Thursday, September 2, 2021

China's New Ambassador To The U.S. Outlines Beijing's Red Lines In First Major Speech

Qin Gang, China's new ambassador to the United States  

Politico: China's new ambassador to the U.S. goes full wolf in first major speech 

Qin Gang warns of “disastrous consequences” if the U.S. seeks to suppress China using a “Cold War playbook.” 

China’s newly minted ambassador to the United States arrived only in July, but the honeymoon is already over. Qin Gang on Tuesday reinforced his reputation as a sharp-edged avatar of Chinese diplomacy with a speech that excoriated U.S. “wrong beliefs” and cautioned against violating Beijing’s “red line” of core interests in areas including the South China Sea, Taiwan and Xinjiang. 

 In his most substantive public statement yet, Qin pointed ominously to China’s nuclear weapons capability and warned of “disastrous consequences” if the U.S. seeks to suppress China using a “Cold War playbook.”  

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WNU Editor: To sum it all up. The Chinese government has no interest to find common ground with the U.S..


Adam said...

Perfect time to stage some large scale exercises in their backyard. Of course it will never happen.

Anonymous said...

That's a two-way street, WNU.

Comrade Xi and the CCP are aware that every member of congress and the blob are trying to outdo each other on their anti-China cred.

Does the US wish to work with China when it's practical and mutually beneficial?

Anonymous said...

Seems to me the world tried that approach [working with china's rulers] once upon a time, 6:44.

Anonymous said...

Try again, get creative. China contains 1/6 of the world's population. The rest of the world doesn't have a choice if they want to, they must.

Anonymous said...

US has no interest in finding a common ground as well.

Anonymous said...

If China wants a nuclear war, they will get one. Coldwar tactics resulted in no exchange of nuclear weapons, i mean to think in the world of 2020 that nuclear weapons are the most deadly weapons on the planet is a fantasy. The US and its allies, well lets just say the human race are planet destroyers and China needs to learn its place in the world.

There is no room for expansion, they are hundreads of years too late, the were dominated by Japan in WW2 and as such, only have the territories they have today because the allies gave it to them.

Before the UK handed over HongKong the Chinese economy was a joke, you can praise your dear leader for his success all you wish but the only people that built China is the West and the West can destory it at the push of a button.

China may have nukes, it may have warships and an army but they don't make the rules here, the entire world is at Chinas doorstep. There is no room on this planet for an expanding Nation and China will learn the hardway if it keeps pushing to take Taiwan.

They are lost in the past, numbers account for nothing, even in WW2 a single man was credited with sinking two Japanese Carriers, if China wants to play the wolf they will be quickly tamed or put down if they touch the sheep. The day will come where the world will have to make the hard decision and decide if they want to remove a large population of the world from this planet or be bounded into servitude by a weak pathetic little man attempting to rewrite history.

If you ask me, its a shame WW2 allies couldn't share mutual borders, the Germany split into East and West and more importantly Russia decided that they needed the buffer zone of China to remain intact. World would be a better place without these rats spreading plagues and people to every corner of the world, stealing research, bullying and exporting their slave laboured goods.

Anonymous said...

In all honesty, if the day comes, i hope we erridate their entire population from the face of this earth and leave no one behind. This isn't about winning a war, this is about winning all future wars by removing the cancer from this planet. No mercy, it really has to be a war to end all wars, because in years to come even a lone wolf can inflict severe damage if left to festure