Friday, September 3, 2021

US Director of National Intelligence Intervenes To Block State Secrets In Saudi Crown Prince's Dispute With A Former Saudi Official

Avril Haines, the new director of national intelligence. Claire Harbage/NPR 

 CNN: US intelligence chief intervenes to block state secrets in Saudi Crown Prince's feud with former Saudi official 

Washington (CNN)The US Director of National Intelligence has made an extraordinary intervention in a federal court case brought against a top former Saudi intelligence official, invoking the rarely used state secrets privilege to stop classified information from coming out that could cause "exceptionally grave" harm to US national security. 

The declaration by Director Avril Haines was submitted on Friday to the Massachusetts District Court and says it is "based upon my own knowledge" of what could be revealed in the civil case brought by a state-owned Saudi holding company against former Saudi counterterrorism official Saad Aljabri, who claims Saudi Arabia's Crown Prince has tried to kill him and whose children are being held in the Kingdom.  

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WNU Editor: Those documents must be very sensitive for the US Director of National Intelligence to intervene in this class.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Do Saudi charities give money to terrorists groups? How much? How much does the Saudi intel know?

Does Saudi intel assist terror groups?

Americans raise money for the IRA or have in the past. How much the the FBI or CIA know?

How comparable are the two?

America should be free of Saudi oil and ensure that its NATO and East Asian allies are as well, so we do not have to strike any Faustian bargains.

The only other reason to be 'friends' with the Saudis, if they are helping terrorists is Iran. If Iran is no longer a threat, then putting up with terror financing is not necessary.

But Langley and the Pentagon are super dumb. They look away as Qatar finances terror big time, because Qatar gave them an airbase. There are only 6 other bases in the region, so why turn a blind eye?

I refuse to believe Haines is smarter or more knowledgeable than the rest of us. Proof must be given.