Saturday, September 11, 2021

U.S. Pulls Missile Defenses From Saudi Arabia

A member of the US Airforce looks on near a Patriot missile battery at the Prince Sultan air base in al-Kharj, in central Saudi Arabia on 20 February 2020 (AFP/File photo)  

Middle East Eye: US removes advanced missile defence systems from Saudi air base: Report 

Pentagon press secretary John Kirby confirms that 'certain air defence assets' have been redeployed, even as Saudi Arabia faces continued Houthi attacks 

The United States has removed its most advanced missile defence systems from Saudi Arabia in recent weeks amid ongoing cross-border attacks levied by Yemen’s Houthi movement, The Associated Press has reported. 

The news agency analysed satellite footage of the Prince Sultan air base, which previously had a Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) unit and a missile defence system in addition to Patriot missile batteries. 

The satellite imagery, taken by Plant Labs Inc., showed that as of the end of August several of those batteries were no longer at the air base.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: The U.S. is only pushing Saudi Arabia to buy their military hardware somewhere else. 

More News On The U.S. Pulling Missile Defenses From Saudi Arabia  

US pulls missile defenses in Saudi Arabia amid Yemen attacks -- AP  

U.S. pulls missile defenses in Saudi Arabia amid Yemen attacks -- Politico  

US removes advanced missile defense system from Saudi Arabia: AP -- The Hill  

U.S. removes missile defenses from Saudi Arabia -- Axios  

US Inexplicably Pulls Patriot Missiles Out of Saudi Arabia Amid Houthi Missile and Drone Attacks -- Sputnik 

US pulls missile defences in Saudi Arabia amid Yemen attacks -- Al Jazeera


Anonymous said...

If Saudi Arabia pays for the cost above normal salary, maintenance and training, it is a good deal for the US, The US troops and the system (logistics, etc) get real life usage/training. Maybe with real life combat the Patriot or other air defenses get as good as the Iron Dome?

If they can rotate Patriot battery troops they can lesson the burden of being away from home. Sure it is nice to visit foreign countries, but at some point it becomes corrosive.

RussInSoCal said...

Leaving Saudi refineries with fewer defenses from Iranian/Houthi missile attacks accomplishes Biden's goal of increasing the cost of gasoline for US citizens.

Because that's exactly what will happen when the next barrage comes.

Anonymous said...

Putins already offering them the S-400 system, guaranteed.

Anonymous said...

More proof that Obama is president. His goal was to raise energy prices. He said electricity prices were necessarily going to sky rocket.

It is so execp0tional that Joe gives a speech during prime time in the evening that you know he is not in charge. Prerecorded and you do not know how many takes.

FLASHBACK: Obama Promised Electricity Costs Would Skyrocket

Electricity is not gas, but they are both base energy supply.

Anonymous said...

hundreds of billions of dollars worth of kit and KSA gets clowned by a bunch of rag-tag mountain boys armed with AK's and drones and some scuds!

KSA is a circus run by medieval dingbats. To hell with them.

Anonymous said...

"North Korean Scud C missiles were sold to Syria for around USD$3 million per copy.17 Scud B's were bought by Iraq for less than that - USD$1 million including operation ..."


A patriot missile costs 3 million per shot.

So pretty even there bucko

Stephen Davenport said...

All this over some supposed reporter getting whacked in Turkey

Anonymous said...

"by a bunch of rag-tag mountain boys armed with AK's and drones and some scuds!"

A bunch? You mean 11 million Shia/Houthis give or take 1 million. That is a lot of manpower by any estimate.

1. Shaggy or unkempt; ragged.
2. Diverse and disorderly in appearance or composition:

ragtag (ˈræɡˌtæɡ)
derogatory the common people; rabble (esp in the phrase ragtag and bobtail)

"Houthi leader Abd Al-Malik Al-Houthi declared that his forces had successfully tested a missile that could reach Abu Dhabi. In an address aired by Al-Masirah TV on September 14, Al-Houthi said that Yemenis should take their cue from North Korea, a country that succeeded in making military progress despite international pressure. He reviewed the military development of the Houthi army, focusing on the Houthi missile force, drones, anti-aircraft systems, and navy, and said that in the future, the Houthis would like to launch intensive missile attacks on Saudi Arabia and the UAE ..."

Houthi missile force

Seems like the Houthis have a command structure there, bucko. Does rag-tag really apply?

932 Bucko is lying with adjectives. He used words indiscriminately with out talking about capabilities, budgets, allies, or quantities. He is not even the sort you want to run a one pump full service gas station. A gomer for sure

Look at the missile line up supplied to the Houthis by nuclear powers Iran and DPRK?

Anonymous said...

Saudi Arabia said to have bought nukes from Pakistan

"Warheads stand ready for delivery if and when Iran goes nuclear, report says; Riyadh has the missiles needed to launch them"

Saudi Arabia ‘can get nuclear weapons from Pakistan’

Puppet Joe and el presidente Obama are making a big mistake.

Anonymous said...

"The Patriot Missile. Performance in the Gulf War Reviewed"

"During the Gulf War, the Patriot was assigned to shoot down incoming Iraqi Scud or Al-Hussein Missiles launched at Israel and Saudi Arabia. The U.S. Army which was in charge of the Patriots claimed an initial success rate of 80% in Saudi Arabia and 50% in Israel. Those claims were scaled back to 70 and 40 percent."

I'll take a 60% to 30% chance of not working compared to a 100% chance of getting hit.

That was 30 years ago. The main problem seems to be hitting the back end of the missile instead of the front end where the payload is. That can be corrected.

Anonymous said...

This was propably done in conjuction with this There are talks between Greece and Saudi Arabia for almost a year.