Monday, September 13, 2021

Are There Chinese Spies In U.S. Academia?

Reuters: Stanford professors urge U.S. to end program looking for Chinese spies in academia 

(Reuters) - A group of Stanford University professors has asked the Justice Department to stop looking for Chinese spies at U.S. universities, joining an effort by human rights groups to end a Trump administration program they said caused racial profiling and was terrorizing some scientists. 

The "China Initiative" launched in late 2018 aimed to prevent U.S. technology theft by China but has since "deviated significantly from its claimed mission," according to the Sept. 8 letter, which was signed by 177 Stanford faculty members and made public by them on Monday. "

(I)t is harming the United States' research and technology competitiveness and it is fueling biases that, in turn, raise concerns about racial profiling," the letter said.  

Read more ....  

Update: Professors Accuse Trump-Era 'China Initiative' of Racially Profiling Chinese Scholars (Newsweek) 

WNU Editor: If you are not a spy why worry? Apparently a lot of scholars are worried.


Anonymous said...

Of course they are, they have been implemented across the globe and it simply boils down to money. Universities sell jobs, the most high profile jobs in the country. China is not short on my, and in my country, migrant students are their slush fund, while we have massive skill shortages.

End of the day, you can get a great education without universities, Khan academy has to be one of the best, free example of high quaility education in univeristy level maths and more.

But no one is going to give you a job because you studies at Khan Academy, its just the nature of the job. I mean how many people are given jobs under the Harvard name, no matter if they did good or not. Just a matter of buying a job and China has alot of money.

Anonymous said...

End of the day, univerties need to move away from this 1900 notion of teaching, instead they need to be more focused on testing. Let the students do their own learning, at their own pace.

Instead we see testing get easier, more linancy, more protectionism and it simply boils down to rich kids buying high paying jobs that they are increasingly incapable of doing.

I recall in highschool how the Chinese students out performed me, but i didn't try, i was too busy talking to my friends, playing sports and have a huge range of skills. So yes, on a specific test i may not have scored as high as good too shoes who studies day in and day out.

But i don't they have ever come anywhere near the capability of what i have accomplished. Universties are not empowering that next generation of diverse experts, rather those tangent seekers and pay to win noobs.

Anonymous said...

Of course there is. Tip of the iceberg.

Unknown said...

The Soviets infiltrated the top universities in England a hundred years ago. If it works why change it. Keep ducking 🙉