Tuesday, September 7, 2021

9/11 Mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed With Four Other Guantanamo Bay Detainees Have Their First Court Appearance In 500 Days


Daily Mail: 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed SMILES and waves during his first appearance in the Guantanamo Bay court in 500 days 

 * KSM and his co-defendants were said to appear in good spirits, smiling with Mohammed waving to the gallery 

* Tuesday marked the resumption of pre-trial hearings as there is still no official trial date nearly 20 years after the attacks 

* The US has reportedly spent over $160 million detaining Khalid Sheikh Mohammed since his capture in 2003 

* The trial has been mired in legal challenges, and the defense is arguing that admissions made under torture should be thrown out 

Sept. 11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, known as 'KSM,' appeared in court for the terrorist attack along with four other Guantanamo Bay detainees for the first time in more than a year on Tuesday. 

KSM and his co-defendants were said to appear in good spirits, smiling with Mohammed waving to the gallery. 

The defendants are charged with crimes including terrorism, hijacking and 2,976 counts of murder for their alleged roles planning and providing logistical support to the Sept. 11 plot. 

They could get the death penalty if convicted at the military commission, which combines elements of civilian and military law.  

Read more .... 

More News On The Resumption Of 9/11 Pre-Trial Hearings 

9/11 mastermind, 4 other Guantanamo Bay detainees seen smiling during first group court appearance in 500 days -- FOX News  

Alleged 9/11 plotters, including Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, appear at Guantanamo pretrial hearing -- CNN Sept. 11 mastermind smiles and waves as he returns to Gitmo court -- Washington Examiner  

Case resumes against ‘9/11 plotter’ Khalid Sheikh Mohammed -- NYPost  

Allegations of CIA torture continue to be stumbling block in 9/11 trial -- Washington Examiner


Anonymous said...

Even they get a court hearing!

The political prisoners in DC held by the state party, to this day haven't seen a judge.

Their crime? Asking questions about the election.

The hallmark of tyranny is tyranny.
If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it's a freaking tyrant! :F

RussInSoCal said...

9:35 PM



Jac said...

Next step: we will give an honor medal to these courageous terrorists.
Unbelievable. When our nightmare will finish?

Dave Goldstein said...

Oh yes, the baluchi guy

Anonymous said...

Jac, they (the Democrats) are already giving medals to terrorists.. they gave the police officer who executed Ashley Babbitt a medal. He didn't warn her, he didn't fire a warning shot. He shot right into her and almost killed the officers standing next to her.

But these are the stages of the end times we live through, where up becomes down, left becomes right and tyranny and murder is awarded

Pelosi hopefully burns in hell

Jac said...

Anon 11:18
You are so right. Where are we going? I hope we are not falling as the Roman Empire because the output is darkness.

Anonymous said...

Jac, thank you. I'm also the one warning people of the great reset here. And the one who asked you about your health after taking the "vaccines".

Listen.. always have 2 weeks of storeable food at home for the next few months.. the upcoming winter will see a lot of death and panic and misinformation and there's already supply chain issues-- and Tyson food, the world's largest food/ meat producer, is demanding vaccinations for all employees. From what I've seen(I know and respect you might disagree) this might spell trouble. Either way, it's good to have some food at home, now might be the time to stock up. And if I'm wrong, you get to munch out and watch Netflix ;)

And if you get sick, have a plan if things the hospital does don't work. If they refuse to give you certain medicines, have them at home. People are going mad soon.

Good luck