Thursday, September 2, 2021

Chinese President Xi Jinping Warns Officials To Not Expect An Easy Life And Be Ready To Struggle

Xi Jinping addressed an event at the party school. Photo: Xinhua  

SCMP: Don’t expect an easy life and be ready to struggle, Chinese President Xi Jinping warns officials  

Chinese officials have been warned by President Xi Jinping to "discard their illusions" about having an easy life and "dare to struggle" to protect the country's sovereignty and security 

"The great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation has entered a key phase, and risks and challenges we face are conspicuously increasing," Xi said, according to state news agency Xinhua. 

"It's unrealistic to always expect easy days and not want to struggle." He told an event on Wednesday to mark the new semester at the Central Party School, where cadres are trained, that: "(We) must not yield an inch on issues of principle, and defend national sovereignty, security and development interests with an unprecedented quality of mind."  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: The Chinese government is now going all out to project a "tougher" image .... Chinese Communist Party bans 'sissy men' to save 'revolutionary culture' (Washington Examiner).


Anonymous said...

Comrade Xi the CPC are just the helmsman Asia needs to lead the world in the 21st century.

May the mandate of Heaven shine upon the CPC for the next century.

Jac said...

We never listen enough to dictators.
Xi feels perfectly free to announce the color as he sees the incredible weakness of the American executive.
We are also going to have difficult times.

Anonymous said...

Contrary to your first sentence 6:57, I'm perfectly capable of running my own life.
You sir, are also capable of running your life. Just be leery of what you say and who hears it next time you are visiting Beijing or the Great Wall. Oh! And don't forget the surveillance hardware.

Anonymous said...

Xi is a clueless dude. Sure he grew up in hard times. Those were the Mao times. With everything being done perfectly, times would still have been hard. Mao made them worse. People, who survived that time, take pride in being tough minded. Nietze's comment comes to mind. It is a given that those times toughened up Xi. Being tough is a positive under most circumstances.

Xi does not have as much military experience as Hitler. Which is both a blessing and a curse. Military experience made Hitler decide a few things well and it made him overconfident and foolish. For Xi it will come down to listening to his generals and what he has picked up along the way. Merely being tough in economic hard times does not make you a military genius. If it did, then everyone, who lived through the Great Depression would be military geniuses.

If Xi's generals are wrong, Xi won't know until it is too late. He will have miscalculated.

That said, I think the Chinese can take Taiwan with 20,000 as a spearhead.

Maybe the whole structure is rotten and if the door is kicked in it will collapse. The person, who originally said it, failed, butt failure was not pre-ordained. There is an expiration date on such things.

Jac said...

Anon 9:18

What you say is true but Xi is as clueless as Saddam Hussein for the same reason. He is perfectly able to do the same mistake, taking Taiwan as Hussein took Kuwait. It is not reassuring at all because we will be on the first line.

Anonymous said...

Heil Xi.