Thursday, September 9, 2021

U.S. Covid Cases Continue To Climb

The U.S. recorded 261,683 new cases of COVID-19 on Tuesday with a seven-day rolling average of 154,553, a 90% increase from the 137,058 average reported August 17, which is about two-thirds the spike of 269% reported three weeks ago

On Tuesday, 1,513 virus-related deaths were recorded with a seven-day rolling average, a 107% increase from the 710 average three weeks prior, which is a also a drop in the growth rate  

Daily Mail: Number of COVID-19 cases has risen 90% in the last three weeks - but the rate of increase has slowed to its lowest since early July: Experts warn surge of Labor Day weekend infections 

* The U.S. recorded 261,683 new cases of COVID-19 on Tuesday with a seven-day rolling average of 154,553, a 90% increase from the 137,058 average reported August 17 

* Three weeks ago, the country was reporting steeper increases with a 269% spike in the seven-day rolling average at the time 

* On Tuesday, 1,513 virus-related deaths were recorded with a seven-day rolling average, a 107% increase from the 710 average three weeks prior, which is a also a drop in the growth rate 

* Nearly half of U.S. states have seen Covid infections either decline or hold steady over the last week 

* Experts fear that the country will see a spike in cases following Labor Day weekend similar to the one that occurred after the Fourth of July 

Coronavirus cases are continuing to rise across the U.S. but the rate of infections is showing signs of slowing, which could mean that the fourth wave of the pandemic is coming to an end. 

On Tuesday, officials recorded 261,683 new cases of COVID-19 with a seven-day rolling average of 154,553, according to data from Johns Hopkins University. 

This means that although the overall number of infections has risen, the growth rate of new cases has significantly slowed to the lowest since early July.  

Read more ....  

Update: Daily US COVID cases up more than 300% from Labor Day last year (Daily News)  

WNU Editor: 261,683 new cases of COVID-19 and 2,226 Covid deaths were recorded in the U.S. on Tuesday.


Jac said...

The Biden administration his not doing as good as the Trump one....even with a vaccine the Trump one has not!

Anonymous said...

Jac, they're by definition not vaccines but at best therapeutics, and more and more likely a binary attack, making the virus out there mutate in the direction they can program through mRNA biological pressure

And even if they were vaccines, look at this.. that's not normal for a vaccine:

Now even parts of the US government starts to doubt the vaccines; from the Governor of West Virginia

"West Virginia is seeing

- a 26% increase in positive cases in people who are fully vaccinated
- AND a 21% increase in breakthrough infections that require hospitalisations in people who are fully vaccinated
- AND a 25% increase in death in the fully vaccinated over the last 8 weeks"

Anonymous said...

12:48 AM

Try harder. Trying to use these statistics to prove your conspiracy theory is fallacy.

Anonymous said...

What's wrong about the data?
You don't have to believe in the great reset, it'll happen even if you think it's not real. In fact they bet on people like you.

Anonymous said...

How fucking dumb can you get?
check states highly vaccinated
check states not well vaccinated
check deaths of those without and with vaccines
check those with vaccines going and leaving hospitals versus those without vaccines going to hospitals
check those fully vaccinated, getting covid, and quickly recovering
ask why Trump and the editor of this site are vaccinated

Anonymous said...

Good ole Fred Lapides (8:31) throwing out a bunch of accusation and always light on the statistics. The most statistics you will get from him is a one from a cherry picked article that he copy and pastes.

Here is an article Fred. Criticize it, if you can in your own words.

Is COVID a Pandemic of the Unvaccinated? Not Quite.
By Brian C.Joondeph, MD

Pro Tip: MD stands for Medical Doctor

You could compare COVID death rates Israel, the most vaccinated country, to Sweden.

