Monday, September 6, 2021

Is There a Path To A Covid-19 Endgame?

Washington Post: For scientists, path to covid endgame remains uncertain 

It's basically over already. It will end this October. Or maybe it won't be over till next spring, or late next year, or two or three years down the road. 

From the most respected epidemiologists to public health experts who have navigated past disease panics, from polemicists to political partisans, there are no definitive answers to the central question in American life: As a Drudge Report headline put it recently, "is it ever going to end?" 

With children returning to classrooms, in many cases for the first time in 18 months, and as the highly contagious delta variant and spotty vaccination uptake send case numbers and deaths shooting upward, many Americans wonder what exactly has to happen before life can return to something that looks and feels like 2019.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: I have resigned myself that this pandemic will be with us into 2022. And if the new variants become immune to the current vaccines, this will be with us into 2023 and beyond.  

Update: Australia's health chief is expecting the worse .... Dr. Chant: COVID Will be With us “Forever,” People Will Have to “Get Used To” Endless Booster Vaccines (Summit News).


Anonymous said...

COVID will be like HIV.

HIV wiped out hemophiliacs. CVOID will wipeout the diabetics and obese. When Medicaid and Medicare books are balanced, the governments will stop the emergencies and cash in their pharma stocks in beforehand.

Anonymous said...

What 1102 said
But.. they'll not relent
They cannot
Their crimes are just too big, we are talking capital punishment for the pushers of the great reset and all those involved pushing unsafe drugs using coercion, intimidation and outright force.

There's laws on the books for that

So they'll not relent and we have to physically remove them at one point before they kill too many. You cannot vote yourself out of this, I'm starting to think.

Trillions missing at the Pentagon
Rampant censorship
A splitting of the economy
A global neomarxist push amidst a highly suspect election

I could go on..
Point being, they cannot relent and because of that we cannot vote ourselves out of this hostage situation

Anonymous said...

We will give amnesty to some. That's likely the best way forward. But there definitely will be plenty of hanging, and it's about time

Anonymous said...

comments called: blowing smoke out of your asshole

Anonymous said...

921 government shill trying to make you believe it won't happen. It will.
The crimes are too big. It's either them or us at this point.

Anonymous said...

921 yellow belly sapsucker

Anonymous said...

Johnson & Johnson -- one of the "vaccine" makers now caught red-handed (again) killing the population
Here's what they were caught doing:
They added BENZENE (a cancer causing ingredient) to their sunscreens, THEN when caught, they had to pull it from the shelves
BUT.. get this: Johnson and Johson makes most of their money through cancer-therapeutics.. treating leukemia, which -- as you guesses it - is mostly caused by Benzenes.


They are murdering us, then profiteering of our diseases
The "vaccines" are just the latest game in this soft kill of our population

Watch (21min in):

The same with Purdue Pharma.. a privately held pharmaceutical company.. the current head of the FDA (another woman) pushed for Oxicotin drugs to be made available to children! Over the years, the FDA has caused an opioid epidemic in the USA, together with Purdue Pharma -- while the Afghanistan war went on and they (Afghanistan) under the military boot of the US became the biggest opioid producer in the World.. look at the opium production chart once the US got into Afghanistan. Straight up by hundreds if not thousands of percent increase.

They are killing you.
They are the modern equivalent of narco terrorists.
They team up with your local authorities. All legal, and then give the FDA and other bodies kickbacks.
Purdue Pharma just got off free, no penalties to pay for tens of thousands of dead in the USA thanks to their drugs. Same with the vaccines.

The FDA used to be a labeling agency. They only put simple labels on foods. If the price was right.
Now they do it with pharmaceuticals.

It is a mix of deep state, facism and corporations that push anything from drugs to digital slavery, physical, spiritual and mind control on you. Propagated through media channels like CNN, run by absolute scum, drug taking sexual deviants who then lecture US on our sins.

If you don't see what this is, how deep the rot is.. then I don't know.. maybe we deserve this.. slavery under the disguise of "democracy" with rigged elections, drugs that soft kill you and much of the West, while they promote a neoMarxist future run by the Chinese corporate criminals cartels, merging with our criminals.

It will be hell on Earth if we do not turn this around, clean house at the FBI, FDA, CIA and all these geospatial intelligence groups that enslave us and watch our every move, against the law.

Anonymous said...

12:36 is a troll-bot. See an earlier posting of the same thing

Anonymous said...

It's of importance@1255, I forgive the double post
Your post is not important nor does it move the issue forward, save it for the internet police

Anonymous said...

Russian GRU is busy.