Friday, September 3, 2021

U.S. Military Equipment Spotted In Iran

Middle East Eye: US military equipment left behind in Afghanistan spotted in Iran: Report  

Pentagon says the military equipment left in Afghanistan was not a 'great strategic use to any force' and not a significant threat to US 

US military equipment, including armoured vehicles worth hundreds of thousands of dollars each, have reportedly been spotted in Iran following the US withdrawal from Afghanistan, several social media accounts have reported. 

Kian Sharifi, a BBC journalist focused on Iranian politics and social media, tweeted on Wednesday several photographs of Humvees and other military vehicles on a highway connecting the central city of Semnan to the city of Garmsar, southeast of the capital Tehran. 

Sharifi said the photos came from an Iranian Telegram channel, which speculated the vehicles were either sold by the Taliban to Iran, or were taken from Afghan soldiers fleeing the country after the group took over most of the country, including the capital, Kabul, last month.  

Read more ....  

Update #1: Taliban delivers US military vehicles to Iran (Arab News)  

Update #2: Report: U.S.-Funded Afghan Military Equipment Spotted in Iran (Breitbart)  

WNU Editor: Another PR coup for Iran.


Anonymous said...

Just yesterday there was a psittaciforme troll that said this didn't happen and to prove it. Such is the level of discourse with liberals.

Anonymous said...

Just like the British Bradstone Challenger, watch these get reverse engineered and mass produced and used against our allies...

Anonymous said...

I am old fashioned in such matters b ut continue to believe that getting out of there for humans more important than dragging stuff and stacking on....planes...helicopters? I recall pics of leaving Nam. We left a lot there and N. Vietnam won. Now it is big tourist spot and retirement place for
Why get a hard iron over stuff? Ah, to badmouth Binden, as though Trump would have personally boxed each thing and got it all out

Anonymous said...

3:35 Person with shit eating grin.

There is a difference between Muslims and communists.

Afghanistan's fall to the Taliban just made terrorism a real threat, again - MSNBC

So when are you going to retire to Afghanistan and play your funky music loud?

You won't. you are full of shit.

Anonymous said...

I know you are but what am I?

fazman said...

Not of strategic use ?, then why supply in the first place.

fazman said...

Trump wouldn't have left overnight , Trump would have had it all disabled or destroyed like any other non 3rd world military.
Biden thought thought he was dealing with Austria or Australia, how you defend the senile bed wetter to the end his mind boggling.

Anonymous said...

Trump had his chance to leave and got rolled by the generals because he's a coward and a pussy.

President Biden got us out. He stood strong, saw it through, and got it done. That's why he has my vote in 2024. We lost the war, who gives a damn how it looks?

Jac said...

Military stuff to Iran: that what Brain-Joe call a victory, among many other one's.....

Anonymous said...


I have a wind up tin toy soldier collection, one member of which beats a drum. Next time you post such stirring words please let me know and I'll wind up 'ol Sidney and let him/her set the tone for your next post.