Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Top Pentagon Officials Contradict President Biden's Remarks On Afghanistan During U.S. Senate Hearings


Daily Mail: Milley tells Congress US credibility has been damaged by Biden's Afghan withdrawal: Gen. Frank McKenzie warned administration to keep troops in Kabul to avoid a Taliban takeover and Austin blames local soldiers for 'melting away' 

* Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs Mark Milley testify before the Senate Armed Services Committee Tuesday 

* The appearance marks the first time the Pentagon leaders have publicly testified since the U.S. completed its withdrawal from Afghanistan 

* The two leaders will then testify before the House Armed Services Committee on Wednesday 

* Gen. Frank McKenzie, who as head of Central Command oversaw the withdrawal, will testify as well 

* The leaders are expected to face sharp questions about the chaotic pullout and whether they anticipated the Taliban's rapid takeover of the country 

The nation's top military commander told senators on Tuesday that U.S. credibility had been 'damaged by President Biden's hasty exit from Afghanistan. 

In his first congressional testimony on the withdrawal, Gen. Mark Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said his view had long been that leaving the country, without meeting specific conditions, would likely lead to the collapse of the Afghan armed forces and government.

Milley was speaking alongside the secretary of defense and the top U.S. commander in the region at the start of two days of intense questioning about the tumultuous withdrawal.  

Read more ....


More News On Today's Senate Hearings With Top Pentagon Officials  

Live Updates: Top military leaders testify on Afghanistan for first time since withdrawal -- CNN  

Milley defends China calls and says ‘I am certain Trump did not intend to attack the Chinese’ – live -- The Guardian  

Austin, Milley and McKenzie Testify: Senate Armed Services Committee Live Updates -- New York Times  

Joint Chiefs chairman calls Afghan war a "strategic failure" -- AP  

Afghan army collapse 'took us all by surprise,' U.S. defense secretary -- Reuters  

Top Pentagon officials contradict Biden on Afghanistan advice -- Politico  

Top generals contradict Biden, say they advised leaving 2,500 troops in Afghanistan -- The Hill  

Top generals contradict Biden, say they urged him not to withdraw from Afghanistan -- Politico  

Milley, McKenzie say they recommended 2,500 troops stay in Afghanistan, after Biden claims he was never told -- FOX News  

Pentagon brass reveal Biden ignored troop recommendations on Afghanistan -- Washington Examiner  

Austin, Milley Insist No One Foresaw Kabul’s Quick Fall; Some Senators Are Dubious -- Defense One

Afghanistan: Al-Qaeda could threaten US in a year - US general -- BBC


Anonymous said...

Biden did what TYrump said he would do but had failed to do

Anonymous said...

Joe ended a miserable war Americans wanted out of.

Trump failed to do this because he got rolled by the generals.

President Biden succeeded where Trump failed. Joe has my vote in 2024. Keep up the good work sir.

RussInSoCal said...

Biden created a disaster out of whole cloth. Biden lied about the advice and recommendations he received form his generals. Biden lied about his ministrations to not leave Americans behind. Biden lied about the murderous airstrike that killed 7 children. Biden Lied about the "vetting of Afghan evacuees".

When Biden speaks, it's lies.

So keep on rimming this sad, senile sociopath. The rest of us will continue to catalogue his treasons.

Anonymous said...

Trump could've gotten out before the election, but he's such a vain pussy that he caved when the generals told him it would look bad. Anyway we left it was going to look bad and be bad. There was no good or easy way to leave.

That's when leaders with backbone make a tough call and see it through. That's what Joe did. You seem to be having a hard time dealing with reality.

Joe has my vote in 2024, add it to the 7 million he won by last time.

Anonymous said...

Wow, 3 troll posts above out of a total of 4 posts. TPTB must be scared.

Biden lied, people died.

RussInSoCal said...

LOL. Deluded quislings remain steadfast in their love of their senile sociopathic cult leader currently posing as POTUS.

Anonymous said...

Project much?

Anonymous said...

NEW! Gift this article to share free access

When The Washington Post Fact Checker team first started cataloguing President Donald Trump’s false or misleading claims, we recorded 492 suspect claims in the first 100 days of his presidency. On Nov. 2 alone, the day before the 2020 vote, Trump made 503 false or misleading claims as he barnstormed across the country in a desperate effort to win reelection.

This astonishing jump in falsehoods is the story of Trump’s tumultuous reign. By the end of his term, Trump had accumulated 30,573 untruths during his presidency — averaging about 21 erroneous claims a day.

What is especially striking is how the tsunami of untruths kept rising the longer he served as president and became increasingly unmoored from the truth.

Trump averaged about six claims a day in his first year as president, 16 claims day in his second year, 22 claims day in this third year — and 39 claims a day in his final year. Put another way, it took him 27 months to reach 10,000 claims and an additional 14 months to reach 20,000. He then exceeded the 30,000 mark less than five months later.

Read our full report on the database.
See the pace of Trump’s false claims in this amazing visual graphic.
Visit the Trump claims database website and explore it. The database has an extremely fast search engine that will quickly locate suspect statements made by Trump. Readers can also isolate claims by time period, subject or venue.

The fact checks in the database amount to about 5 million words and many include links to sources that debunk Trump’s statements.

The Trump claims database was nominated by the Arthur L. Carter Journalism Institute at New York University for inclusion in a list of the Top Ten Works of Journalism of the Decade. “The project is a sterling example of what journalists should do — holding the powerful accountable by using reporting and facts,” the nomination said.

Anonymous said...

The 15 most notable lies of Donald Trump's presidency -

Anonymous said...

Here's A Running List Of President Trump's Lies And Other Bullshit

Anonymous said...

Trump Lies | NRDC

Anonymous said...

Trump LIES to Everyone, about Anything, ALL THE TIME!

Anonymous said...

'Biden lied to America'

Gens. Milley and McKenzie say they DID advise him to keep 2,500 troops in Afghanistan - weeks after he said they didn't

Anonymous said...

Biden is getting smeared on Daily Mail comments section. He will be down another 1 or 2 points by Friday.

Right now The Regime is just hoping to make it to Thanksgiving so they can hide from the press until after the 1st of the year.

Biden will take December 17th through January 2nd off for vacay.

Anonymous said...

"... who didn’t lie and didn’t cause this disaster."

Well, you are right about that. Trump is so full of shit he never knew the truth. About anything. Can't lie if you just make everything up out of your ass.

Anonymous said...

4:46 all ASSsertion & no fact

RussInSoCal said...

I think 4:46 is getting a little testy. The trouble with progressives and their worship of Biden is that the lies Biden tells are documented. While their accusations against big bad orange man are just media spin and agitprop.

Like the last four years when a new fake “bombshell” fizzled out just about every week.

Keep digging, fool. ; )

Anonymous said...

Here is a headline for the troll that drools.

"Cancel Christmas? Electricity Shortages in China Wreak Havoc on Supply Chains"

Anonymous said...

Getting a little sensitive are we!

Anonymous said...

That's your specialty!

Anonymous said...

Russ, I think it's fun to watch Lapides and his little band (the Libs) try to wiggle out of the latest!

Anonymous said...

I am of the impression that during the Trump administration historical records were set for employment of many Americans who had not experienced employment in the past. Do you find that to be true, 2:37? You should no matter what rag you read.
And by the way...why don't you tell us you like joe even more because his support is falling? I like joe because I feel he is a disaster for the likes of two reefers nancey, the most honest man in US history addie schiff, roly poly nad-ler, etc., and the political party their behavior soils.
