Friday, September 3, 2021

Has President Biden Put Himself At Odds With Much Of The U.S. Foreign Policy Establishment

Joe Biden’s political opponents have criticised the president’s withdrawal strategy. REUTERS/Carlos Barria  

New York Times: With Afghan Retreat, Biden Bucks Foreign Policy Elite  

The president, following one of his core beliefs, has put himself at odds with much of the establishment, on the right and left, in Washington and across Europe. 

LONDON — When President Biden served as Barack Obama’s vice president, he was often a lonely dissenter in White House debates about military intervention, never more so than on Afghanistan, where he strongly opposed the Pentagon’s 2009 troop surge and was overruled by Mr. Obama and his generals. 

Now, Mr. Biden is the commander in chief, and in pressing to conclude the American withdrawal from Afghanistan, even at the price of a frantic, bloodstained evacuation, he has put himself at odds with much of the foreign policy establishment, on the right and left, in Washington and across Europe. 

Critics have piled on Mr. Biden, not just for the messiness of the departure but also for his repudiation of the principles that drove the mission in Afghanistan. While the president sees the United States belatedly ending “an era of major military operations to remake other countries,” as he put it on Tuesday in a defiant defense of his decision, critics see a dangerous American retrenchment that could leave the world in deeper disarray.

“This was a political decision, pure and simple,” said Representative Michael McCaul of Texas, the ranking Republican on the House Foreign Affairs Committee. Mr. Biden, he said, had “ignored the advice of his own top generals and his own intelligence community.” 

Even Mr. Biden’s fellow Democrats have delivered harsh assessments, whether about the failure to foresee the swift collapse of the Afghan Army — which led Senator Mark Warner, Democrat of Virginia, to call for congressional hearings — or about the evacuation, which Representative Seth Moulton, the Massachusetts Democrat, called “a disaster of epic proportions,” leaving some Americans and Afghan allies behind. 

Tony Blair, the former British prime minister, wrote that Mr. Biden’s decision to withdraw was a cynical political calculation, driven by an “imbecilic political slogan about ending ‘the forever wars,’ as if our engagement in 2021 was remotely comparable to our commitment 20 or even 10 years ago.” 

But it is precisely the longstanding, deep-rooted nature of the beliefs that Mr. Biden is challenging, analysts said, that has made the backlash against him so ferocious. 

Since the terrorist attacks of 9/11, the doctrine of an aggressive, expeditionary foreign policy — in which all options, including military force, are invariably on the table — has become a bipartisan article of faith in Washington. The news media, which covered those wars, played a significant role in amplifying these ideas.  

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WNU Editor: He is not only at odds with much of the US foreign policy establishment. I would say that he is at odds with the Pentagon, the US intelligence community, and with every American ally. There is going to be consequences on how he withdrew from Afghanistan, and we are seeing it right now with all the leaks that are coming out from the White House and elsewhere.


Anonymous said...

Facts are finally starting to penetrate bad Afghanistan punditry

Anonymous said...

Why dump on Biden ford pulling out when Trump negotiated with the Taliban for pulling out.
Under Trump, the Generals said no and Trump folded. Under Biden, the military did as ordered.

Anonymous said...

A large majority of Americans support America finally ending an endless war. Do they count more or less than our "experts"? After all, it is the sons and husbands and daughters of Americans who get sent to fight and die.

Anonymous said...

The new Post-ABC poll shows 77 percent of Americans saying they support the decision to withdraw all U.S. forces. Support crosses party lines, with 88 percent of Democrats, 74 percent of Republicans and 76 percent of independents aligned behind the decision.

Anonymous said...

The beginning of the campaign to impeach Biden and replace him with Kamala.

Anonymous said...

Democrat King is criticized. First one out of the gate to support king is apparently Fred.

Very unusual, Fred posted at 3:36 AM. What 94 year old is up at 3:336 in the morning?

Unusual, this geriatric is like clockwork, so why is he up so early?

Anyone could link to his NSFW website, mimic his style and pretend to be him.

Whoever is linking to Fred's site, is linking a

Jennifer Rubin piece in the Washington Post.

Jenifer's mouth is stained purple from all the Kool Aid she drinks.

Anonymous said...

Don't care what he does. Illegitimate administration front to end. Prison is what I care about. When Biden is sent there. Hard labour camp is what I care about. When these leftist terrorists are sent there, then I care

Anonymous said...

Biden's disapproval rating look like a parabola. Graph that out and he will be at zero and gone by October 1st unless there is an intervention.

Anonymous said...

Fred is genetically unique and is studied by science for his ability to need but 3 hours of sleep per day. He posts a lot so that stalker can visit the site he mocks.
If you are so scornful of that guy, why not stop visiting his site and keep pestering mommy for a tit to suck

Anonymous said...

Mommy tied a tie a T-bone around parrot's neck, so the dog would play with him. Parrot is a fast learner. He posts NSFW, so he gets the voyeur crowd and get some web traffic, if no bright minds.

Anonymous said...

Fred here
Nice to see you are a frequent visitor to my site!
I do not need traffic since I do not run ads nor do I charge for visiting the site.
That said: I put in NSFW because many readers are now working from home and might have youngsters in the room when they go to my site.
now does your mommy know you are looking at the site and perhaps soaping up your tiny dick so you can get off?

Anonymous said...

The withdrawal was Biden's. How it was done was left to others and both failed in my opinion, sabotaged gear or not.

Anonymous said...

You are not Fred. You are an imposter. You use capitalization and punctuation. It is well known that Fred cannot use either.

Anonymous said...

666 inside brain ur all doomed