Wednesday, September 8, 2021

The New Afghan Prime Minister Was Involved In The Dstruction Of The Bamyan Budha Statues

WNU Editor: Mullah M Hassan Akhund was not the one who gave the order. It was the head of the Taliban himself Mullah Omar who did. (more here). But with Afghanistan now under the rule of the Taliban, it is a guarantee that every historical artifact that has been restored or found is at great risk.


Anonymous said...

as with the historical monuments in America. The Taliban/Regressives have to wipe the historical slate clean in order to properly habituate their slaves.


Anonymous said...

That is one of the two major problems with islam. It is any achievements of your ancestors before the coming of islam are worthless and are from the dark, ignorant times. I cannot abide by it.

The Uighurs were Buddhist before becoming muslim. They created many Buddhist works of art, but now they believe those were made by people who lived in the Tarim Basin before them. That is just wrong. Islam is wrong.

Anonymous said...

After being converted to Islam, the descendants of the previously Buddhist Uyghurs in Turfan failed to retain memory of their ancestral legacy and falsely believed that the "infidel Kalmuks" (Dzungars) were the ones who built Buddhist structures in their area.[174]

Anonymous said...

Uighur Buddhism: a lost art