Tuesday, August 24, 2021

With Evacuations At Kabul Airport Now Being Held On A 'War-Footing Pace' Satellite Images Show Thousands Of Afghans Lining Up For Rescue Flights

The US said some 16,000 people were flown out of Kabul between Sunday morning and Monday afternoon, with thousands more due to leave the country today (pictured, a satellite image shows people boarding a military plane)  

Daily Mail: Queueing up to escape from Hell: Satellite images show thousands of Afghans lining up for rescue flights as evacuations are held on 'war-footing pace' as deadline looms 

* Flights out of Kabul stepped up amid final dash to get people out of the country before August 31 deadline 

* US evacuated more than 16,000 between Sunday morning and late Monday, with thousands more to fly today 

* NATO said 50,000 evacuated since Taliban took over, and that flights are being conducted on 'war footing' 

* Joe Biden is set to decide today whether to extend an August 31 deadline to halt the flights under pressure from G7 allies Germany, UK and France - though Britain has said date is unlikely to shift 

* British student who fled Kabul said Taliban threatened to shoot him dead after seeing his UK passport in a chilling foreshadowing of the threat faced by those who get left behind 

Afghans are being evacuated from Kabul airport at a 'war footing' pace with satellite images showing thousands queueing to leave the country as the August 31 deadline for flights to stop looms large. 

The US said some 12,700 people boarded mercy flights in the last 24 hours bringing the total evacuated since August 14 to almost 60,000, while Britain managed to air-lift 2,000 in the last 24 hours bringing its total to 8,500. 

But France, the UK and Spain have warned that - even at the current pace - some of those promised sanctuary will be left behind unless the August 31 deadline is extended.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: The satellite images in the above post are a must see on how many want to flee the country.


Anonymous said...

1) 1 week 7 days.

2) Estimate crowd size.

3) Look at flights per day

4) Look at passenger capacity.

5) Do the math.

A week from Wednesday, the 23rd, Joe will be pummeled with daily bad news and will runaway to his hidey hole in the basement of his house.

Okay don't. The above algorithm is 5 steps to complicated for most liberals.

Anonymous said...

... too complicated ...

Jac said...

China is watching closely the way we are trying to resolve this trap. This information is valuable to them for any future event.