Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Taliban Announce A Hard-Line Caretaker Government For Afghanistan

The Taliban's spokesman announced the appointments in a press conference

BBC News: Taliban announce new government for Afghanistan 

The Taliban have announced an interim government in Afghanistan, and declared the country an "Islamic Emirate". 

The government will be led by Mullah Mohammad Hassan Akhund, one of the movement's founders. 

The interior minister will be a feared FBI-wanted leader of the Haqqani militant group. 

The Taliban seized control of most of the country more than three weeks ago, ousting the previous elected leadership. 

The announcement of the acting cabinet is a key step in the formation of a Taliban government.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: This interim government is as hardcore Islamist as you can get. The appointment of Sarajuddin Haqqani, head of the Al-Qaeda affiliate Haqqani network, as head of the interior ministry is especially troubling. 

The complete list of ministers appointed are here .... Mohd Hassan Akhund to Lead Taliban’s 'Caretaker Govt', Mullah Baradar to be His Deputy. Details Here (News 18). 

More News On The Taliban Announcing A Hard-line Caretaker Government For Afghanistan  

Taliban name top officials as ‘acting’ leaders of new government in Afghanistan -- France 24  

Taliban name caretaker Cabinet that pays homage to old guard -- AP  

Afghanistan: Taliban announce new caretaker government -- DW  

Taliban Name New Afghan Government Amid Protests in Kabul -- Reuters  

Taliban announce hardline caretaker government for Afghanistan -- CNN  

Afghanistan: Taliban announce caretaker government, including FBI-wanted militant as minister -- SKY News  

Taliban announces formation of new government, including some ministers WANTED by US -- RT  

Taliban announce formation of caretaker Afghan government -- Axios


Anonymous said...

Meanwhile clueless dweebs are clutching their pearls and bemoaning the patriarchy in the US, while watching Handmaid's Tale.

Anonymous said...

Johnson & Johnson -- one of the "vaccine" makers now caught red-handed (again) killing the population
Here's what they were caught doing:
They added BENZENE (a cancer causing ingredient) to their sunscreens, THEN when caught, they had to pull it from the shelves
BUT.. get this: Johnson and Johson makes most of their money through cancer-therapeutics.. treating leukemia, which -- as you guesses it - is mostly caused by Benzenes.


They are murdering us, then profiteering of our diseases
The "vaccines" are just the latest game in this soft kill of our population

Watch (21min in):

The same with Purdue Pharma.. a privately held pharmaceutical company.. the current head of the FDA (another woman) pushed for Oxicotin drugs to be made available to children! Over the years, the FDA has caused an opioid epidemic in the USA, together with Purdue Pharma -- while the Afghanistan war went on and they (Afghanistan) under the military boot of the US became the biggest opioid producer in the World.. look at the opium production chart once the US got into Afghanistan. Straight up by hundreds if not thousands of percent increase.

They are killing you.
They are the modern equivalent of narco terrorists.
They team up with your local authorities. All legal, and then give the FDA and other bodies kickbacks.
Purdue Pharma just got off free, no penalties to pay for tens of thousands of dead in the USA thanks to their drugs. Same with the vaccines.

The FDA used to be a labeling agency. They only put simple labels on foods. If the price was right.
Now they do it with pharmaceuticals.

It is a mix of deep state, facism and corporations that push anything from drugs to digital slavery, physical, spiritual and mind control on you. Propagated through media channels like CNN, run by absolute scum, drug taking sexual deviants who then lecture US on our sins.

If you don't see what this is, how deep the rot is.. then I don't know.. maybe we deserve this.. slavery under the disguise of "democracy" with rigged elections, drugs that soft kill you and much of the West, while they promote a neoMarxist future run by the Chinese corporate criminals cartels, merging with our criminals.

It will be hell on Earth if we do not turn this around, clean house at the FBI, FDA, CIA and all these geospatial intelligence groups that enslave us and watch our every move, against the law.

Anonymous said...

12:33 Let me guess. You never took chemistry. The contamination could be the result of a side reaction. With almost any chemical process you get side reactions. You can cut down on side reaction, but it costs. Cutting down on side reactions is why pharmaceutical grade drugs cost more than ones a vet uses.

Notice how it was not the government that caught the problem.

This could have been happening in the 70s and 80s, but not as much testing was done.

It could be drift or dumbing down of the work force.

"Multiple studies in the past few months have documented the widespread occurrence of concerning contaminants in personal care products

In May, Valisure, an independent pharmacy and laboratory, tested sunscreen sprays and lotions and detected high levels of benzene in 78 of nearly 300 popular sunscreens and after-sun products. The lab petitioned the Food and Drug Administration to recall these contaminated batches."


What does high level mean? Notice the news reporters (news jerks) do not define it in grams per liter or grams per kilogram or whatever the measure is.

Point is all 300 sunscreens may have had benzene. It just depends to what level you want to test or can test. We don't appear to have a Chem E here. Pity.

WNU's brother is involved in manufacturing in the industry . He would have insight.

I am willing to bet that if you tested Russia, Chinese or European products, you would find the same thing.

In manufacturing you are always going form one emergency to another and equipment is always drifting. Calibration is hard, because there is so much to calibrate.

High cost of living is not solely due to more people or government tax greed but also the quality level of the products you want.

Anonymous said...

1248 wrong, try again :)

Anonymous said...

About 28min in you can hear a nurse working in the ICU (intensive care unit) that treats covid patients only. Her message: Do not believe the lies. MOST people in serious trouble are the ones who are vaccinated.