I submit that some one we all know is more like a dog than a wolf. Scientist will give a wolves puzzles to solve to figure out their IQ. They will turn around and give the same test to dogs. Dogs will work at it a little while and then sit down and wait for a human to solve it for them. Who here has scientific shamans?

fred said...

t’s one thing to test a vaccine, and another to see it in action in the real world. More than two months after the first vaccines were authorized in the U.K. and U.S., strong data have emerged showing that the shots are doing what they are supposed to do: protect people from COVID-19.

In a study published Feb. 24 in the New England Journal of Medicine, researchers in Israel and the U.S. report that the vaccine made by Pfizer-BioNTech was highly effective in protecting against infection with the COVID-19 virus, lowering people’s chances of getting sick with the disease—especially severe disease—and dropping COVID-19 hospitalization rates. The data, says Marc Lipsitch, professor of epidemiology at the Harvard T. H. Chan School of Public Health and co-author of the paper, are “close to the best possible news.”

In a separate pre-print study published in the Lancet on Feb. 19 that hasn’t yet been peer reviewed, health officials in Scotland also reported that vaccination with either the Pfizer-BioNTech or AstraZeneca shot was helping to lower hospitalization rates due to COVID-19 in the country. Those results were especially encouraging, they said, because they showed that even a single dose of either vaccine was 85% to 94% effective in reducing COVID-19 hospitalization within a little more than a month after the first shot (the recommended dose is two shots of either vaccine).

The findings are a real-world harbinger of what the world can expect as more people get vaccinated and throw up a wall of immunity against the virus. Israel may lead the way in providing hints of where the pandemic is headed. With a unique nationally coordinated system for vaccinating people, and a tight connection between who gets the shots and their health records, the country is a scientist’s ideal study group. In the NEJM study, researchers included data from nearly 600,000 vaccinated people, and compared them to a similarly sized group of people who hadn’t gotten the vaccine. After two doses, the vaccine, it turned out, was 92% effective in preventing infection and, among those who did get infected, 92% effective in protecting against COVID-19 symptoms, 92% effective in protecting against severe disease, and 87% effective in protecting people from needing hospitalization for COVID-19.

The results mirror those found by Pfizer and BioNTech in their late-stage study of 44,000 people, which also showed the vaccine could dramatically reduce the risk of COVID-19 illness, especially severe disease. But having real world data further bolsters that effectiveness data, and could go a long way toward addressing some of the reluctance people feel about getting the shot because it was developed and tested so quickly.

As encouraging as the results are, Lipsitch says they still don’t answer an important question about the protection that vaccines provide: how long that protection, or immunity, lasts. “We still don’t know how good that vaccine is three month out, or six months out,” he says. That’s where the unique situation in Israel may also shed some light in coming months. If similar studies continue, researchers can monitor any changes in vaccinate people’s antibody levels and get an idea of whether protection against the COVID-virus is waning, or remains strong. “There is lots of reason to believe that it’s going to be good based on what we know about immunology and the durability of immune responses to vaccines,” he says. But more data will be needed to confirm that.

fred said...

Covid: CDC study shows unvaccinated people 29 times more likely to be hospitalized
--- Vaccinated vs Unvaccinated: What Are the Risks? - Scripps Health
--These Israeli COVID-19 graphs prove Pfizer vaccine works - Israel News -
---How We Know That the COVID-19 Vaccines Work | Office for Science and Society - McGill University
--Vaccines Work!

Anonymous said...

Fred is a liar.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Have you noticed that FRED always sides with the Democrat and deep state party narrative?

He believed in the Russia collusion for all of the three years it went on. I saw him argue on this blog Trump is a Russian asset, he believed the pee tape, he believed everything.

And do you notice he never has an original, state critical thought? Always in agreement with the state. Always.

Something doesn't make sense. You cannot be that dumb, 90 years old, take the vaccines, survive and then talk other people into taking them WHILE the governor of west Virginia just confirmed what thousands of scientists are screaming

Scientist?Fred goes.. unless they're on CNN they're not scientists lol

This fck face moron gets EVERYTHING wrong

I doubt he's American and I doubt he's 90 years old

Fred said...

my kid, when 5, was smart enough to know that calling someone simply a liar was hardly a mature way to answer the call for statistics that you asked for and I posted for you. Ok. If am lying, show wherein these statistics there is a lie! Go ahead and show what a dumb person, a name-calling misfit you truly are. Show the lies in the stats you have asked for. Now. Here.
Your DNA sure makes itself known by your childish name-calling

Anonymous said...

