Thursday, September 2, 2021

Afghanistan Evacuees And Trapped Citizens Give Harrowing Reports Of Gunfire And Beatings While Trying To Escape Kabul

Afghans walk past a Taliban military checkpoint in Kabul, Afghanistan on Thursday. More anecdotes are coming out about how the Taliban 'were creating as much problems as they could' to prevent Americans, Afghan-Americans and Afghan allies from departing the country  

Daily Mail: 'Go and tell the State Department to f*** themselves': What the Taliban said to Americans and Afghans who have been shot at and beaten at checkpoints while trying to escape Kabul 

* Taliban fighters 'were creating as much problems as they could' to prevent Americans, Afghan-Americans and Afghan allies from leaving Afghanistan 

* The Washington Examiner interviewed evacuees who had reached out to Congressional offices to get help fleeing the country 

* One Afghan-American citizen recalled a Taliban guard telling him, 'Go and tell the State Department to f*** themselves' 

* That citizen and his family made it out by running through a fire fight at the Kabul airport, the day of the ISIS-K attack on the facility 

* 'I know it was stupid, but I took just my chance. I ran toward the soldiers. I had my passport in my hand - shouting that I'm an American citizen,' he said 

* Other Americans said they were fired at and beaten by Taliban fighters who were standing guard outside the Kabul airport 

Taliban fighters 'were creating as much problems as they could' to prevent Americans, Afghan-Americans and Afghan allies from leaving Afghanistan before the U.S.'s August 31 pull-out. 

The Washington Examiner interviewed evacuees who had reached out to Congressional offices to get help fleeing the country, including one Afghan-American citizen who had sought help from the office of Rep. Don Bacon, a Nebraska Republican. 

That citizen had been told by the State Department to go to the Interior Ministry for help, only to encounter a Taliban guard who told him, 'Go and tell the State Department to f*** themselves.'  

Read more .... 

Update: Gunfire and beatings: Congressional offices get harrowing reports from Afghanistan evacuees and trapped citizens (Washington Examiner)  

WNU Editor: Their experiences could have been worse. The Taliban could have killed all of these evacuees.


Jac said...

....and it was a "success"!?!?!? If it was happening with Trump, imagine the media!

Hans Persson said...

I'm actually already tiered of this whole thing. Can't wait until this news cycle is over.

Anonymous said...

Maybe, if every newsroom in America didn't have an office for the CIA to influence their operations, we wouldn't have to suffer the bleating of the crooked minority like this.

Anonymous said...

"By 1953 we were operating or influencing international organizations in every field where Communist fronts had previously seized ground, and in some where they had not even begun to operate.

The money we spent was very little by Soviet standards."

7:43 Provide a complete picture for to judge relative inputs into the system or shove a razor wire Lucille up you prodigious ass.