Wednesday, September 8, 2021

More Details Emerge On Who Is Who In The New Taliban Government

The SUN: killers in CABINET Inside the Taliban’s hellish new government packed with terrorists linked to 9/11, Brit squaddie killers and torturers 

THE Taliban has announced its new government - packed with terrorists linked to 9/11, Brit killers and torturers. 

It includes acting interior minister Sirajuddin Haqqani, a “global terrorist” on the FBI’s hit list of Al Qaeda's evil pals. The US Department of State is still offering a reward of up to $5million for information leading to the Taliban henchman’s arrest - warning he “should be considered armed and dangerous”. 

Haqqani is wanted for questioning in connection with the January 2008 attack on a five-star hotel in Kabul that saw six people killed. He is believed to have coordinated and personally taken part in deadly cross-border attacks against US and coalition forces in Afghanistan.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: Being only a male dominated government is not main problem with this Taliban government .... State Department voices concerns over all-male Taliban government (The Hill).  

Update: The crackdown begins .... Taliban ban protests and slogans that don’t have their approval (The Guardian).


More News On The Taliban's New government  

What We Know About The Taliban's Interim Government -- NPR  

Former Gitmo Inmates and Wanted Terrorists: Meet the New Taliban Government -- VICE  

Pakistan hand: Haqqanis in, so is Talib who brought the Buddhas down -- Indian Express  

Some Members Of The Taliban's New Government Are Well-Known To U.S. Officials -- NPR  

EU says provisional Taliban government falls short of promises -- Reuters


Anonymous said...

There is speculation that the all male government is a shock to many Ivy league educated SJW in the White House.

Anonymous said...


The peace deal contains classified and unclassified portions and the central themes of the agreement are: (1) the prevention of future threats against the United States and its allies from terror groups operating from Afghanistan soil; (2) the withdrawal of all American and coalition forces from Afghanistan; and (3) a commitment from the Taliban towards an intra-Afghan negotiation that would include a permanent ceasefire.[46] The preface of the peace agreement is as follows:

A comprehensive peace agreement is made of four parts:

1. Guarantees and enforcement mechanisms that will prevent the use of the soil of Afghanistan by any group or individual against the security of the United States and its allies.

2. Guarantees, enforcement mechanisms, and announcement of a timeline for the withdrawal of all foreign forces from Afghanistan.

3. After the announcement of guarantees for a complete withdrawal of foreign forces and timeline in the presence of international witnesses, and guarantees and the announcement in the presence of international witnesses that Afghan soil will not be used against the security of the United States and its allies, the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan which is not recognized by the United States as a state and is known as the Taliban[47] will start intra-Afghan negotiations with Afghan sides on March 10, 2020, which corresponds to Rajab 15, 1441 on the Hijri Lunar calendar and Hoot 20, 1398 on the Hijri Solar calendar.

4. A permanent and comprehensive ceasefire will be an item on the agenda of the intra-Afghan dialogue and negotiations. The participants of intra-Afghan negotiations will discuss the date and modalities of a permanent and comprehensive ceasefire, including joint implementation mechanisms, which will be announced along with the completion and agreement over the future political roadmap of Afghanistan.

The four parts above are interrelated and each will be implemented in accordance with its own agreed timeline and agreed terms. Agreement on the first two parts paves the way for the last two parts.[48]

From the perspective of the United States, the first part of the US-Taliban peace plan outlines a phased withdrawal of all U.S. military forces from Afghanistan. Another provision of the agreement is a mutual prisoner exchange with the Taliban. The United States will also work towards lifting American and international sanctions against the Taliban. Lastly, the United States resolves to respect the territorial integrity and independence of Afghanistan.[49] Part One of the unclassified peace deal states:

Anonymous said...

I like these target cards
We should have cards like this for all tyrants in this world and then get rid of them, one by one, legally of course
But it has to be done or future generations will live as slaves and prior generations that died for our freedoms will have died in vain

The tyrants must be removed from every corner of this planet

Anonymous said...

5:01, you lost buddy. Have you usually evening drink except double it. Loosen up and whatever you do, do not hit the missus.

Anonymous said...

I used to think our 20 years in Afghanistan was two-steps-forward-one-step-back type of thing. But now it's becoming clear it was a one-step-step-forward-one-step-back type of thing. The net results are, at best, zero. That's globalist nation building for ya, right there!

Anonymous said...

@924 exactly

And the next step for you to look at is this

How come Afghanistan opium production went up several hundred percent during US occupation?

Then ask yourself who benefited from this

Then ask yourself what is Purdue pharma exactly and how come they were allowed to kill hundreds of thousands during the opium epidemic and get off free?

Billions made and the court decided last week they'r now safe from all lawsuits

Wake up.
You have legalised drug dealers backed by the deep state among you, and worse is happening than that

I know...