We need to stop silencing scientists and care givers. They are quitting their jobs because THEY do not even want the jab. The biggest group of "vaccine hesitants" (read: people who do not want to be coerced in taking unsafe drugs) are PhDs, nurses, doctors, care givers, in short: people who know that this is not a normal "vaccine"

Those corporations, media ghouls who push these drugs WILL be held accountable to the fullest extent of the law. No court will protect you from what's coming. No police force will be big enough to give cover to people who have participated in this violation of the Nuremberg codes, plundering of our wealth and taking of our rights while dishing out heap loads of terror.

At the 32min mark you can even see a famous sport manager say the same.

It's OVER.
Do not take these drugs. Live and be part of the lawsuits and the new government that will be formed from the ashes of what's going to be left over.

Keep participating in this and experience the full wrath of longgggg-overdue justice!

Anonymous said...

105 wrong, try again :)

Anonymous said...

If you don't have anything to say about this biggest crime in human history, just please stay out of this. You're not helping anyone@120pm

Anonymous said...

Biggest crime in human history and you refuse to give your name to your post for the cause. What a scheissmeister!

Anonymous said...

do not trust the vaccines? do not take
Trust them? take
compare death rates and those stats are not lies. They come from multiple sources.
the three anti-vaccine radio guys? did not take. all three dead...see a trend?

Jac said...

I'm sorry for talking about the subject: this Taliban government is clearly a terrorist one. The funny part is general Milley telling we can cooperate with it for fighting terrorism. A very poor administration.

Anonymous said...

Der English Professor's logic is as flawless as grammar.

A risk benefit analysis would tend to taking the vaccine, if you are diabetic, obese or elderly.

The vaccines given still have not been fully approved by the FDA after 9 months of use. Der English professor (2:24) will not debate. He will resort to calling names, moving goal posts, or switching topics. So I will answer the 1st statement of this paragraph. The vaccine are given under EUA are not fully approved.

Anonymous said...

And what has a name to do with an argument?

Listen to what's being said

And the vaccines kill perfectly healthy people. People die of the flu every year. Those who take the flu shots die too. Those who take covid "vaccines" die at higher rate when catching covid and can at any time die from the compounding damages these unsafe drugs are causing.

These people will be brought to justice no matter how much you root for medical terror and violation of Nuremberg codes you Nazi

B.Poster said...

A risk benefit analysis probably would lend to taking the vaccine if one is diabetic, obese, or elderly. As I've always said, each person needs to prayerfully consider their unique situations and act accordingly. I do not offer medical advice.

As for the young and healthy forcing a risky vaccine whose long range effects aren't fully understood seems reckless and unwise.

"Risk benefit analysis" there's a concept that humans do every day. If we approached everything the same way our government has approached COVID-19, I think our species would be extinct. We'd have never left the caves to find food and water!!

If this pandemic follows historical patterns and at this point there's no reason to think it won't, we'll be out of it by mid 2023 at the latest. As such, it seems foolish to force a vaccine on people that has been shown to have greater than normal risk for a vaccine and whose long range effects aren't fully understood. Yet they rush forward eyes wide shut with extreme enthusiasm to force this on people. It certainly does raise legitimate questions as to what they're up to.

Anonymous said...

"And what has a name to do with an argument?"

Bot Troll #FAIL

Anonymous said...

The irony..453pm complaining about people writing without their name and he/she/ it makes the argument also without name lol

Listen to the argument

You're like cattle, being herded to taking drugs and getting branded and being locked up and killed

RussInSoCal said...

4 prisoners Obama exchanged for Bowe Berghdahl now in senior Taliban posts

"Four out of five Guantanamo detainees whom former President Barack Obama released in exchange for former U.S. Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl in 2014 now hold senior positions in the interim government created by the Taliban in Afghanistan.

According to the Afghan television network TOLOnews, the Taliban-formed government gave leadership positions to Khairullah Khairkhwa, Norullah Noori, Abdul Haq Wasiq, and Mohammad Fazl; all of whom were released in a 2014 deal between the Obama administration and the Taliban to free Bergdahl, whom the Taliban had held as a prisoner since 2009.

On Tuesday, the Taliban announced that Khairkhwa would serve as acting minister for information and culture, Noori would serve as acting minister of borders and tribal affairs, Wasiq would serve as acting director of intelligence, and Fazl would serve as deputy defense minister."

Anonymous said...

History won't be nice on any of the recent presidents, including Obama, Bush, Clinton, Biden and yes Trump. All inched you further down total tyranny, societal collapse and the great reset.

To be fair, the USA was always the prime target of the globalists. Not just because of your wealth they could plunder under the disguise of covid, senseless wars and traditional corporate greed. No.. you were targeted because of your unique rights in this world.

Your constitution, your freedom of speech, your second amendment are all in the way

In the great reset you're not allowed any of these, and no more bodily autonomy (that's why the vaccines), no more privacy (you might want to discuss politics or election outcomes) etc etc

But you were betrayed by all of them

Those who pushed the patriot act which I'd now used against Patriots(nationalists who want borders and safe elections). Why? Because nationalism must no longer exist under globalism. Neither religion.

That's why in a Christian nation Christians are targeted..

That's why they come for your guns

That's why they try to weaken the constitution

That's why they teach you your history and achievements are racist. They want you not to fight for your heritage or country.

They don't even teach you that the word slave comes from the Slavs, the Easter European and Eurasians who were so often enslaved by the moors (the muslims including from north Africa)..

They completely inverse reality. They change history. They completely ignore that the only race which died to end slavery was the white race. It's so obscene what the left does.. they don't realise their ignorance is meant to usher in the great reset so you don't put up a fight defending your proud and accomplished history

Here's an easy prediction: round up the World economic forum and Davos group great reset pushers and the pandemic will go away and with it the tyranny and the great reset. Trial them. Then punish them under the law. Nothing illegal ofc

Anonymous said...

GRU is hard at it.