Tuesday, September 7, 2021

New Details Emerge On How U.S.-Funded Research Focused On The Creation Of New Viruses At The Wuhan Institue Of Virology

The Intercept: New Details Emerge About Coronavirus Research at Chinese Lab 

More than 900 pages of materials related to US.-funded coronavirus research in China were released following a FOIA lawsuit by The Intercept. 

Newly released documents provide details of U.S.-funded research on several types of coronaviruses at the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China. The Intercept has obtained more than nine hundred pages of documents detailing the work of the EcoHealth Alliance, a U.S.-based health organization that used federal money to fund bat coronavirus research at the Chinese laboratory. The trove of documents includes two previously unpublished grant proposals that were funded by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, as well as project updates relating to the EcoHealth Alliance’s research, which has been scrutinized amid increased interest in the origins of the pandemic. 

The documents were released in connection with ongoing Freedom of Information Act litigation by The Intercept against the National Institutes of Health. The Intercept is making the full documents available to the public.

“This is a roadmap to the high-risk research that could have led to the current pandemic,” said Gary Ruskin, executive director of U.S. Right To Know, a group that has been investigating the origins of Covid-19. 

Read more ....  

Update: FOIA Release: Fauci Funded Construction Of 'Chimeric Coronaviruses' In Wuhan (Zero Hedge)  

WNU Editor: The key line in the above post .... 

.... “According to Richard Ebright, a molecular biologist at Rutgers University, the documents contain critical information about the research done in Wuhan, including about the creation of novel viruses. 

Hat tip Instapundit.


Anonymous said...

Why call the new corona viruses corona 19 after 2019 or corona mu, delta, or lambda

Call it Corona fauci

Anonymous said...

Prediction: This story will be suppressed in the corporate owned media.

Anonymous said...

2 years into the biggest recorded crime and wealth transfer in human history and who brings forward more information than all our spy agencies, judges and media combined?

The intercept

If you have any doubt that OUR governments are in on this, consider this

The virus is used as cover from everything to destroying our economies, to then replace them with new economies, to usher in the great reset, to take your rights, liberties and wealth.

And not one word by these ghouls, these demons, these inhumane monsters on who is responsible. But they all have plans to lock you down and restructure our society. Without vote. Under the boot of police force and spy state.

They want YOU to give up everything but don't seem to care about working treatments, only care about obedience and submission to their tyrannical will

These people -- all of them -- need to be publicly trialled and then hung.

If this doesn't start this year, I call for resistance. We cannot live under tyrannical rule of despots, terrorizing everyone and killing scores in the process. Traumatizing children. Frightening the elderly.

Death penalty to every single one of the drug pushers and lockdown promoters and rights takers

End the emergency authorization acts now or suffer the wrath of the population you plundered from, lied to, murdered and betrayed.

Dave Goldstein said...

Never ever trust anything Fauci says. He tried to bury Aids info when it was in the early stages. No such disease.

Anonymous said...

Trudeau is already being pelted by rocks thrown by people who've had it


Have orderly trials now, or face a population that no longer cares about orderly, clean and relatively painful hangings.

If police protects these monsters, they too will succumb the will of the masses

Leave these traitors, these neo Marxist pushers to us. Leave your posts, we will take out the trash and your future is safe

B.Poster said...

Anon (11:13),

To an extent you may be on to something here. "Under the boot of police force and spy state." This may go a long way toward explaining the obsession with "defund the police." While our police forces are not perfect as no organizations are, they are basically honest and have more integrity than most of American society does and would never go along with the types of plans you are suggesting or even something remotely similar. If someone or a group of people did really want to do a great reset and/or change the entire nature of our society in the manner you suggest, obviously they would need to eliminate the police force and replace them with them with something entirely different.

With regards to the virus the greatest threat has been and remains the lockdowns and the specter of new ones being held over our heads. Until these are eliminated it is going to be hard to find any enthusiasm for confronting China or anyone else over this.

Anonymous said...

Troll 11:31 supporting troll 11:27.

B.Poster said...


Is there a problem with the analysis? I've known a number of law enforcement personnel over the years. While they are not perfect as no one is, on average they have 99.9999% more honor and integrity than most Americans. Furthermore you cannot have a functioning society with law enforcement. It begs the question as to why the obsession with defunding them. It seems obvious that certain powerful groups want to take America in a radically different direction that it currently is. The police that they are seeking to defund would never tolerate this abusive totalitarian power grab hence they need to be defunded. In order to achieve the goal, the police must be eliminated and replaced with something else. This would be a rational explanation for the defund the police obsession.

Perhaps I misread this. In any event, posts such as yours at 1:20PM are a distraction and contribute nothing of value to the discussion. If you have nothing else to contribute to the discussion except baseless insults, I would very respectfully suggest that you not post anything here.

B.Poster said...

Go back to Russia. I've never been there. Of course you would know this had you bothered to actually read my posts.

While I agree that are a large number of Americans who lack integrity, I would not put that percentage at "most." Certainly the people I work with are mostly honest.

Based upon my experience probably between 15 to 20% of Americans lack basic integrity and they tend to cluster in government and upper management positions in very large corporations. I try not to associate with such people. As a small businesses owner with years of experience, I can usually spot these people.

Furthermore based upon this experience my careful observation the integrity level of the police that the leadership class wants to defund has an integrity level of 99.95% which is considerably higher than the general population and they would never tolerate the kind of nefarious activity that it seems the leadership class may be up to.

If the suggested analysis concerning the leadership class is correct and I'm not convinced it is, naturally the police would need to be moved out of the way somehow. This would provide a rational explanation for their seemingly irrational obsession with defunding them. Essentially remove them and replace them with others who will do their corrupt bidding.

With this said what seems more likely is the leadership class is simply grossly incompetent. Much as inbreeding of DNA leads to offspring with horrific birth defects the inbreeding of ideas without fresh ones being introduced regularly leads to the implentation of horrifically bad policy.

Anonymous said...

Actually your posts do read like you are Russian. They certainly do not read like you are American. And no it is not because of the Putin fanboy stuff although it is a giveaway in and of itself.