Fred's kid outsmarted him at 5yrs old

Now that I believe

fred said...

Scientist?Fred goes.. unless they're on CNN they're not scientists lol

This fck face moron gets EVERYTHING wrong

I doubt he's American and I doubt he's 90 years old

ps: you are right! I am not 90...I am now 92

Anonymous said...

Fred, my apologies.. of the hundreds of posts I made here, it is only rare that I call you bad names.. I am the one who called you little parrot endearingly :)

I am just frustrated with you, I mean no disrespect.
I have posted dozens(!) of links to official data, including the just released data from West Virginia government that shows in the clearest terms that the vaccines do a) not work, b) do not give you immunity, c) do not stop the spread, d) cause unknown long-term damage to the population, e) have already killed tens of thousands and injured hundreds of thousands

When will you address all the previous posts?

You say "show the data", well I did, on dozen of occasions.

YOU, my dear sweet little parrot, just don't want to hear it. You pick and choose what to copy and paste from the MSM and you ignore all the rest.

Which means you are an authoritarian boot licking parrot :) 92 or not, you are far far behind, or just regressing, which is fine, but please do not lecture us on science. I actually have two science degrees, have worked with viral vectors, have worked with genetically modified organisms, have used masks in the lab proper... have you?

So please.. you are not qualified for this discussion and have not once addressed the dozen of data points I posted prior

Either way, I don't mean to disrespect you, I am just so frustrated with you because what you post here actually hurts and kills people in real life - or at least lets THEIR lies continue to live. You are the mouth piece of the state that robs everyone blind

Anonymous said...

"In a separate pre-print study published in the Lancet on Feb. 19 that hasn’t yet been peer reviewed ..." - Pasted by Fred

The Lancet is authoritative?

The Lancet Retracts Hydroxychloroquine Study

"The online medical journal The Lancet has apologized to readers after retracting a study that said the anti-malarial drug hydroxychloroquine did not help to curb COVID-19 and might cause death in patients."

Who were Fred's shamans to be honored, cherish and protected from criticism?

Mandeep R Mehra, MD, Sapan S Desai, MD, Frank Ruschitzka, MD, Amit N Patel, MD, and to the editor, Dr. Richard Horton.

He did not know whop they were, but since they were on the Democrats side, he defended them to the hilt and set yup devotional shrines to them.

Fred still has not answered Doctor Joondepth criticism of the comparison of vax versus non vaxed cases.

Fred's kid was smart enough? So I guess the other 2 are as dumb as Fred. It is important to stay in character and remember your legend.

BTW I posted at 9:02 and I did not call you any names or use any cuss words. Og wait, I called you "Good Ole Fred" ! The horror, the horror, the horror.

Word to the wise. Never ... Ever... call Fred ... Good ole Fred.

Anonymous said...

It's so sad
Our society suffers so much because of these idiots who don't know any science, have not ever worked in the lab, have never genetically altered an organism but want to tell you that masks work and that this "vaccine" is safe

I could literally invite Fred to my laboratory, show him the PCR test and explain to him what it does and how the cycle threshold was purposefully set too high to produce false positives

I could tell him what its inventor Dr. Mullis had to say about all this, but unless it comes from "authoritative sources"(CNN,NyTimes) he will not believe it.

He will stand in my lab and call me ignorant or vaccine skeptic

We are kept hostage by morons who are used as tools to destroy society. It's not a joke anymore, it's horrifying and if the MSM doesn't relent with their lies we must consider taking them down. It's our countries and futures at stake and these know nothings ruin us!

Anonymous said...

Cat got Good Ole Fred's tongue. He is speechless.

or his mimeograph ran out of ink!