Sunday, September 12, 2021

The Burqa Is Back At Kabul University

About 300 women - covered head-to-toe in accordance with strict new dress policies for education - waved Taliban flags as speakers (pictured) railed against the West and expressed support for the Islamists' policies

Pictured: Afghan students listen to women speakers prior to their pro-Taliban rally outside the Shaheed Rabbani Education University in Kabul, Afghanistan, 11 September 2021  

Daily Mail: Hundreds of pro-Taliban Afghan women attend lecture at Kabul university in full-face veils in support of the new regime's hardline policies on gender segregation 

* About 300 totally covered women waved flags as speakers railed against West 

* Handful wore Afghanistan's traditional blue burqas with small mesh windows 

* Women's rights in Afghanistan were sharply curtailed under Taliban's last rule 

* This time, women will be allowed to attend university as long as classes are segregated by sex or at least divided by a curtain, the Taliban have said 

Hundreds of pro-Taliban Afghan women attended a lecture at Kabul university today wearing in full-face veils in support of the new regime's hardline policies on gender segregation. 

About 300 women - covered head-to-toe in accordance with strict new dress policies for education - waved white Taliban flags as speakers railed against the West and expressed support for the Islamists' policies. 

A handful wore blue burqas, which have only a small mesh window to see from, but most wore black niqabs covering most of the face apart from the eyes. Many also wore black gloves.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: I give it a year before most Afghan women will be wearing a burqa when they go outside their homes. In the meantime this Taliban minister believes women should stay home and have babies .... 'A woman can't be a minister - they should give birth': Taliban dismiss the idea of female ministers as they 'prepare to hold government inauguration on 9/11 to TROLL the US' (The Taliban).


Anonymous said...

The cave men are back.

Anonymous said...

All the American college students who are sooooooo concerned about the feelings of islam as it relates to 911. ahahahahahahaha. sure lets not offend the taliban. hahahahahahahahahha. American educators are a joke, the only thing is it is not really funny.
