Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Is The U.S. Government Using Social-Media Giants To Censor Americans?

NYPost Editoral: Federal government using social-media giants to censor Americans 

Ask questions or post content about COVID-19 that runs counter to the Biden administration’s narrative and find yourself censored on social media. 

That’s precisely what data analyst and digital strategist Justin Hart says happened to him. And so last week the Liberty Justice Center, a public-interest law firm, filed a suit on his behalf in California against Facebook, Twitter, President Joe Biden and United States Surgeon General Vivek Murthy for violating his First Amendment right to free speech. 

Hart had his social media most recently locked for merely posting an infographic that illustrated the lack of scientific research behind forcing children to wear masks to prevent the spread of COVID.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: I would say the same thing is happening in Canada where I live. a few major social media sites critical of the Trudeau government have lost their monetization rigths, shadow-banned, and/or been banned outright.  

Update: To be able to censor a person's social media site must also mean that there is a considerable amount of surveillance being conducted to identify these sites. Not surprising, some Americans are growing concerned .... Americans warier of US government surveillance: AP-NORC poll (AP).


Anonymous said...

They have been doing this for years

AND they have targeted mentally weak individuals and directed them to Antifa hubs

The terror in your streets
Sanctioned, coordinated, financed and bailed out by your "government"

It's not business as usual
These are people out to destroy nation states and free, democratic societies

They do this to usher in the great reset, powered by mega corporations fusing with the government

And it's not just big tech
They weaponized finance
They outcast and imprison dissidents
They spy on you and manipulate you

If you continue down this road of tyranny and slavery, do not be surprised if your children inherit hell on earth..a prison planet void of wonders, void of spirituality, freedom, religion and even your freedom to think will be gone

They want you to work 24/7, and be consumed by this and this alone. You are a dirty peasant in their eyes. A burden to feed. You shouldn't even vote, not that it matters.. but it's so tiresome to them to keep fixing elections, you know? Last time they already got caught and straight up lynched... they don't want this in their future, which you're only permitted to cohabitation if you give up everything to them your masters

Or not

Or we can live freely, restore the West, our principles and freedoms and equality under the law, AND throw them into dark prison cells for what they're trying to install and have been for years

Ww are the absolute majority
It would take a few days, followed by a glorious celebration of restored freedom

Or never ending tyranny under their rule. Your choice

Anonymous said...

11:56 is a troll and probably a government sponsored one. Which govt? Your guess is as good as min. No one writes a page every time. No one all but totally ignores feedback and blissfully goes on.

Anonymous said...

Johnson & Johnson -- one of the "vaccine" makers now caught red-handed (again) killing the population
Here's what they were caught doing:
They added BENZENE (a cancer causing ingredient) to their sunscreens, THEN when caught, they had to pull it from the shelves
BUT.. get this: Johnson and Johson makes most of their money through cancer-therapeutics.. treating leukemia, which -- as you guesses it - is mostly caused by Benzenes.


They are murdering us, then profiteering of our diseases
The "vaccines" are just the latest game in this soft kill of our population

Watch (21min in):

The same with Purdue Pharma.. a privately held pharmaceutical company.. the current head of the FDA (another woman) pushed for Oxicotin drugs to be made available to children! Over the years, the FDA has caused an opioid epidemic in the USA, together with Purdue Pharma -- while the Afghanistan war went on and they (Afghanistan) under the military boot of the US became the biggest opioid producer in the World.. look at the opium production chart once the US got into Afghanistan. Straight up by hundreds if not thousands of percent increase.

They are killing you.
They are the modern equivalent of narco terrorists.
They team up with your local authorities. All legal, and then give the FDA and other bodies kickbacks.
Purdue Pharma just got off free, no penalties to pay for tens of thousands of dead in the USA thanks to their drugs. Same with the vaccines.

The FDA used to be a labeling agency. They only put simple labels on foods. If the price was right.
Now they do it with pharmaceuticals.

It is a mix of deep state, facism and corporations that push anything from drugs to digital slavery, physical, spiritual and mind control on you. Propagated through media channels like CNN, run by absolute scum, drug taking sexual deviants who then lecture US on our sins.

If you don't see what this is, how deep the rot is.. then I don't know.. maybe we deserve this.. slavery under the disguise of "democracy" with rigged elections, drugs that soft kill you and much of the West, while they promote a neoMarxist future run by the Chinese corporate criminals cartels, merging with our criminals.

It will be hell on Earth if we do not turn this around, clean house at the FBI, FDA, CIA and all these geospatial intelligence groups that enslave us and watch our every move, against the law.

Anonymous said...

Right. The guy who speaks the truth here is a government dude. Makes sense @ 12:21 ^_^

The guy who wants equality under the law and an end to the tyranny is from the gov. Yup. Logical.

Maybe YOU need to pull your head out of your ass and see what's going on in the real World.

Anonymous said...

About 28min in you can hear a nurse working in the ICU (intensive care unit) that treats covid patients only. Her message: Do not believe the lies. MOST people in serious trouble are the ones who are vaccinated.


We need to stop silencing scientists and care givers. They are quitting their jobs because THEY do not even want the jab. The biggest group of "vaccine hesitants" (read: people who do not want to be coerced in taking unsafe drugs) are PhDs, nurses, doctors, care givers, in short: people who know that this is not a normal "vaccine"

Those corporations, media ghouls who push these drugs WILL be held accountable to the fullest extent of the law. No court will protect you from what's coming. No police force will be big enough to give cover to people who have participated in this violation of the Nuremberg codes, plundering of our wealth and taking of our rights while dishing out heap loads of terror.

At the 32min mark you can even see a famous sport manager say the same.

It's OVER.
Do not take these drugs. Live and be part of the lawsuits and the new government that will be formed from the ashes of what's going to be left over.

Keep participating in this and experience the full wrath of longgggg-overdue justice!

Anonymous said...

social media has the right as a private entity to censor those they think are posting invalid and dangerous materials.

Edward III said...

In recent weeks, however, more data has become available, and it suggests that the true picture is less alarming. Yes, Delta has increased the chances of getting Covid for almost everyone. But if you’re vaccinated, a Covid infection is still uncommon, and those high viral loads are not as worrisome as they initially sounded.

How small are the chances of the average vaccinated American contracting Covid? Probably about one in 5,000 per day, and even lower for people who take precautions or live in a highly vaccinated community.

Anonymous said...

@2:26 correct, but you're missing the bigger points:

The unequal application of censorship
And the illegal censorship of constitutionally protected free speech hiding behind section 230

Once a corporation is so big, like Twitter, Google and Facebook, that they own a widely used public space (which can be privately owned and prior court decisions have made it clear that despite that companies can own physical and virtual public spaces they cannot censor free speech)

It's not as simple as you think "private means private".. for example the laws that protect your speech in company towns is based on this too. Companies already a century ago owned large swaths of physical public spaces including entire towns like industrial towns that were built by them and then the people came to work there. They owned the streets, the parks, the houses everything.

The courts even beck then recognized that public speech must not be infringed on as the danger is just too big to be abused

And what happened before the election?
Twitter censored and banned the New York post (on the deeply troubling Chinese communist party and Joe Biden connection and payments made) claiming they violated rules, which they didn't, and they changed the outcome of the election..

These companies collude with the state party
If you don't think this is happening please wake up