Thursday, September 9, 2021

Poll: 57% Of Russians Say They Feel Isolated On The World Stage

© Sputnik / Evgeny Odinokov  

RT: After seven years of sanctions & tense relationship with West, 57% of Russians say they feel isolated on the world stage – survey  

More than half of all Russians believe that their country is isolated internationally, a new poll has revealed, in a result which shows only a minor change in the seven years since November 2014, when it was first conducted. 

The survey by the Levada Center revealed that more than half (57%) of Russians believe that their country is isolated on the world stage, with 38% disagreeing with the view. 

Three years ago, those numbers sat at 56% and 37%, respectively. The Levada Center is registered by Russia’s Ministry of Justice as a foreign agent, due to its receipt of Western funding. 

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WNU Editor: Russia has always been isolated. We are use to it.


Anonymous said...

WNU didn't you say you're first and foremost Canadian?


I don't hold it against you

And know this: the divide between our people is artificially created

And your enemies, the globalists, are our enemies too, it's just that most people haven't caught on yet, don't believe it's happening

Well, it is and once we have gotten rid of these traitors, we will be united, and can achieve prosperity, freedom and peace among all people on this planet

But these demons, these vampires and leeches on the back of the common man must be removed for good

Caecus said...

isolation can be a good thing

War News Updates Editor said...

Anon 11:11 AM

I am a Canadian whose nationality is Russian.
I am the first to admit that I have lived (and still living) a very strange life.

Anonymous said...

Wnu, I know, you told me twice before. I'm not like Fred, I can memorize and remember basic things ;)

Anonymous said...

pooooor pooor fred
how do you know what he can and can not memorize or remember?
have you tested him? evidence for what you say?
have you ever forgotten anything or failed to memorize something
by recalling that the editor told you twice before you are calling into question his memory. Is he then like Fred?

Anonymous said...

Today, Fred forgot he has 3 children. Yuppers, Fred forgets a lot.

Anonymous said...

dear mommy's little boy
Fred has 4 children. He sang on stage with his daughter two weeks ago at a bar to celebrate her birthday.

next insult?

Anonymous said...

Donald Trump’s White House asked the Pentagon to play down and delay reports of brain injuries suffered by US troops from an Iranian missile attack on Iraq last year, according to a former defense spokeswoman.

Alyssa Farah said she fended off the pressure from the White House, which came after Trump had first claimed there had been no casualties and then dismissed the injuries as “headaches” and “not very serious”.

More than 100 US troops were ultimately diagnosed as having suffered traumatic brain injuries in the missile attack on two bases in Iraq housing US troops on 8 January 2020, launched by Tehran in retaliation for the US drone killing of Revolutionary Guard general Qassem Suleimani five days earlier.

Roughly 80% of the American casualties from the missile attack were able to return to duty within days, but dozens had to be evacuated to Germany and then the US for treatment.

Farah described the attack as the “heaviest several hours of my life” in an interview with a new podcast, One Decision, hosted by former CNN journalist Michelle Kosinski and the former head of Britain’s MI6 intelligence agency, Sir Richard Dearlove.

Anonymous said...

Trump wanted out of Afghanistan. Now he wants to bomb it.

Anonymous said...

You claimed to have 2 sons and a daughter. Now you claim to have 4. Can't keep your story straight.

Anonymous said...

- Suppose the US Was fighting NAZI Germany in 1961 and the NAZIs only had Austria.
- Suppose the only way to get there was to transit Italy and pay the Italians 100 per truckload.
- Suppose the NAZIs had free reign in South Tyrol which is part of Italy.
- Suppose Russia had a bigger economy than the US and were in Czechoslovakia gathering intel on our warfighting.
- Suppose under the table the Italians were aid the NAZIs

What part of this does President Mumbles or his supporters do not get?

Anonymous said...

Fred I'm only teasing you
There's others here under the anon name who write short sentences and insult you

I do rarely insult you, but I do call you out because your lack of knowledge and obsessive consumption of MSM, who are liars, dividers, war mongers, thieves and drug pushers is just infuriating

You do their job for them
You propagate their lies

That's why I sometimes call you out and have done so for years

They lied to you about the Russia collusion and I told you 4 years ago it was a lie and I was proven right. And I gave you the name little parrot even back then, because you parrot their lines. They trained you.

I don't mean to me mean, I want to wake you up, even if it's on your death bed that you only realise I was right. It's worth it. In your final moment you'll see with clarity and with your last breath I hope you'll condemn this liars and monsters to hell

I wish you nothing but the best, I'm just fallible like everyone and lose patience after years of trying to wake you up. That's all

Anonymous said...

I am delighted that you are devoting so much time to my awakening, my potential enlightenment, my finding an epiphany.
I have tried zen, the mainline religions, AA, therapy, monastic life with little or no success and so perhaps you might be the true guru who will show me The Way, reveal Truth to my misguided soul

Anonymous said...

Little wonder that you are a divorcee

Anonymous said...

Fred, have you tried LSD?
Start there

Anonymous said...

I am a divorced man. So too, Donald Trump. So too some 45 percent of married people. I can share this with you since you are so concerned with my private life and well-being: I am married for some 38 years.
Marriage is like waiting for a bus. Miss one, another on the way. Think not of marriage as a forever thing but rather as a starter home, a fixer, that can be cast aside as you move up in life.

Anonymous said...

"Think not of marriage as a forever thing but rather as a starter home, a fixer, that can be cast aside as you move up in life."

So as soon as you make more money, you cast aside your current wife and get another. Got it. I can see why you are not Roman Catholic.

So if your investments go south, does it mean your current wife dumps you and you shack up with the crazy cat lady?

Anonymous said...

change is good for diversity: Chuck Darwin

Anonymous said...

So Chuckles changes women like he changes his underwear.