Monday, September 6, 2021

British Aircraft Carrier HMS Queen Elizabeth Pays A Visit To Japan


Reuters: Britain shows off Queen Elizabeth aircraft carrier to anxious Japan 

TOKYO (Reuters) - Britain showed off its HMS Queen Elizabeth aircraft carrier to Japan's defence chief on Monday at a naval base near Tokyo, marking the start of a permanent military presence in a region trying to come to grips with China's growing power. 

Japan's defence minister, Nobuo Kishi, and senior Japanese military commanders were shown round the carrier, walking between F-35B stealth fighters on the deck as Royal Navy officers explained how the jets launched from the ramp at the bow. 

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More News On The British Aircraft Carrier HMS Queen Elizabeth Paying A Visit To Japan  

U.K. aircraft carrier visits Japan for drill amid China worry -- CTV News/AP  

Japan defense chief goes on board British aircraft carrier -- Kyodo News  

HMS Queen Elizabeth Arrives In Japan -- gCaptain  

UK's largest aircraft carrier arrives in Japan for drill, aims to counter Chinese influence in Senkaku Islands -- Hindustan Times


B.Poster said...

What a colossal waste of fuel, time, and opportunity costs. Just who is Japan fighting and what are they anxious about? Presumably their worried about China and their allies. At least that's who we're told we need to be "anxious" about.

If this is the case, aircraft carriers of the type the US has in its fleet or is building is obsolete against an enemy of this type. Perhaps the British have modified theirs.

Anonymous said...

STFU Imposter

B.Poster said...

You most know I'm right. You must insult me or try and silence me. It's your only option. I would suggest that you either contribute something to the discussion or go away.

Unlike you I post under a screen name and I've made it very easy for you find me and verify all claims I make about myself. Obviously I'm not an imposter.

Based upon careful observation is my considered opinion that aircraft carriers are not going to be effective against an enemy like China. As we are likely to be at war with China very soon, naturally I want the US to win. An understanding of the enemy will be paramount. Unless the British have made modifications to theirs that we haven't and I see no evidence they have sending one to Japan right now is a waste of time and valuable resources.

Anonymous said...

You know I am right. I have no military, experience, reading or training, but you know I am right sweet lips.

B.Poster said...

Where we do not have direct knowledge we carefully consult with those who do. It's important to carefully gather the facts, study them from all angles, and always be careful to challenge our assumptions lest they challenge us. Many don't do this choosing instead to fall back on ideology and stop there.

I think you know I am probably right. All you seem to be able to offer are insults.

Anonymous said...

A piece of floating scrap metal.

Anonymous said...

Where we do not have direct knowledge we carefully consult with those who do. It's important to carefully gather the facts, study them from all angles, blah blah blah

You are as useless as Obama or tits on boar.

I can remember, when Obama told America to properly inflate the tires on our cars. It was news to me I mean I do not know why I bought an air compressor to inflate tire years before Obama opened up his pie hole.

Obama Insists Inflating Tires Better Than Oil Drilling

Anonymous said...

Where we do not have direct knowledge we carefully consult with those who do. It's important to carefully gather the facts, study them from all angles, blah blah blah

"When it get cold out wear a coat" - B Poster cousin of Capt. Obvious

B.Poster said...

"Blah, blah, blah..." very respectfully you're not taking the time to actually read my posts in their entirety. I believe you're falling back on ideology to guide your reasoning.

For what it's worth Obama was pretty useless in my considered opinion, he tended to rely to heavily on ideology to make his decisions.

As this applies to aircraft carriers, we carefully study their pros and cons, read multiple sources about them, consult with people who have expertise in the field, try and meet and forge relationships with those who have served on them, evaluate all of the evidence, and then we try and reach conclusions regarding their efficacy. Even after we've reached conclusions we must always be willing to reevaluate our assumptions.

Based upon 20+ years of research I don't see aircraft carriers as they are being made by the US to currently be of any use against a mid level Navy and certainly not against China. Perhaps significant modifications could be made to change this. At this point, the best description of aircraft carrier in my considered opinion is "floating death trap."

Anonymous said...

People outside the Navy do not study carriers for 20 years. You are as much of a troll as Fred, Nuremberg 2.0 guy, Thank you president Biden for getting us out guy and few other trolls.

B.Poster said...

Actually military study is fascinating. I would suggest you actually try it. Actually try studying something and analyzing it rather than falling back on ideology. Don't like what I have to say and suspect it may be accurate, accuse me of lying without any evidence.

If you had actually bothered to read the posts, you would realize that pretty much no one has a problem with Biden getting us out. The problem is the sloppy execution and leaving a number of our allies and Americans behind as well as massive amounts of equipment and importing massive amounts of unvetted Afghans who are likely Jihadists and no telling what diseases including COVID they may be carrying. By studying military operations you should be able to learn how one executes a withdrawal and how one does not execute a withdrawal.

Either by design or sheer incompetence the Biden Administration showed us how not to execute a withdrawal. I have some former Afghan contractor friends who believe this was all deliberate designed to produce as much chaos and suffering as possible. At this point, I do not believe that. Nevertheless the level of incompetence with this withdrawal would be very hard to duplicate.

Anonymous said...

You are just like Fred. You are a twerp who moves the goal posts. We were talking about carriers not Afghanistan. How is the weather in St Petersberg?