Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Gold Star Mother Of Marine Killed In Kabul Blast Invites Trump To Her Son's Funeral

Shana Chappell, the mother of 20-year-old Lance Cpl. Kareem Nikoui, invited Trump to attend his funeral in a Facebook post

Chappell wrote: 'It would be such an honor to meet the real President of the United States of America, President Trump. I love you and America loves you.'  

Daily Mail: 'It would be such an honor to meet the real President': Gold Star mother of Marine killed in ISIS-K blast invites Trump to her son's funeral after saying Biden 'has blood on his hands' 

* Mother of Lance Cpl. Kareem Nikoui issued the invitation on Facebook 

* Invited Trump to her son's funeral on September 18 in Riverside, California 

* Mother Shana Chappell said it would be an honor to meet the 'real' US president 

* Trump replied: 'our Country loves you and especially loves your beautiful boy' 

* Chappell has slammed Biden as responsible for the attack that killed 13 troops 

* 'The blood of all 13 of these heroes is on your hands,' she told Biden on Facebook 

The mother of one of the Marines killed in a suicide attack in Afghanistan has invited Donald Trump to attend the funeral, snubbing President Joe Biden after slamming him as responsible for the deaths of US troops. 

Shana Chappell, the mother of 20-year-old Lance Cpl. Kareem Nikoui, invited Trump to attend his funeral in a Facebook post, writing: 'It would be such an honor to meet the real President of the United States of America, President Trump. I love you and America loves you.'  

Read more ....  

Update: ‘It would be such an honor’: Gold Star mom invites Trump to son’s funeral (NYPost)  

WNU Editor: I am willing to bet that the former President gets dozens of invites like this everyday (if not more).


Anonymous said...

Sorry for your loss but Trump is NOT the president
and made the Taliban deal to get us out of Afghanistan. That grieving mother is mixing grief with politics.

Anonymous said...

Surprised FaceSpy didn't delete the comments and block her account.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

12:24: Yes, Trump got the ball rolling, but Biden was in charge of seeing it through. Our being there wasn't Biden's fault, but the disasterous withdrawl is all on him.

Anonymous said...

Trump is as responsible for the Afghan pull out as he is the vaccine roll out.

Anonymous said...

Biden bungled the withdrawal. He withdrew the troops 1st. He did as backwards.

PS: Nice to see the GRU here trying to stir shit up.

Anonymous said...

“Looks like a tornado, they don’t call them that anymore, that hit the crops and the wetlands in the middle of the country. In Iowa, and Nevada, it’s just across the board,”

- President Mumbles

See above. You don't invite a person with porridge for brains as a speaker to a funeral. If he doesn't speak he will still look at his watch. Biden cannot be invited. Ron Klain will not share him, since the cardboard cutout has limited uptime.

Anonymous said...

“Looks like a tornado, they don’t call them that anymore, that hit the crops and the wetlands in the middle of the country. In Iowa, and Nevada, it’s just across the board,”

What does President Dementia call them? Whirly Winds? Swirly Winds?

Clip of Joe Biden Claiming People Don't Say 'Tornado' Anymore Viewed 2M Times


Unknown said...

Watching America crumble in just a matter of months plus Biden not being able to string a coherent sentence together & not being able to remember who he's standing next to, there's no way Biden recieved more votes than any other president in the history of the United States. I reckon Trump probably is the genuine winner. Keep ducking 🙉

Anonymous said...

and no man ever landed on the moon
and masks and vaccines do not work
and gravity is a fake
and the world is flat
and the Supreme Court, mostly conservative, swore in the wrong guy
and 30 courts that took cases about the election and declared Biden the winner were wrong

Anonymous said...

Doesn't matter, it's fun and you are losing!

Anonymous said...

losing? who won the presidency?
and that makes who a loser. yes. And you too

Anonymous said...

Boxing: Donald Trump to commentate Holyfield-Belfort bout

Anonymous said...

Both trump and Biden are responsible for the vaccine rollout

And masks barely work and have massive side effects as most people wear them wrong and use them for too long

Latest study on the common surgical mask showed even in perfect new condition and perfectly worn they give less than 10% protection

But they can cause bacterial pneumonia, which we learned during other pandemics before

The virus is 1/1000th the size of the pores of the mask. Goes right throug

And the vaccines actually do kill perfectly healthy people who are at no risk to die from covid19

That's the biggest crime and even if city's protect you, you'll answer to God eventually.i have a clear conscience because I've not coerced people into taking the drugs and I haven't talked them or bullied them into wearing masks

Anyone who did this: you'll answer to God first and foremost

Anonymous said...

god does not give a good shit or he would have allowed viruses in his beautiful creation.

Anonymous said...

"and masks and vaccines do not work"

Masks don't work. It is why they quashed the Danish study. they did not publish it with red ink showing, where it was wrong. They could not, so they simply hid it.

Mask are shown to catch 10% of particles. That is not much above 3% or the tail of a normal curve.

Masks are so useless except as theater that Sarah Zhang of The Atlantic has a piece out on how we have to redesign buildings and building ventilation.

Nice try PhD of ill repute, but no cigar. You are as vituperative and stupid as ever.

Next life get a real degree.

Anonymous said...

Yes, you are losing.

Anonymous said...

It's not that masks completely don't work

It's that they barely work but then on top cause so many other issues like bacterial pneumonia, hypoxia etc

And it is clearly a tool to muffle us and divide us.

For less than 10% reduction of viral load AND the downside of the bacterial pneumonia which, you guessed it, enables the rest of the 90%viral load to infect your lungs that constantly fight off your bacterial dish you wear, while exhausting yourself on top

It feels like they want us sick

Why no discussion of exercise and vitamin D? Those two, exercise and vitamins, do 100 fold more to protect you and shorten recovery times

Again, they want us sick
They want us divided

They're illegitimate tyrants who do anything to end nation states and replace religion and free speech with party doctrine

They want us to pray to them

They're scum
Science deniers
Drug pushers

Go to hell and stay there

Anonymous said...

He should go. Trump has respect. No one, I mean no one respects Joe Biden. And if Trump was president her son would not be dead.

Anonymous said...

 Masks work if you have the right kind. Would surgeons not wear them in operating rooms if they did not work? and yes, they work too for Covid, if you wear the right one and not the crap from China

Anonymous said...

Lol they didn't
Do you really think that foul creature, that traitor Biden had the biggest election victory in US history? And it happened despite him not campaigning?

You probably took the "vaccine" too

Thinking of it and how your write all caps you're the type who bullies other people into taking those drugs

Well, enjoy hell

Anonymous said...

If a surgeon has Covid and is wearing a mask, it is not going to stop the patient from being exposed to COVID.

About the only thing the masks is good for is droplets and hair like a hair net worn by a food service worker.

5:03 get a real skill man. Go to trade school or a community college and pick up real skills man.

Anonymous said...

Wiggle wiggle wiggle

Anonymous said...

I feel like... My IQ dropped just reading some of the above messages.

Anonymous said...

736 don't read your own comment over and over again then. Simple