone's drives using an AI (they will give of course and excuse for it, as they always do), but the outcome is the same. They want to completely know what you think and if you think the right thing. What the state party approved.
You will have no more privacy or freedom if you go along with this.
The lockdowns are just to usher in the great reset and destroy your economy.
It is exactly the opposite what you would do.
During a first outbreak, fully understood, lock down.
But not when the virus has gone endemic and lives in animals too. You cannot vaccinate your way out of this.
You'll make it worse - just like you cannot use antibiotics all year long, as it will create more and more resistant and deadly bacteria.
It is basic biology.
Why do you think the media lies to you for years about "vaccine skepticism"?
They train you like pavlovian dogs.
And here:
ANd here:
It is absolutely reasonable to be skeptic. BE SKEPTIC. THINK! Be skeptic of what I write, but think for yourself.
You are being dumbed down, isolated, forcefully injected with drugs.
They talked about this for decades, that when AI becomes more and more prevalent we need to find a solution with all these umemployed people. Basic minimum income. Planned depopulation. And the control grid, to clear house and get rid of dissidents. That's what the covid camps are for. They send you there based on PCR tests which even the inventor Dr. Mullis (Nobel prize winner) said shouldn't be used this way. He died conveniently one year ahead of the outbreak.
And you are too lazy to really think, so you go to and fully ignore who funds them or that the CEO was caught in numerous crimes including plagiarism.
You just sit there and allow the largest transfer of wealth in recorded human history take place while also the largest assulat on human live and human rights takes place.
Ok then.
Maybe they are right. Maybe half the World is just basically walking animals too dumb to know they are being depopulated, targeted, eliminated.
And they always say "oh this can't happen".
When Nazis rose in Germany even the Germans and the neigbouring countries coulnd't believe it.
When the war ended Germans couldn't believe that the concentration camps and gas chambers existed. Until they were brought there, by the army, to look at it and were forced to open their eyes.
They do it incrementally.
How to identify "THEM"? Those who come for your constitution and its amendments.
Why? Because they cannot survive the great reset and the neoMarxist/communist future in which you will own nothing and they will own everything
12:41 Congrats on destroying the thread. Not hard for you as a monomaniacal blowhard
In Afghanistan, President Biden got dealt yet another losing hand from the Trump Administration. Their Doha Agreement with the Taliban violated the most basic principles of self-government for the Afghan people. There was no way to enforce it or make sure the Taliban kept its word. There was no denunciation of al-Qaeda terrorists. Worst of all, the deal didn't mandate the Taliban stop attacks against Afghan security forces.
All of this set the stage for the chaotic scenes we're seeing on TV today.
Trump's deal with the Taliban was flawed from the start, which is why Trump's own officials are now scrambling to distance themselves from it. "To have our Generals say that they are depending on diplomacy with the Taliban is an unbelievable scenario. Negotiating with the Taliban is like dealing with the devil," tweeted Trump's ambassador to the United Nations, Nikki Haley, who certainly voiced no such objections while working for Trump. She was not alone.
"In Afghanistan, President Biden got dealt yet another losing hand from the Trump Administration. "
Another copy and paste job by a dweeb with no opinion of their own. They are like a mere babe, an empty vessel, who has a hinged skull cap so liberal newspapers and magazines can pour in their propaganda. It will then know what to think.
Biden tore up every other Trump policy foreign and domestic other than this one. So Dorkin's whine does not fly. It smells , but it does not fly.
Definitely some trolls WNU. The main trolls, bots and paid shills on this site seem to involve the vaccines. I'm fine with skepticism and questions but we're talking multi-page rants with tons of links and everything else. I honestly believe that this content is a contributing factor to this site being on google's black list as you have mentioned.
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