Tuesday, September 21, 2021

U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin Orders Air Force IG To Probe Kabul Drone Strike That Killed 10 Civilians

U.S. Air Force Lt. Gen. Sami D. Said, Inspector General of the Air Force, visited members of the Air Force Inspection Agency at Kirtland Air Force Base, N.M., July 26, 2019. (Kimberly Nagle/U.S. Air Force)  

Daily Mail: Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin orders Air Force IG to probe botched Kabul drone strike that killed seven children and three innocent adults - and gives him 45 days to report findings 

* Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin directed the Air Force inspector general to review probe that found 10 innocent Afghans were killed in a U.S. drone strike 

* The strike on August 29 was aimed at taking out an ISIS fighter 

* A bombshell report reveals that the the CIA issued a warning that children may be at the scene of the strike in Kabul just seconds before the missile hit the car 

* Reports also emerged indicating that the driver of the targeted vehicle was a longtime employee at a U.S. humanitarian organization 

* 'This particular strike certainly was a terrible mistake and we certainly regret that,' head of Central Command, General Frank McKenzie, said Friday 

* President Joe Biden is also calling for a 'thorough' probe of the botched strike 

The Pentagon named on Tuesday the Air Force inspector general to review the investigation that found the U.S.'s August 29 drone strike killed 10 innocent Afghan civilians, including seven children – and not an Islamic State fighter. 

Lieutenant General Sami Said will conduct a review of the U.S. Central Command’s probe of the strike in Kabul to consider whether any disciplinary action at the military-level is warranted.  

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More News On The U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin Ordering The Air Force IG To Probe Kabul Drone Strike That Killed 10 Civilians  

Air Force Secretary Taps Watchdog to Weigh Accountability in Botched Kabul Airstrike -- Military.com  

Air Force IG to lead investigation into Kabul drone strike that killed civilians -- Miltiary Times  

Pentagon chief orders review of deadly drone strike in Afghanistan -- The Hill 

Air Force inspector general to lead review of August Kabul airstrike that killed 10 civilians -- CNN  

Air Force IG to investigate Kabul drone strike that killed 7 children -- FOX News


Jac said...

The blame will be on climate change....and Trump.

Anonymous said...

A report will come out in 6 months blaming no one in particular, nobody will lose their job. Murdering kids doesn't matter if politicians order it while scared. Their fear of appearing weak is justification enough.

Anonymous said...

While they're at it, how bout a "thorough probe" into Joe and Hunter's past relationships with China? Kind of a 2 for 1 thing.

Anonymous said...

How about investigating the ongoing coup and demolishing of nation states and our existing systems for the great reset and the neo Marxist future that want for us do they can remain at the top, while they kill the rest of us?
How about investigating that!??

No no.. you go investigate your already concluded CYA side show while you sit by and watch everyone being enslaved in a nightmarish totalitarian system that will decide if you live or die, based on how you vote and think.
You're standing by while hell on earth spreads and you do you charade of justice.

Look I'm all for getting justice for the families of the innocent these people killed. But until we realise that they're out of control evil people who stand by while so much more evil happens and then pretend they care about that couple of families they bombed.. forgive me if I'm cynical.

How do we know that we're not ruled by aliens?

They act inhumane
All they do is destroy life and hold mankind back

Just who, what kind of demonic entity is in charge?

What is this?

I'm not a believer in the bible and the end times, but I've also never seen so much evil at once, and it hasn't even started yet if you don't stand up and (peacefully) get rid of these absolute demonic tyrants and reject what they do. All of it. They sell you hope.. they sell you even hope for accountability and sure if we yell loud enough they'll kick some major..

But the evil comes from them. Not some low ranking dude who thought he'd fight evil. They mislead that guy. They start entire wars under false pretexts. Then they turn around and call all of us dissidents if we dare to ask questions..

I ask again

How do we know for sure we are not ruled by aliens? Or an inhumane entity that does nothing but spread death destruction, misery and chaos?
If the outcome is the same as if sinister aliens or psychopaths ruled the earth, isn't it everyone's duty to peacefully call for a change?
Just asking for a friend^_^
Me personally, I love the tyranny lol
Hail Biden!! Hail Pelosi!!