Wednesday, September 8, 2021

How A Ukrainian Intelligence Operation Almost Caught 32 Alleged Russian War Criminals In Belarus


CNN: Ukraine spies tried to ensnare alleged Russian war criminals with a fake website, promises of riches and an international sting  

Kiev, Ukraine and Minsk, Belarus (CNN)Security forces shattered the early morning calm of the lakeside Soviet-era resort outside the Belarusian capital of Minsk, bursting in to arrest 32 Russian mercenaries. 

It was less than two weeks before Belarus' presidential election last year, and authorities suspected that the outsiders had been sent from Russia to interfere. The men were indeed part of a mission. But the target was not Belarus, and they were not under orders from any Russian entity. They were being set up. The 32, along with one other man detained in southern Belarus, were the target of an elaborate intelligence sting by Ukraine, with the knowledge and alleged support of the United States. Read more .... 

 Update: Ukraine lured suspected Russian war criminals out of the country with fake, $5,000-a-month jobs to try and arrest them, report says (Business Insider)  

WNU Editor: 32 large Russian men with military haircuts all together at a private resort/spa would raise a red flag anywhere. 

I am surprised that this failed operation is being made public albeit anonymously by Ukrainian intelligence officers to CNN. 

I would also like to know who tipped the Belarusian authorities that there were Russian mercenaries were at this resort. A mole in Ukraine intelligence?

The Ukraine government is denying this CNN report .... Ukraine Dismisses CNN Report On 'Elaborate Plot' To Detain Russian Mercenaries In Belarus (RFE). 

Update: Russia has responded to this CNN report .... CNN in fact confirms that Ukrainian secret services commit acts of state terrorism — FSB (TASS). More here .... American intelligence financed Ukrainian spy sting against purported Russian mercenaries set up & detained in Belarus, CNN alleges (RT).


Anonymous said...

I would think the arrival of such a group even as individuals would have caused more than a few eyebrows to raise, hence a phone call here and there.
Too bad.

Anonymous said...

Weird indeeeeeeed

But we know this: Democrats love China and hate Russia, at least that's their brand, don't know why, but that's how they roll

Trump was more pro Russia and far more against China, which is not reflective of all Republicans/conservatives, BUT a good portion of them for sure agree China is the bigger threat

Either case, it's one of those things the Democrats like to do, leak or use - for something, even if it's just to distract you, from e.g. the fact that the governor of West Virginia just released data that paints a very dark picture on the vaccines (in short they seem to make things worse and he has the data)

So yeah, maybe one of those things "look over there" - while there's something else going on

OR and that could be.. Biden wanted to embarrass Ukraine - for their audacity to almost work with Trump on the 1bn USD Biden, ON VIDEO, bragged about withholding. A criminal offence. And they (the Democrats) even impeached Trump over that phone call.

Anyone remembers?





Fck those globalist scum traitors

Unknown said...

It looked strange. Was it a well-planned operation, I mean an Ukrainian spies operation. According to the operation, they were going to ground a civil aircraft, so they were going to break an international law from the outset.