Thursday, September 9, 2021

CIA Wants More Social Media Followers

Politico: The CIA’s least covert mission 

The country’s premier intelligence agency is looking to showcase “a softer side” via social media. 

In the bowels of its Langley headquarters, a fluorescent-lit, mundane office space houses a team of about a dozen people engaged in what is perhaps the Central Intelligence Agency’s least covert mission: to make American citizens “like” the agency on social media. 

An edict is posted to the wall: “Every time you make a typo….the errorists win.” 

The United State’s premier intelligence agency has slowly ramped up its social media presence since joining Facebook and Twitter in 2014, creating one of the federal government’s quirkiest, creative, and controversial PR campaigns.  

Read more ....  

Update: The CIA’s on a mission to get more social media followers (NYPost) 

WNU Editor: I checked the CIA's social media accounts, and noticed right away on why they will fail in getting more social media followers. 

They do not post useful or informative information, and their posting is sporadic WNU posts more than they do. 

So what is this team of a dozen people doing?

The CIA's Instagram account is here (link here). The CIA Facebook account is here (link here). The CIA Twitter account is here (link here). The CIA YouTube page is here (link here).


Anonymous said...

The more states and corporations participate in social media, the more it gets abused

We need to hold everyone, from CNN to the CIA (same people) accountable to their lies and division and hatred they intentionally propagate so you don't pay attention to the reshaping of America and taking of your rights and wealth

If you think the CIA still works for you..

Please wake up

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Have you looked at the CVs of the upper management at CNN? Former CIA

Anderson Cooper was even at the CIA and is a Vanderbild family member, among the richest in the US

You think that deep state vampire needs to work at a news outlet? He could almost buy it.. be real

Anonymous said...

Russian Troll fail

Anderson Cooper is worth 200 million dollars. His salary is 12 million dollars.

CNN is worth 5 billion dollars.

Do the math.

Cooper was an intern at the CIA while at college. So much for vetting.

Russian Troll fail Fail Russian troll

Anonymous said...

924 you basically confirmed what he said

Anonymous said...


Ummmmn NO. You do not buy a 5 billion dollar company with 200 million.

Being an intern at an organization does not make you a ring knocker. Now bugger you coworker Russian troll.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Picking on A. Cooper because he is at CNN and is wealthy is sheer stupidity.

this shows you know little about who has worked for intel and now does other sorts of things.

shows class envy because he is rich...talented and continues to work. ps: he is also opening a weed company.
If you do not care for CNN simply do not watch it: this is America. Your nonstop badmouthing of MSM (often cited at this blog) makes you look truly dumb: where do you get your news that is so much better than those places you dislike?
ps. the nonstop name-calling, ie: "liar" rather than mature response further indication of childishness.
tip: that you never offer policy, alternative approaches, but only calling names is exactly what has become of the GOP and right-leaning places: they have no policies. no programs (health, infrastructure, etc) but merely calling the opposition names.

Anonymous said...

Omfg and you probably think the election was real and Biden who couldn't pull a crowd if they offered free food won?

At one event they had Cher come out. You should have seen the look on her face and the tone in her voice when she went on stage and saw that the "crowd " she was promised was less than 100 people, 90% of which was staff and media

She left after half a song

You believe what you believe. When you do get enslaved further, remember me, I'll help you anyways

Anonymous said...

I would, but I'm banned.