Thursday, September 2, 2021

US Dismisses Beijing's New Demand That All Foreign Ships Entering The South China Sea Must Rregister With Chinese Maritime Authorities

A Royal Malaysian Navy vessel fires a missile during a military exercise in the South China Sea on August 12. Malaysia is among the nations that have competing claims with China in the resource-rich waters. Photo: DPA 

 SCMP: US says new Chinese rule that vessels register for South China Sea access threatens freedom of navigation 

The Pentagon on Wednesday appeared to dismiss Beijing's new demand that all foreign ships entering the South China Sea must register with Chinese maritime authorities, calling it a "serious threat" to freedom of navigation and trade. 

"The United States remains firm that any coastal state law or regulation must not infringe upon navigation and overflight rights enjoyed by all nations under international law," said John Supple, a Pentagon spokesman, in response to questions about China's decree this week. 

"Unlawful and sweeping maritime claims, including in the South China Sea, pose a serious threat to the freedom of the seas, including the freedoms of navigation and overflight, free trade and unimpeded lawful commerce, and the rights and interests of South China Sea and other littoral nations," he said.

Read more ....  

Update: "Serious Threat": Pentagon Blasts Beijing's Demand That All Ships In South China Sea Register (Zero Hedge)  

WNU Editor: The question that is not being asked is what will the U.S. do if China starts enforcing its rules. My guess is that besides increasing freedom of navigation trips, not much. At least that is what China is banking on.


Anonymous said...

All foreign ships registering might be a hypothetical to Ned Price, Jake Sullivan, General Vanilley, but it is not to me. I have transited the South China Sea on a merchant ship. I lost a classmate there as well.

I miss Trump.

Campbell Soup for Brains Biden is a non-entity. He is no longer home.

Jac said...

You have a point: China has seen that Biden is not able to pull the trigger even to protect his troops.
This is terrifying because China feels comforted in its aggressiveness and it is dangerous.
Biden is more than a disaster.

Anonymous said...

Biden could not pull the trigger when he was healthy.

Now that he is mentally compromised he still cannot pull the trigger.

China knows Biden will never pull the trigger.

China knows if it comes to it, it will take time to pull the trigger, because Klain, Obama, Sullivan will have to get permission from the rest of the cabal. That takes a lot of time.

Anonymous said...

The war hawks here lol

The only people who benefit from war are the corporations, the bankers and the corrupt.

You will lose everything.
Don't let them talk you into it is my advice.

Realise this:we have a chance to clear house considering the crimes the government has committed by coercing people in so many ways to take a drug.

What they want is to either vaccinate enough people so that the remaining class cannot be used as control group to show natural immunity was way better and open up the trillions worth in lawsuits, conducting this human experiment on a scale even Hitler, stalin or mayo wouldn't have dared.

And if they can't have that, then they'll distract us with a war, whatever gets them the great reset

Anonymous said...

War 4 all fool's

Anonymous said...

go 2 hell