Thursday, September 9, 2021

Islamists Suffer Crushing Defeat By Moderate Parties In Morocco Vote


Arab News/AFP: Islamists suffer crushing defeat by liberal parties in Morocco vote 

* The Justice and Development Party saw its support collapse from 125 seats in the outgoing assembly to just 12 

* The Istiqlal (Independence) party, the oldest in Morocco, made a remarkable comeback, adding 32 seats 

RABAT: Morocco’s long-ruling Islamists have suffered a crushing defeat in parliamentary elections to liberal parties seen as close to the palace, according to provisional results announced on Thursday. 

The Justice and Development Party (PJD), which headed the governing coalition for a decade, saw its support collapse from 125 seats in the outgoing assembly to just 12, Interior Minister Abdelouafi Laftit said during a press briefing following Wednesday’s polls. 

Read more .... 

More News On Islamist Parties Routed In Morocco Elections  

Morocco’s ruling party suffers crushing defeat to liberal rivals -- Al Jazeera 

Liberals win most seats in Morocco's parliamentary election, routing Islamists -- Reuters  

Moroccan voters hand stinging defeat to governing Islamists -- Canadian Press  

Morocco: Moderate parties rout ruling Islamists in elections -- DW


Anonymous said...

This is truly unexpected.

Anonymous said...

Yeah haven't the Islamists taken a hint from the Democrat/ globalist playbook?
They should have just intimated and denied access to the poll watchers, stuffed ballot boxes and team up with the media

So lame lol

Anonymous said...

Or do it like the SJWs in Canada

Subdue the population by burning their history, their books, topple their statues and don't tell them about the money you get from China doing this

Anonymous said...

West Virginia is seeing

- a 26% increase in positive cases in people who are fully vaccinated
- AND a 21% increase in breaktrhough infections that require hospitalisations in people who are fully vaccinated
- AND a 25% increase in death in the fully vaccinated over the last 8 weeks

That's from the governeor(!!) of West Virginia. They are close to ending the vaccine mandates.

And then the cleansing will begin.

All corporations, all globalist media ghouls, all famous people who pushed for these unsafe drugs AGAINST the clear concern of scientists and informed citizens -- you better get bodyguards.
Enjoy :)

The Austrlian governemnt better learn from this.. they are next for what they have done over there

Anonymous said...

And it's not just that they misinformed you

-- withheld information on alternative treatments and on top belittled that information, ridiculed it

-- coerced hundreds of millions of perfectly healthy people into injecting drugs at the threat of losing their jobs, losing their health care, losing their position on an organ transplant list (which is a death sentence) and on and on.

THEY did this
THEY will be held accountable to the fullest extent of the law

I only want justice
And they deserve having to live with bodyguards when this is over. THEIR actions, THEIR choices, THEIR bullying, THEIR violating of international laws like the Nuremberg code caused all of this

And when you find out why they exerted this pressure on you,your blood will boil

They didn't do it to protect you - but them(!)

They, the global pharmaceutical companies that promoted and produced the vaccines made hundreds of billions of dollars, all without liability risk -- which THEY transferred to the government. And the ill-informed or even malicious governemnts (great reset pushers) JUMPED on the opportunity, as they called it to lock us down, take our rights and usher in the great reset

Stand up now or earn decades of slavery, if not longer, if you let them get away this time again

Purdue pharma just got away with killing hundreds of thousands of Americans during the opioid epidemic, and they knew their drugs would cause this, they knew the dependency issue.. but they got away with it, making billions of your death and misery
(by they way, the opium came from Afghanistan, if you haven't figured that connection out yet and the war ended when purdue pharma was settled two weeks ago..)

Just so random in the same week the biggest opium death story in the USA ends, and the biggest opium dependency they created, and used to fund CIA and other shadow programs and of course to buy more yachts , then Afghanistan was over so quickly

They didn't even mine the gold or raw earth materials

The outcome of this war is : 2 Trillion USD lost, a traumatized and disillusioned and weakened and exhausted military, just at the very same time when China is overtaking - limiting the time span of Thucydides trap (they don't care about you surviving, they just don't want the mess.. they will kill you off once the robots do your work, believe it)
And the opium deaths

So if you want to understand a system and why things happen, and why your government does all these things, look at the results and the overarching global reset plan that they artificially want to introduce through artifically created pandemics (the virus was even lab created) and other catastrophes/financially and otherwise

So they create the chaos and then when you are desperate offer you the solution: the great reset.. and by then, when the virus is trained to be more deadly through artificial evolutionary pressure you put on them by taking artificially created mRNA that they can direct towards the recipient (the viral strains) and evolve them in the direction they want/need

It will happen if you do not stand up
Either case, good luck