Friday, September 3, 2021

More Bad Polling Numbers For President Biden Continue After The U.S. Defeat In Afghanistan

Source: NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist poll of 1,241 U.S. adults conducted between Aug. 26 and Aug. 31. The margin of error for the overall sample is 3.8 percentage points. The margin of error for the 405 Democrats sampled is 6.6 percentage points. The margin of error for the 318 Republicans sampled is 7.5 percentage points. The margin of error for the 374 independents sampled is 6.9 percentage points. Credit: Daniel Wood/NPR  

NPR: Biden's Approval Rating Hits A New Low After The Afghanistan Withdrawal 

Amid the chaos of the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan, President Biden's approval rating slid to just 43% in the latest NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist poll. 

That is down 6 percentage points from a survey conducted in July and is the lowest mark for Biden in the poll since taking office. 

The decline is principally due to independents — just 36% of them approve of the job he's doing, a 10-point drop. 

That a majority of independents now disapprove of his performance is bad news for Biden and Democrats. They're a key swing group, one Biden won in 2020 but who now think he's off track. 

Read more ....  

Update #1: Biden’s approval ratings hit new low in the wake of Afghanistan exit (SKY News) 

Update #2: Poll: Biden approval falls to all-time low as Americans turn against his handling of Afghanistan withdrawal (Yahoo News)  

WNU Editor: The shocking thing about the NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist poll that says 43% approve of President Biden's performance is that they over-sampled Democrats by 7% !!!!. In reality, if the NPR Marist poll discounts this over sampling, President Biden's approval numbers are probably in the mid-30s. 

The NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist poll is here .... NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist Poll of 1,241 National Adults.


Anonymous said...

And from the same link above:

When the shock of recent events wears off, and attention inevitably fades, it's possible that Americans who are already more inclined than not to support the decision to withdraw will credit Biden with getting the job done — as opposed to blaming him for the way it unfolded. Even now, Americans are divided over former President Donald Trump's recent claim that "the withdrawal [from Afghanistan] would have been totally different if the Trump administration had been in charge" (39 percent agree, 38 percent disagree). And while most Americans (52 percent) now believe the U.S. has "lost" the war in Afghanistan, a full 58 percent of those who believe the U.S. has lost also believe it was not "possible to win."


Anonymous said...

WNU, respectfully
Your sources used suppression polls ahead of any republican election, some were "off" by 17 point. That's not a poll, that's a suppression poll gone so bad even idiots notice it
Biden's votes and polls are fake. When will you realize what's going on? You legitimize a power grab.

Anonymous said...

And 10:15 is a suppression comment

10:15 is also a lie by a liar

Let me help the liar out

Here is the url for the copy and paste liar.

Liar learned to copy and paste one paragraph, which he thinks is most germane and hard hitting paragraph instead of 3 or 4 paragraphs. It gave the game away.

the comment was a little too perfect. There were no glaring grammar or punctuation mistakes. So it smelled like copy and paste job and it was.

HEY, Asshole

use quotes

regardless, if you are too lazy to give an url or a link.

Here is a free hint. Joe's numbers were going down before his Afghanistan cock up. They were going down at an accelerating rate before. The pullout merely in increased the rate of acceleration.

If you knew what a curve was or how to analyze a curve quantitatively maybe you would see it and could be honest.

Sure Joe can fly. He flies like a turkey for short hops, when they inject him with Adderall.

Anonymous said...

If the withdrawl had been handled better--MUCH better--then I (and I assume most people) would have given Biden a pass on Afghanistan. Just glad to finally be out of a no-win situation. But the withdrawl was such a humiliating, poorly planned Charlie-Foxtrot that his name will now forever be associated with the conflict. That his administration had no clue as to this potential negative blow back if things didn't go right is just stunning. They took what could/should have been a positive and screwed it up big time. The misstep doesn't exactly give me confidence in their ability to handle future possible conflicts, not to mention an all-out war.

Anonymous said...

The low numbers for Biden result of Withdrawal. But numbers for support of leaving, much higher.
Note that in the Trump election we were told non stop here to ignore polls. Then, when Biden numbers slip we focus on those numbers...pick and choose, it seems. Ok: numbers in favor of getting out of Afghanistan? Numbers for staying there?

Anonymous said...

"The low numbers for Biden result of Withdrawal."

You may want to put a verb somewhere in there big guy.

Polls in the US have huge biases. Maybe, if you had an education, you would have learned how to create estimators and correct biased estimators.

With Republican presidents it is always that they are worse than Hitler until the next one is elected and they always compare the current one to the former one and opine "Why can he be better like the old president."

Those of us with functional memories know how they treated past Republican presidents, when they were presidents. Looking at Bush's poll numbers, reading periodicals from the time and comparing them to what periodicals say about Bush now is very instructive.

Let's be real 11:41. You could not adjust or correct a data series, if your life depended on it.

Anonymous said...

"The low numbers for Biden ARE [sic] result of Withdrawal." - 11:41 [sick]

B.Poster said...

Rasmussen has Biden's approval ratings currently at 42%. While I can't be sure, I don't think Trump's approval rating was ever this low. If it drops into the low 30s, there will likely be bipartisan calls for impeachment. For better or worse, worse in my considered opinion, Afghanistan isn't a big ticket item for Americans so I doubt the situation in Afghanistan or the botched withdrawal is having much an impact. The primary drivers are likely the soft economy, a COVID pandemic that is now worse than it ever was under president Trump, inflation, and a chaotic border situation that is seeing mass hordes de facto invade our country. Allowing this invasion is bad at any time but is magnified during a pandemic and is very likely a major super spreader of this disease.