Wednesday, September 29, 2021

During Sworn Testimony U.S. Joint Chiefs Of Staff Chairman Gen. Mark Milley Admits He Leaks To The Press


The Hill: Milley reveals he spoke to Woodward, other authors for books on Trump presidency 

Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Gen. Mark Milley on Tuesday told lawmakers he spoke with several authors for their recent books on the Trump administration, including veteran journalist Bob Woodward for his book “Peril,” which has triggered enormous scrutiny of the four-star general in recent weeks. 

In addition to speaking to Woodward for "Peril," which was co-authored by fellow Washington Post journalist Robert Costa, Milley said he also spoke to Philip Rucker and Carol Leonnig for their book “I Alone Can Fix It: Donald J. Trump’s Catastrophic Final Year” and to Michael Bender for “Frankly, We Did Win This Election: The Inside Story of How Trump Lost.”  

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WNU Editor: I find this very hard to believe ....

.... When asked by Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.) whether he was “accurately represented” in the books, Milley responded, “I haven’t read any of the books, I don’t know.” “I’ve seen press reporting of it. I haven’t read the books,” Milley added.


Anonymous said...

Color me skeptical.

Anonymous said...

speaking to the press and speaking to the authors is not the same as reading the book.

jimbrown said...

He read the chapters leaked by him not the whole books.

Sure has a lot of free time to leak.

Can we trade this Chinese mole to the Taliban?

Did the Chinese tell him they would call if there were an attack?

Anonymous said...

The Guardian! You are desperate!

Anonymous said...

Looking at the failure of one month versus the previous 239 is a very funny way of playing politics. More recently, Doha played Trump just like Pyongyang played trump. Unfortunately, the American Stegosaurus is still working its way out of the tar pit he left us in. Get gud WNU, you adore our military and shit down its throat whenever you can. Honestly though, the sooner you understand that Trump was the worst president America ever saw the better for your war smut blog. Although sometimes I think you're here just to see my nation burn.