Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Europe Facing The Reality That It Fail Massively In Afghanistan

Politico: For EU, Afghanistan is now a four-letter word 

Debacle has exposed severe European failings on multiple fronts — but no agreement on how to fix them. 

The 20-year, U.S.-led effort to turn Afghanistan into a stable, democratic country failed. 

But when it comes to the political and policy implications for the EU, a different F-word comes to mind. 

In the days since the West’s bailout from Kabul, the 27 member countries and the EU institutions in Brussels have been confronting the humiliating reality of their collective lack of military capability and they have been grasping desperately for policy options, some of which seem wildly unrealistic or woefully insufficient. 

The inability to keep the Kabul airport functioning, and maintain evacuations, even for just a few days longer without help from the U.S. has led to a sobering conclusion: The European Union can neither protect, nor project, its so-called “European way of life.”  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: I have to give some credit to the Europeans. Unlike the Biden administration that now wants to move away from Afghanistan, the Europeans want to assess and examine what went wrong, and maybe (and it is a big maybe), find some agreement to fix the failings that were exposed in Afghanistan.


Anonymous said...

They just want in on the China money

RussInSoCal said...

The AFG Fail? We haven't yet begun to feel the magnitude of the AFG FAIL. The AFG Fail will be felt when the rape, murder and terrorism, done by the tens of thousands of unvetted Afghan males brought over begin to accumulate in European and American towns and cities where they're relocated to. Just like everywhere else they settle.

The Western, Self-Loathing fervor that's driving our suicide will make itself known in the violent acts carried out by AFG "refugees'.

/and I doubt any AFG refugees will end up in Martha's Vineyard. Or Napa. Or The Hamptons...

Anonymous said...

NATO is too poltical, proping up failed leaders under hippy ideologies of woman, gays, race. Contrained by burocrates, bloated by administrators and collectively investing in single acquisitions of capabiltiy. You just need to look at how dramaticlly the UK has fallen under NATO and the fact that the US is their entire capability.

NATO should have one of the best cyber operations on the planet, instead its Russia, China, these nations that have all these cyber targets to learn from. NATO's biggest focus has been Russia, but is their a capable anti missile systems that is European?

I honestly think they need to go back to their respected countires, let leaders fall, and come back to the boardroom with all their capabilties, put them together and rather then intergrate, implement friendly rivary to elevate everyone. Otherwise they will just keep dragging themselves down and everyone around them, to please minoirty extremeist groups like that of fortune 500 companies, of evriomentalists, of Greens and Gays and Feminists and the day will come where there is a gun to their head and China will rewrite history and enslave them.

Europeans need to stop hating on themselves, embrace white supermacy and rise to the challenge of dominating this world with force, with reason and with freedom. Or fall under the heel of religious followers of the Middile East and Gods of China. The day of reckoning is coming and the EU will have to land that decisive blow of overwhelming strength of be engulfed by thousands of years of wars. They can't keep doing the bare minimum and slide under the notion of ticking boxes, of some politicians who will disaapear in a few years and was voted in on lies, misinformantion and money. NATO need to stop using soft power and actually be a military force.

RussInSoCal said...

1:45 AM

"Europeans need to stop hating on themselves, embrace white supermacy and rise to the challenge of dominating this world with force,"

That's where you lost me.

Anonymous said...

1:45 is a long form troll, which appears to be distinct from the Texas slow troll.

B.Poster said...

"Texas slow troll." Do you mean me? I always try and remain on topic and try not to insult others. I'm hardly a troll. Now, if there's a problem with my analysis on something, I'm all eyes. Please elaborate. This is how we learn.

It is good that the EU nations may be trying to learn from this. As for the US, we may need to completely purge the leadership class and pray we survive long enough to make the necessary changes.

For what it's worth, I fully agree with Russ regarding 1:45.